Admittedly I'm biased towards Subaru's, and never really gave much respect to Cobalt's...
Today my step-daughter was in an accident. A hit and run driver bumped her while on the highway, and sent her and her finance off of the road. I'm not sure exactly what acrobatics were performed for over 150 feet through brush comprised of 2-3" thick trees. From the swath cut through the trees, sometimes they were on their side traveling forward, at one point hitting a large clump of trees and spinning/rolling? sideway. The car ended on it's side and they got out through the sunroof.
Thank God, they are both OK. Some small lacerations on her hands and bruises from the seatbelts.
After they were taken away in the ambulance, the car caught fire while the tow guys were dragging it onto the rollback. But even without the fire, every corner and side of the car was destroyed... And they both walked away...

Sorry, the topic title sent me into a nerd rage. I'll just leave this here.

Glad they are ok.
Most modern cars are safe like that.
I thought this was going to be about some crazy fast lap times in an SS.
But yes, new car saftey is miles ahead of just 10 years ago. I would not want to think how it would have ended in a Cav, or without seat belts.
And +1 on people making it out OK
Glad everyone made it out OK, too.
FWIW: There's a guy running an SS in hillclimbs (well, Giants' Despair at least) and it's pretty impressive...
Wow, that thing is destroyed. Good to see everybody is OK.
In the shadow of rhe Cav, I don't think the Cobalt gets the respect it deserves.
the walking away bit is really great to hear! Glad they are doing well. Stories like this are one of the reasons I dont get totally berzerk when we talk about how portly newer cars are on the scales. I would send a thank you to Cheby including some pics and the details if possible. These stories go a long loooong way in keeping the designers motivated.
The important question is.... what's the replacement vehicle?