I also play music!
I started off as a drummer, but along the way I picked up bass and 6-string guitar. I'm 29, and have been playing drums since 10, bass since 13, and guitar since about 16. I was in bands all the way up to 2006, my most serious effort being a post hardcore outfit that lasted from 2000-06, but I'm a metal head at heart.
I have TONS of gear. here's what I can remember:
-7 piece Yamaha Stage Custom kit (the old reliable)
-5 piece Sonor Force 1001 (practice kit)
-Magstar Custom Drums 10 ply 6.5x14 maple snare
-Pearl Sessions birch 6.5x14 snare
-various Zildjian and Sabian cymbals, including a custom paired (by me) HH 13'' hi hats, and they sound incredible
-Peavey Studio 112 combo amp
-Jackson PS4 Performer that has given me nothing but trouble (stupid Floyd Rose!!!) 
-Epiphone Les Paul Std.
-Ovation Celebrity acoustic/electric
-The biggest Peavey bass combo they make, it's like 110lbs and 300 watts of awesome (forget the name)
-Ibanez TR70 4-string with P/J pickups
-older Ibanez SoundGear 4-string with P/J's and active electronics
and my baby...
-Warwick Streamer Standard 4-string with dual MEC humbuckers and (strangely) passive electronics 
...And a ton of assorted effects and other accessories
I've been playing bass more than anything lately. My focus has been on classic metal, like Iron Maiden, Sabbath (Dio-era), some 80's hair metal like Dokken and Whitesnake, and Judas Priest. I'd love to play in a band again. I miss being on stage a lot.