He is now driving around the country in an upside down bus demanding that the pres plant an organic garden at the white house...
no wonder why she dumped him.. HA!!!
He is now driving around the country in an upside down bus demanding that the pres plant an organic garden at the white house...
no wonder why she dumped him.. HA!!!
If the bus flips over, can he still drive it?
Tommy Suddard wrote: If the bus flips over, can he still drive it?
he apparently purchased it from Ben of Ben and Jerrys fame..
I think it runs on weed.
I didn't know Ben & Jerry could weld.....
Trivia: Ben or Jerry, I don't know which one; one is rather clean cut and moved on and the other is still stuck in the 60's. The guy in the tie dyed stuck in the 60's has no sense of taste (not just in clothes), really, he tastes/judges by the texture in his mouth. That's why Ben & Jerry's ice cream is texturous.
Now you're ready for Double Jeapordy.
From City Slickers: said:Barry Shalowitz: What do you think? What would be the perfect flavor with this meal? Ira Shalowitz: Cherry vanilla? Barry Shalowitz: No. If it was Chinese food, right on the money, but this? Toasted almonds. Mitch Robbins: What's going on? Ira Shalowitz: Barry can pick out the exact right flavor of ice cream to follow any meal. Go ahead. Challenge him. Mitch Robbins: Challenge him? Barry Shalowitz: Go on. Mitch Robbins: Franks and beans. Barry Shalowitz: Scoop of chocolate, scoop of vanilla. Don't waste my time. [Flings plate at Mitch as if he throws down the gauntlet] Barry Shalowitz: Come on. Push me. Mitch Robbins: Sea bass. Barry Shalowitz: Grilled? Mitch Robbins: Sauteed. Barry Shalowitz: I'm with you. Mitch Robbins: Potatoes au gratin. Asparagus. Barry Shalowitz: Rum raisin. Barry Shalowitz, Ira Shalowitz: WOOF!
I toured the White House this summer, and there is some impressive lanscaping going on there. But the Secret Service who patrolled the grounds were not the type to tend a garden. Each guy was packing a serious machine gun, at least a million rounds of ammo, and one or two additional side arms. They were nice and would talk to you, but they only made brief eye contact. They scanned the fence line constantly. I can't see them pulling weeds or letting a bunch of hippies loose on the grounds.
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