It started out as a nice evening. First I thought I could wash the Volvo before putting it away to work on. then I thought I would power wash the deck. While cleaning the Volvo I try to remove some old stickers and damaged B pillar trim which looks impossible to change. Then I was pressure washing the deck and put the pressure washer next to the hot tub for convenience. By the time I had finished the exhaust had melted a nice hole in the side of the casing and damage the insulation.
Im really pissed at myself.
New Reader
4/26/18 8:10 p.m.
I loaned my pressure washer to my buddy to do his deck. His bride took a turn and it "stopped working"... laying the hose over the exhaust manifold will do that. Wasn't the end of the world.
If that is the worst thing that happened to you today, it's still a win.
They’ll also burn the crap out of your lawn and leave a dead spot. Only run power washers on a hard surface.
Power tools destroy things quicker and with less effort.
You're not hurt. I'd call that a win.
4/27/18 7:18 a.m.
I was hoping there wasn't another Adrian's blood dripping forehead picture. But since I still have my first power washer un-assembled in the box, I shall heed your advice.
Evidence of stupidity
B pillar, E36 M3ty pic, but it doesn't look as bad as I thought at the time, but it still looks better in the photo than in person. Still, i have no idea how to replace it so I'll probably set about it carefully with a razor blade to remove the rough stuff.

And the hole in the hot tub. I'll have to try and find some similar material, I may have to call the manufacturer. Our original hot tub (2001 - 2016) had a wood casing that was much nicer, this one is less than 18 months old so I'm really pissed.

RossD said:
I was hoping there wasn't another Adrian's blood dripping forehead picture. But since I still have my first power washer un-assembled in the box, I shall heed your advice.
That was a classic wasn't it!
The Volvo is what it is. That's not too horrible, and at the end of the day, it's a 10-year-old daily driver. It's not perfect.
But the hot tub, man, that sucks. Bet you've heard about it from your better half, as well! The only thing I can say is that we've all done stuff like that.
I'd recommend wet sanding the B pillar trim. I once wet sanded a rigid mud flap with similar damage and it came out OK.
4/27/18 9:11 a.m.
I would just for E36 M3s and giggles find or make a gag eyeball and glue it into the aperture in the hot-tub wall.