Somehow in my travels, I lost my oil cap to the Durango. I was in the process of changing the oil last night, opened the hood, and there it wasn't. Just a big open hole in the valve cover.
I'm usually OCD about putting the cap back on, but it looks like I was in a hurry and didn't put it back on or didn't put it back on correctly. 
I really hate myself, I feel like an idiot.
Guess I'll have to use a rag until I can buy a new one. 
I've lost a brake reservoir cap before. It happens.
Parts stores didn't carry one so I had to use plastic wrap and a rubber band until I made it to the pink n pull.
6/9/14 9:28 a.m.
I did this in a Civic once. It was awful.
Woody wrote:
I did this in a Civic once. It was awful.
I did it in a 98 Z24 cavalier ('yota motor). I liberated most of a quart before the smell of hot oil caused me to pull over, though the bulge in the hood from where the cap dented it from underneath when I slammed the hood down onto the cap sitting on top of the valve cover ought to have given it away sooner. Its amazing how far oil can be slung from such a tiny orifice.