Javelin SuperDork
6/24/11 10:51 a.m.

We've done respite before, but yesterday we got our first actual placement. He's 2 (our age range was 0-4) and I was surprised to see him when I got home. Obviously I can't share any details, but he sat on my lap while SWMBO was making dinner and read the new GRM that was in the mailbox. He pointed to every car on every page and said "That's a car!". He's a cool little guy. Dunno how long he'll be with us, or if he'll eventually make it to adoption (our long-term goal is to adopt one).

SyntheticBlinkerFluid HalfDork
6/24/11 10:57 a.m.

Well congrats! Hope everything works out for you.

tuna55 SuperDork
6/24/11 10:57 a.m.

Congrats, man. Nice work. Enjoy it.

fastEddie SuperDork
6/24/11 11:17 a.m.

Hey, congrats!

We have two right now ourselves - 7/6 will be our 1 year anniversary with them. The boy is 2.5 and his little sister is about 20 mos old now - these are on top of our soon to be 16 yo daughter and 9 yo son.

dollraves Reader
6/24/11 11:35 a.m.

YAY! Congrats! I love kids. I've never wanted to have my own, but I've always been open to adoption. My theory, if I have kids I'm screwing them up from the start...if I foster or adopt a kid, I'm giving them a better opportunity than what they had. ;)

pete240z SuperDork
6/24/11 11:43 a.m.


We have an 8 year old we adopted years ago. Children are a blessing. She bought me a Hot Wheel for Father's Day!

pigeon Dork
6/24/11 11:48 a.m.

Congrats, and thanks for providing a warm, safe, loving home to an innocent kid who must need it badly.

MadScientistMatt Dork
6/24/11 11:55 a.m.


DILYSI Dave SuperDork
6/24/11 11:58 a.m.

We're in the final stages of the classes / paperwork / homestudy wringer ourselves. In theory the state will have our paperwork in front of them in the next few weeks and give the county approval to put us on the list within a month or so after that. How long until a placement? Who knows...

Rusted_Busted_Spit Dork
6/24/11 12:08 p.m.

Congratulations and thanks for being there for someone who really needs it.

GrantMLS Reader
6/24/11 12:10 p.m.

Very cool! We don't have any yet - but give it time, my wife is a social worker who does placements..

MrJoshua SuperDork
6/24/11 12:23 p.m.

Congrats on the placement, 2 is a really cool age.

If any of you guys are looking for an attorney who will get you placement and completion for less than the government tax credit and WAAAY less than a typical agency I can direct you to the one we used. PM me and we will talk off board.

Duke SuperDork
6/24/11 12:48 p.m.

That's great that you guys are doing this. I hope everything works out for you - best of luck!

mndsm SuperDork
6/24/11 1:52 p.m.

We looked into this ourselves and determined with the wifes' health issues, it was a bad idea. Good on you for going through with it, there are a lot of kids out there that can use the help.

Javelin SuperDork
6/24/11 4:36 p.m.

Thanks everybody! We're pretty happy (though obviously it sucks for the kids to have to be in that situation) but he seems to be doing well so far.

Besides, I've got a buddy to take to Cars 2 now!

mndsm SuperDork
6/24/11 4:37 p.m.

No better excuse to act like a child than to have one with you.

Lesley SuperDork
6/24/11 4:52 p.m.
Javelin wrote: Dunno how long he'll be with us, or if he'll eventually make it to adoption (our long-term goal is to adopt one).

Dunno if I could handle that part – what if you don't get to keep him? How gut-wrenching. Congrats though, and good on you, lucky little guy.

Javelin SuperDork
6/24/11 5:01 p.m.
Lesley wrote:
Javelin wrote: Dunno how long he'll be with us, or if he'll eventually make it to adoption (our long-term goal is to adopt one).
Dunno if I could handle that part – what if you don't get to keep him? How gut-wrenching. Congrats though, and good on you, lucky little guy.

Yeah, that's the sucky part. Hopefully though it would be because his parent(s) got their act together, which would still feel good. As it is we are just providing our home & love to a kid when he really needs it most.

Maroon92 SuperDork
6/24/11 5:59 p.m.

That's really good of you, man! I am totally not ready for kids, I still act like a kid myself. (I will still be going to Cars 2).

I appreciate the mindset that you have to have to take care of a kid, and I commend you for your commitment. The most I can commit to is my puppy. Hell, I can't even finish a car project.

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