To start off, Saturday morning at 8:30 ET, 24 hours of Le Mans starts, then i have to do something while SPEED stays true with their crap scheduling, but then at 4:30 - F1 Quali comes on and then they continue the 24 Hour coverage. So... Le Mans and F1 Saturday and Sunday, and to top it off, my very first Father's Day... Yea.... gonna be a good weekend!
My wife will be out of town all weekend and I get to be Mr. Mom. Usually means not a lot of sleep, but I get a lot of projects done around the house and garage and the TV usually stays off the whole time she's gone. I see this weekend will be different. I don't have the Lemans coverage on my tivo list yet, but I will fix that.
Is it really father's day this weekend? I know just the thing that I need.
I'll make sure it is from the kids.
This weekend? you mean ~next~ weekend I hope. I'm going to NJMP w/ Track daze this weekend as father's day + Mom's 80th coincide with next weekend which I've been referring to as "Hyperfest AND Lemons at Summit Point" for which I've cancelled my registration...
is it next weekend? Wow, my girlfriend was saying it was this weekend, asking me "What do you want for Father's Day this weekend?" I said "To be left alone so i can watch my races..."
6/9/10 3:52 p.m.
I can't wait, should be good.
6/9/10 3:59 p.m.
"To be left alone so i can watch my races" Bet that went over real well.
watching Le Mans qualifying, looks like Peugeot is 1-2-3, then the Aston, then Audi, Audi...
Father's Day according to my Grassroots Motorsports calendar is june 20
Hehe. My GRM calendar is hangin right above my monitor. It sure does say June 20. I have to admit I googled it to make sure it was right after the labor day in May fiasco.
89 Hankook Team Farnbacher, Dominik Farnbacher / Allan Simonsen / Leh Keen
World Cup starts as well. Couldn't fit it all in without the DVR.
I will not be leaving the TV this weekend. World Cup Le Mans and F1 in one weekend.
pilotbraden wrote:
Father's Day according to my Grassroots Motorsports calendar is june 20
Yeah, but the GRM calendar did also say that Labor Day was May 31st. 
This Sunday I was supposed to be auto-x'ing at a new spot the club got last year. It's a pretty twisty and super grippy kart track. I missed last years meet there and everybody just raved about it.
Now it's supposed to rain all weekend. No fun for me. 
I dont have the Nascar chann... ummm, I mean SPEED. Is there a way to watch LeMans on line?
I have to finish fixin' the headers on the Cosworth Vega and align the Jensenator. Good thing I have TV with cable in the Garage Majal. 
6/9/10 9:35 p.m.
In reply to porksboy: Looks like will be carrying it. Don't know if you have to register or anything. I seem to remember reading that Speedtv would be streaming it as well, but I've slept since then.