In reply to Sput:
Same with me. Check engine light on, runs like ass. At drop off time: 'You'll have it done by 3pm, right?' Me: 'Uh, need to find out what's wrong with it first. That will be after lunch and then I can tell you. Customer: 'So you'll have it ready by 3, right?'
This one will probably fit in with the last couple:
"My car goes knockaknockaknocka bingbingbing, but I'm sure its not anything expensive."
"Well, actually, you HOPE it won't be anything expensive. I've really got no control over that, sir/maam."
Service writer, " Will that car be done by three?"
Tech, "Not sure. I have to test drive, and make sure we've got it fixed."
Service writer, "So it should be done by three?"
Tech, "It will be done when I say its done. Until such time as its finished, it won't be done, and I'm not giving it back until its fixed correctly."
Service writer, " Ok, I'll tell him to come at three."
Sput wrote:
Customer: When do you think the repair will be done?
Me: With the parts to be machined, if everything goes perfect, Spetember 13. With luck, September 20.
Customer: I would like it back next Wednesday.
Me: I'm postive we can't do that, we need some pretty large and complicated parts machined.
Customer: So that means you'll have it done by Wednesday? You can have everyone working this weekend, right?
At that point I tend to ask if they're paying a suitably large chunk extra for the weekend work.
There's a reason I'm not in a customer facing role
Customer: Can you call me a taxi?
Me: Sir, I've been waiting three years for that question. You are a taxi.
Contractor: How long does it take to get the door in.
Me: 4-6 weeks from the time you order it.
Contractor: But I need it next week. Why does it take so long?
Me: It's a automatic door, custom built to fit the hole in your building. They don't start building it until you order it.
Contractor: I didn't know it took so long.
Me: Delivery times are on the quote we sent you 8 months ago.
Contractor: I don't remember reading that, why wasn't the door ordered then.
Me: Sir, you didn't sign the quote and send it back to me until yesterday.
Contractor: So, can I get it next week.

After this conversation the contractor will call every 2-3 days so we can repeat this all over again. How these guys survive in the construction industry I will never know.
My wife Janel works in construction (heavy highway, airport paving, etc). She says that describes pretty much every conversation she has every day.
8/29/13 9:42 p.m.
Reminds me of my favorite one from working food service years ago.
"Would you like that on a plate, or in a box?" "Yes"......... "Plate, or a box?" I show them the two items. "Oh uhhhhhh...." Then there was the time I got a no. And he was serious. He went and grabbed a napkin from out dispenser and had me deposit a flaming hot roll in his hand. That one still gets me.
Keith Tanner wrote:
The I'm Not Listening award for the day.
Guy on phone: "Have you put one of those turbo V6 Ford truck engines in a Miata?"
Brandon: "No."
Guy on phone: "Great! How did it work out?"
Appropriate response: "AWESOME!"
You should hang out at my shop sometime. It's like CLERKS, minus the part where Silent Bob becomes a millionaire loser.
Waiter: Here's your steak sandwich, Sir. Anything else I can get you?
Me: Nope, looks like I'm all set.
Waiter: Alrighty. Enjoy your meal.
Me: Yeah, you too!
Every damn time.