11/18/11 4:35 p.m.
I've got at least 5 years' worth of back issues plus several of CM I posted on Craigslist for free, with zero interest. I hate to just toss them out, but they're just collecting dust. They weigh up pretty quickly, so shipping can be an issue. Anyone in Central PA want 'em? I'll show you my garage if you come and take them.
Barring that, any other good suggestions on what to do with these fine periodicals?
In reply to ddavidv:
Charities seem to love to get magazines. I am not sure why, but they do. And you can take a (small) tax deduction for the donation.
Got any teachers in your circle of friends? Kids love car magazines, but most of them have too many naughty pics. GRM is kid friendly though. My wife occasionally will take some of my old ones, that the kids can then read , cut pics out of, etc.
What years CM and would you ship if the shipping was paid for?
Donate them to the troops? I am sure there are other ways to send them to the troops, but this site will send you a donation receipt for your taxes too.
EastCoastMojo wrote:
Donate them to the troops? I am sure there are other ways to send them to the troops, but this site will send you a donation receipt for your taxes too.
+1 There was always a serious lack of good, decent reading material when I was over there...
11/18/11 7:13 p.m.
if not the troops then at least to your local neighborhood library
where in central pa are you located? i would love to take them off of your hands.
+1 for the troops
plus hunting, fishing, guns, sports mags
11/19/11 7:06 a.m.
Boxhead Tim, the CM's could be yours. I can't seem to PM you through here so email me at mxbreed2 at comcast dot net.
I'd thought of sending them to the troops and may still do that, but there's a LOT of them. It's not like the info contained inside really goes out of date. My local libraries are small and not really interested in them. I can donate them to the Ronald McDonald charity dumpster but still feels wasteful to me. They are so shiny! My zip is 17022 for anyone contemplating a pickup. Some good ideas; thanks for the responses.
I bring mine into school. Especially for study halls and down time. Most kids won't actually read the articles but appreciate the pics of "cool" cars. I try to direct the more auto savvy students to the GRMs I bring in. R&T is well received too.
As an aside, the students working on writing benefit from JG and David's more colorful and descriptive writing style. We're always pushing the students to write more interestingly. It's good to show them writing from you guys and Peter Egan. Sometimes students just won't open a book.
11/19/11 10:00 a.m.
Donate to high schools or community colleges with automotive shop or tech classes; seems like a natural place to spread the wisdom and actually see it applied.
I like vwc's idea for a creative writing influence but it kinda only works with kids already infected with the interest. It sure worked for me, though.
usps Media Mail is very cheap, but it's now unclear if magazines with advertising are allowable.
11/19/11 8:32 p.m.
I don't understand. You want to get rid of them? I have every one I have ever got and I get both magazines. I even have the first one I got back in the 1990's.
11/20/11 7:20 a.m.
I used to keep everything, even my Autoweeks. The space they wind up consuming becomes an issue, and I find that I really almost never refer back to them once they've been read the first time. With the internet I can find the same information pretty quickly without spending hours paging through old dusty magazines for that one article I saw 5 years ago.
Move your collector-obsessed parents from a 4 bedroom house into a 1 bedroom apartment (with no help from them) and you will cease to have a need to save much of anything, trust me.
11/20/11 9:59 a.m.
GRM, and the expensive British imports (Top Gear, Car, etc) are the only magazines I keep.