Father's day is just around the corner. My father worked three jobs to raise three kids by himself, so I've always enjoyed surprising him with a gift on father's day.
This year I dusted off the Google fu and tracked down a vintage 49 star American flag. it was... not cheap. but he loves antiques, interesting flags and was born the same week Alaska became a state. I figure he'll like it.
What did you guys get for your paternal units? There's still time if you forgot...
6/12/17 3:24 p.m.
My brother and I split a gift for mom, I think. I know I sent him $50 for it.
For dad, I'm getting him a pair of flip-flop shower shoes type deal after he tried mine on to let the dogs out and commented he really liked them.
Hard to buy for parents who go estate-saleing often, are both retired, and realistically have more than they want. I end up getting my dad tickets to sports games, liquor, or guitar strings, and I get mom pedicures and massages.
6/12/17 3:27 p.m.
We're doing a Track Night in America together.
6/12/17 3:34 p.m.
I'm still undecided. We usually go to a race somewhere but he's got plans with his scout troop every weekend I'm free. I should probably get him
Matt B
6/12/17 3:40 p.m.
Stefan wrote:
We're doing a Track Night in America together.
That's awesome! I wish my dad was healthy enough to do such a thing, but no dice. I'm just glad he's still with us. He doesn't get out much, so I'll probably take him to one of my favorite restaurants, hang out, and look at old photos.
Matt B wrote:
Stefan wrote:
We're doing a Track Night in America together.
That's awesome! I wish my dad was healthy enough to do such a thing, but no dice. I'm just glad he's still with us. He doesn't get out much, so I'll probably take him to one of my favorite restaurants, hang out, and look at old photos.
I wish we had a vehicle to do that with.
Give your dad a big old hug. I wish I could mine, but he died in 1972.
6/12/17 4:03 p.m.
Bobzilla wrote:
Matt B wrote:
Stefan wrote:
We're doing a Track Night in America together.
That's awesome! I wish my dad was healthy enough to do such a thing, but no dice. I'm just glad he's still with us. He doesn't get out much, so I'll probably take him to one of my favorite restaurants, hang out, and look at old photos.
I wish we had a vehicle to do that with.
Rent one. Its a TNIA, there was a SmartCar at the last one I went to.
I got ahead of the game, Memorial weekend, and took Pop and GF's stepdad to A Gathering of Warbirds. They were both in the Air Force, so it meant a lot to them.
Pop is on the far end.
I'll still probably take him to the races or something. Recent tradition, three years running now, with my kids, is brewery tours.
6/12/17 5:02 p.m.
Our local kart track has a 2 hour enduro for fathers/offspring. We have to go defend our title! :)
In reply to Lof8:
I wish my dad was closer, I'd love to do some of this stuff with him.
My Dad worked stuffing pumpkin pies at a bakery, knocking icicles off the roof for GE and apprenticed as a Glass Blower while he had 7 kids all under 3ft. tall.
Something's headed his way....
6/12/17 5:42 p.m.
Leaving a joint on his head stone again this year. He always was easy to shop for.
6/12/17 5:46 p.m.
I'm like RevRico, my dad unfortunately passed when I was 27. I'm 50 now so he's been gone for a long while.
6/13/17 5:06 a.m.
Nothing yet. Still trying to decide. Mother's Day was a framed picture of flowers that I shot while walking around Albany.
Dad's getting a vinyl banner for the UTV they just bought.
the stencil is from a photo I took of the logo on their barn.

NGTD wrote:
I'm like RevRico, my dad unfortunately passed when I was 27. I'm 50 now so he's been gone for a long while.
It'll be 19 years this October for me.
I've donated my time, money, and effort in the past two months to get the 62 Galaxie he's working on to a point of it being a roller. I also put his quick jacks together for him so he can attempt to do a disc brake conversion on the same car.
He lives 600 miles away from me. 
I really just need to spend a solid week there and it would be done and ready for the big block I have to build.... sigh.
My dad's really hard to shop for, he doesn't really have hobbies. I often get him a computer upgrade since he at least plays PC games but he doesn't need any upgrades right now.
Looks like I'll be golfing with the Ole' man.....unless he makes me get up onto the roof to seal his skylights. I'd rather golf, but if he needs help....he needs help.
Then we'll most likely watch the end of the U.S. Open while Mom cooks dinner. He's a big golfer / golf fan, and yep.....I'm a lucky one to have them both still around. I try to spend as much time with them as possible, as I got really, really lucky in the parent sweepstakes. 
6/13/17 12:16 p.m.
Joe Gearin wrote:
Looks like I'll be golfing with the Ole' man.....unless he makes me get up onto the roof to seal his skylights. I'd rather golf, but if he needs help....he needs help.
Then we'll most likely watch the end of the U.S. Open while Mom cooks dinner. He's a big golfer / golf fan, and yep.....I'm a lucky one to have them both still around. I try to spend as much time with them as possible, as I got really, really lucky in the parent sweepstakes.
You gonna be in Illinois? Where you golfing?
July will be 4 years since my dad died. It still sucks because it was so sudden, I didn't have a chance to say goodbye.
It was also just after I discovered autocross and bought the Miata. He would have enjoyed dodging cones.
Just going to spend the day with him this year. After his last trip too the hospital hes taken a downward turn. Just hoping he makes it through fathers day this year.
I'm going to not show up for whatever he is doing and then tell him to "be a man" when he cries about it. TAKE THAT DAD, HOW"S IT FEEL HUH?
OK, I'm kidding. Dad's great, I'd better work on something.