I'm looking to start a new business that needs some serious capital to see it through the first year.
I have the financials all hammered out numerically so that it all makes sense and is doable realistically.
Its the actual written part of it that is sketchy to me. I took a sample business plan from online and massaged it to what I think it should be. That being said, writing is my worst subject (can't you tell?). So, if anyone has any suggestions or is willing to help, I'd really appreciate it 
I'm finishing my MBA from Kelley School of business right now. I'll help. Hell my business plan is due tomorrow @ 8am.. ACK!!!!!!!!!
I don't know how much time I'll have in the next two weeks with school ending and all, but I can try.
Want to clean up mine and use it 
Naa.. I'm working with a large group of people to spec out an entrepreneurial venture. We have a call at 10pm to finish it up. w000...
back to the test for my other class.
But I'll look at it if you can send it over.
pm me for my email address.
on the phone now with my group ohh boy...
8/18/08 6:54 a.m.
Slightly O/T, but does your plan include export? My clients in the Islands bitch a blue streak about how expensive parts are there. I see a real opportunity. mail me- cwhanlon (at) comcast(Dot)net.
8/18/08 12:03 p.m.
To satisfy my curiousity, who are you talking to about getting capital? All of the small business lendors I've talked to were extremely reluctant to point of being nasically unwilling to do small business loans for a startup; even with an SBA guarentee!
I eventually was able to get a little financing but not nearly as much as I had hoped which is seriously slowly my expansion rate.
Make sure you're realistic. I did a business plan for a state-wide business plan competition two years ago. The winner got $10,000 and some free time in a business lab to start their idea. We worked with venture capitalists and everything. They made it very clear that you need to understand that you will probably lose a lot of money for the first two or three years of doing business and be clear about that on your business plan.
Also, it's been two years and I remember almost nothing other than that fact. I'd love to help, but I'd be useless. Sorry.
stumpmj wrote:
To satisfy my curiousity, who are you talking to about getting capital? All of the small business lendors I've talked to were extremely reluctant to point of being nasically unwilling to do small business loans for a startup; even with an SBA guarentee!
I eventually was able to get a little financing but not nearly as much as I had hoped which is seriously slowly my expansion rate.
People within my community and banks.
I'm not looking for much , just a quarter mil or so.
confuZion3 wrote:
Make sure you're realistic. I did a business plan for a state-wide business plan competition two years ago. The winner got $10,000 and some free time in a business lab to start their idea. We worked with venture capitalists and everything. They made it very clear that you need to understand that you will probably lose a lot of money for the first two or three years of doing business and be clear about that on your business plan.
Also, it's been two years and I remember almost nothing other than that fact. I'd love to help, but I'd be useless. Sorry.
yeah, most businesses will lose money for a year or more upon start up.
mine shouldn't because I already have most of the hard stuff done (I've been doing it for a few years already) All I'm looking for is really an expansion of my current business.
8/19/08 10:06 a.m.
Good luck. I was looking to get around $75k in loans (with my and my business partner contributing $50k in cash) and we still had a really tough time. I only ended up being able to get $40k in loans. It be because I'm in Michigan though. Good luck to you. Make sure you update us on how it turns out for you.
stumpmj wrote:
Good luck. I was looking to get around $75k in loans (with my and my business partner contributing $50k in cash) and we still had a really tough time. I only ended up being able to get $40k in loans. It be because I'm in Michigan though. Good luck to you. Make sure you update us on how it turns out for you.
how long ago did you try?
I'm guessing that it will be harder these days because of the perceived recession we aren't in.
You were in a better position than I am, I've got nothing cashwise to throw in. All I've got is experience and knowledge. Hopefully I'll be able to sell myself to get the money.
8/19/08 12:38 p.m.
June of this year. It's seriously tough out there. Commericial lenders are trying to take on zero risk and in some cases, less than zero.
At $250k do you still qualify for an SBA guarentee? I can't remember the upper limit for that.
stumpmj wrote:
June of this year. It's seriously tough out there. Commericial lenders are trying to take on zero risk and in some cases, less than zero.
At $250k do you still qualify for an SBA guarentee? I can't remember the upper limit for that.
I'm seeing 2mil as the cap.
I do think that would be a bit much for me to handle though.