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kazoospec SuperDork
3/5/16 9:08 p.m.

Just finished watching the last episode. Even though it's been a little flat for the last few years, I'm going to miss the weekly carnage. Favorite episode:

rusty New Reader
3/5/16 9:26 p.m.

I stopped watching several seasons ago. This last season was really good, I feel like they wanted to end with a bang. It was also nice to just go back to the two hosts.

The0retical Dork
3/5/16 11:12 p.m.

It's been running on fumes for a while so it's probably good that they end it now. I felt like the last two or three seasons were really stretching for ideas since they were utilizing idioms and movie stunts to prove or disprove. I'm sure there will be something else shortly with the cast in it to take it's place.

fasted58 UltimaDork
3/6/16 7:26 a.m.

Didn't realize it was ending. Stopped watching a while ago but only because of my work schedule. One of the cooler shows for eggheads or guys who like to see E36 M3 get blown up.

alfadriver MegaDork
3/6/16 7:35 a.m.
The0retical wrote: It's been running on fumes for a while so it's probably good that they end it now. I felt like the last two or three seasons were really stretching for ideas since they were utilizing idioms and movie stunts to prove or disprove. I'm sure there will be something else shortly with the cast in it to take it's place.

They've been up and down for the entire run. Some seasons it was a couple of myths, some it was more. Some it was fan input, some movie and TV myths, and idoms were a natural for them. The whole moss on a rolling stone took a LONG time for them- and that was pretty close to season one.

They did the first episode after the finale- the rocket car and will your stomach explode. Just two.

I have missed most of this ending season due to hockey, but I hope to see it.

My favorites were the rocket sled- first the pancake the car and then the splitting the car. And I liked the 5- as they were able to do more stuff.

lrrs Reader
3/6/16 8:01 a.m.

Since the host usually have different aproaches/solutions for a given problem, bring them back in a reboot of junkyard wars / scrap heap as the leaders of the oposing teams.

The good thing about MB is they did not write a bunch of fake conflict into the show, big plus, the only negative I had, was the cut aways for the hosts reaction when the good stuff was happening.

HappyAndy UberDork
3/6/16 8:18 a.m.

Myth Busters was one of my all time favorite shows. I agree with comments about it running on fumes for the last few seasons, although every season had high and low points. What made it so good IMO, is that they didn't add any fake conflict, that would have ruined it, and other "non-scripted" TV show producers should take a lesson from them.

I'm glad they got to go out on thier own terms.

I'd love to see a reboot of Junkyard Wars with Kari Grant and Torry.

nepa03focus Dork
3/6/16 9:08 a.m.
lrrs wrote: Since the host usually have different aproaches/solutions for a given problem, bring them back in a reboot of junkyard wars / scrap heap as the leaders of the oposing teams. The good thing about MB is they did not write a bunch of fake conflict into the show, big plus, the only negative I had, was the cut aways for the hosts reaction when the good stuff was happening.

Exactly!! They didn't have any made up deadlines to beat, or show a tree coming down a hill at jamie right before they cut to commercial. Hoesntly I'm lame and I would watch a cable show about logging or digging for gold without all of that fake stuff.

Duke MegaDork
3/6/16 11:20 a.m.
alfadriver wrote: My favorites were the rocket sled- first the pancake the car and then the splitting the car. And I liked the 5- as they were able to do more stuff.

I have never in my life seen anything accelerate as hard as that rocket sled they cut the car in half with. My jaw still drops open every time I watch it. I love how the paint vaporizes into striped clouds, too.

stuart in mn
stuart in mn UltimaDork
3/6/16 9:08 p.m.

The reunion show was pretty good. I was glad they brought back Grant, Tori and Kari one last time.

NordicSaab Reader
3/6/16 9:41 p.m.

I will miss this show... I know the chances are minimal, but I wish they would bring back "Junkyard Wars"... The Mythbusters crew would be a perfect fit for a revamp.

Brett_Murphy PowerDork
3/6/16 11:00 p.m.

The Mythbusters probably did more for science education than any other TV show lately. Sure, they lacked rigor, but the basic scientific method of "think of a premise, test it and then accurately observe what happens" goes a long way.

NOHOME PowerDork
3/7/16 9:22 a.m.

This was pretty much the only show on Discovery that did not rely on the formula of:

"time is running out"

"tempers are flaring"

"money is tight"

and just pick a word:







tuna55 MegaDork
3/7/16 9:39 a.m.
NordicSaab wrote: I will miss this show... I know the chances are minimal, but I wish they would bring back "Junkyard Wars"... The Mythbusters crew would be a perfect fit for a revamp.

Best idea ever.

I saw one episode where they build off-roaders and they welded the diff, but they couldn't bring in any fresh fluids, so the dude captured the fluid in a bag, and put the whole bag back in the diff. Great idea in a pinch!

stuart in mn
stuart in mn UltimaDork
3/7/16 9:45 a.m.
NOHOME wrote: This was pretty much the only show on Discovery that did not rely on the formula of: "time is running out" "tempers are flaring" "money is tight" and just pick a word: Crabs Motorcycles Mining Lumber Airplane ect...

You forgot to include 'Alaska' in that list.

pinchvalve MegaDork
3/7/16 9:48 a.m.

They never tested the myth that "stepping on a crack would break your mother's back" They love their moms I guess. My favorite myths are the ones where the outcome was the opposite of what you would think. Like eating poppyseeds CAN test positive on a drug test or that shooting fish in a barrel is not as easy as it sounds.

java230 HalfDork
3/7/16 9:55 a.m.

I haven't watched the last few seasons, they got slow and old I thought. I did religiously watch the first few.

Ill have to see if I can find the finally.

oldtin PowerDork
3/7/16 10:09 a.m.

So long mythbusters. That was a good run.

Discovery channel(s) - we need to talk. When you have a channel called the science channel, consider running science-based stuff - beyond rebroadcasting youtube clips with commentators. If you have a channel called the history channel, consider exploring historical subjects. The world/universe is an interesting place if you're thoughtful enough on how to present it. Then again, I could be significantly overestimating the average tv viewer.

Duke MegaDork
3/7/16 11:21 a.m.
oldtin wrote: Then again, I could be significantly overestimating the average tv viewer.

I think that's extremely difficult to avoid doing.

Brett_Murphy PowerDork
3/8/16 10:29 a.m.
oldtin wrote: When you have a channel called the science channel, consider running science-based stuff - beyond rebroadcasting youtube clips with commentators.

I don't know, I've been sucked into hours of "How It's Made" on that channel before.

Beer Baron
Beer Baron UltimaDork
3/8/16 11:29 a.m.
Brett_Murphy wrote: The Mythbusters probably did more for science education than any other TV show lately. Sure, they lacked rigor, but the basic scientific method of "think of a premise, test it and then accurately observe what happens" goes a long way.

Tim Baxter
Tim Baxter PowerDork
3/8/16 12:02 p.m.

I think Adam should go back to being in Classic Motorsports articles again.

oldtin PowerDork
3/8/16 12:15 p.m.
Brett_Murphy wrote:
oldtin wrote: When you have a channel called the science channel, consider running science-based stuff - beyond rebroadcasting youtube clips with commentators.
I don't know, I've been sucked into hours of "How It's Made" on that channel before.

I love that show - should be on the discovery channel. Swamp people on the history channel - WTF???

If I go to a chevy store, I expect to find chevy's. If I go to a donut shop, I expect to find donuts. If I go the the science channel I expect to find _? Whatever clown runs the discovery group has some identity issues or more likely budgeting and programming issues. Something, something, get off my lawn /rant.

RX Reven'
RX Reven' Dork
3/8/16 12:56 p.m.
oldtin wrote:
Brett_Murphy wrote:
oldtin wrote: When you have a channel called the science channel, consider running science-based stuff - beyond rebroadcasting youtube clips with commentators.
I don't know, I've been sucked into hours of "How It's Made" on that channel before.
I love that show - should be on the discovery channel. Swamp people on the history channel - WTF??? If I go to a chevy store, I expect to find chevy's. If I go to a donut shop, I expect to find donuts. If I go the the science channel I expect to find _______? Whatever clown runs the discovery group has some identity issues or more likely budgeting and programming issues. Something, something, get off my lawn /rant.

I doubt many producers have significant knowledge or interest in real science. From their prospective, doing real science would not be interesting and would necessitate a big learning curve.

I imagine a typical day at the office for a producer of one of these shows goes something like this:

Hey, we’ve still got five minutes of content to come up with for that show on gravity…I remember the physics consultant saying that gravity and acceleration are basically indistinguishable…Berkley it, we’ve already got canned footage of drag cars launching…that’s visual, dynamic, cheap, easy, and an excellent attention grabber for the promo.

But sir, we were going to make time to explain to the viewers that one “G” = 32 feet per second, per second of acceleration.

Math isn’t sexy, roll with the drag car thing.

alfadriver MegaDork
3/8/16 1:23 p.m.

In reply to RX Reven':

Suggestion- How the Universe Works. Those are pretty good ones that spend an hour talking about gravity. Or black holes, or where all the stuff came from that we are made of.

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