Mental wrote:
I wonder if you could use a cheese slicer, come up with really thing strips and fry it like bacon? Because, as everyone here knows, Bacon makes everything more awesome.
Yes you can! That's the way I prefer it. It can be too thin and almost disinegrate though.
5/12/11 3:17 p.m.
Here are several ways:SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM
integraguy wrote:
Depending upon how picky your family is, I'd pan fry it after breaking it into very small chucks (much like you would ground beef) and then add it to your favorite chili recipe instead of the meat you normally use. I think my father could put squirrel meat in his chilli and my family would eat it.
So what's wrong with squirrel meat ?
I was at the supermarket today, and there it was "Bacon style Spam." It now resides in the fridge. Cone Junky is right: I can tast the crispyness now.
92CelicaHalfTrac wrote:
Honestly... i legitimately LIKE fried spam sandwiches.
Me too. But I haven't eaten one in a long time.
Edit: And I liked it with a little Heinz 57 sauce on it.
To fully explore the culunary delights of SPAM, sounds like time for a business/fact finding trip to Hawaii, where SPAM cookery is held in high regard. An article in the mag on "driving the roads of Hawaii in search of indiginous road food" would make it a business trip--and a business expense. Run it by Tim...
5/13/11 1:00 p.m.
triumph5 wrote:
I was at the supermarket today, and there it was "Bacon style Spam." It now resides in the fridge. Cone Junky is right: I can tast the crispyness now.
Be careful, it's delicious but EPIC salty. I never look for "reduced" anything, but found myself wishing for reduced salt bacon spam.
Straight from Hormel
mndsm wrote:
triumph5 wrote:
I was at the supermarket today, and there it was "Bacon style Spam." It now resides in the fridge. Cone Junky is right: I can tast the crispyness now.
Be careful, it's delicious but EPIC salty. I never look for "reduced" anything, but found myself wishing for reduced salt bacon spam.
Oh, yeah, about 10 years ago I used to eat regular spam, "often". Then I learned about salt and blood pressure, and, well, this is a once a year treat to be fried up at the next barbecue. And yes, look at all those numbers next to sodium content
I'm on board with the spam hash & eggs. Much tastier than corned beef to me, and mixed with potatoes, Spam is the bomb! Double plus for the extra crispy bits!
I miss potatoes so much. Stupid food allergies. :(
I like to roast Spam cubes over an open fire on camping trips. Get them sizzlin' and the edges a bit brown, that's good stuff.
Spam in place of Ham in Denver omlettes when I'm lazy.
Spam and tabasco sauce sandwiches with sharp cheddar cheese.
I'm trying the Spam and pineapple kebobs tonight.
I think spam would be a step up from the crap they feed us at work
5/14/11 8:27 a.m.
This one is pretty obvious...
Shred it and make patties, like a hamburger. Wrap in aluminum foil, and place on engine manifold. Drive for about 1 1/4 hours. Find a nice twisty driver's road.
Toast white bread in a separate foil packet- REALLY should be Wonder Bread.
Add a little lettuce and condiments, serve wherever you please.
Extra points for a tailgate party in the parking lot of any Stuckey's. Leave the hood up, bring folding chairs and crazy sunglasses. Shorts, Hawaiian shirts, and work boots. Don't forget the plastic Flamingos!
Then proceed to printing the pics in the magazine! Really now, do the Challengers have to do ALL the work of creating editorial content? 

lizard wrote:
integraguy wrote:
I think my father could put squirrel meat in his chilli and my family would eat it.
Isn't that the only way to eat squirrel or possum?
It BBQs pretty well. 
Edit: Squirrel that is. There are some things even I won't eat.
5/14/11 6:55 p.m.
maybe she won't kill then eat... but she's been eating other peoples kill all her life (assuming she's not a vegan )
Toyman01 wrote:
Edit: Squirrel that is. There are some things even I won't eat.
I'm with you. I think armadillo would be best passed by.
I heart fried SPAM on white bread (I'm Southern, dammit) with mayo, lettuce, tomato, salt and pepper. Had it in a Denver omelet, too. But like just about everyone else I'm careful because of the sodium content, which is off the freakin' scale.
5/15/11 2:03 p.m.
Gawd, being english, I grew up with that stuff... even reading these posts makes me shudder. Memories of Spam sandwiches on white bread with HP sauce...