8/13/14 11:01 a.m.
There's a whole lot of dumb on both sides these days. I love it when I get pulled over by an old school cop- I know I have a chance on the side of the road if I'm chill. Young guys are the ones that write me tickets. I don't blame them though- people as a whole are just getting berkeleying stupid. There's some localized drama going on right now over stupid car meets, and everyone wants to blame the cops for them getting blown out, without realizing it's their POS janky as berkeley cars and coordinating attitudes that are making the cops and the businesses telling them to go pound sand. Kids these days.....
8/13/14 11:09 a.m.
In reply to Dr. Hess:
As my friends out there in STL refer to it as "North County"......they all hate that part of the city.
The no fly zone is due to protestors shooting at a police helicopter sunday night.
What does taking Nikes have to do with a "corrupt" police department shooting a "poor innocent kid."
8/13/14 11:26 a.m.
Cuz we angry, man. We. Be. Angry. And those are cool shoes.
8/13/14 11:29 a.m.
S'what I'm saying. Because minorities be opressed and the white folk is shooting innocent kids, it's ok to berkeley up someone elses stuff and take their E36 M3. Didn't you know? Only works if you're black though.
8/13/14 11:47 a.m.
White peeps do it Europe all the time. Sometimes they get so riled up they shoot down an airliner.
8/13/14 11:57 a.m.
In reply to PHeller:
Never berkeley with Ukranians.....
8/13/14 12:09 p.m.
Dr. Hess wrote:
PHeller wrote:
White peeps do it Europe all the time. Sometimes they get so riled up they shoot down an airliner.
Dat raycis. Yo.
When whitey does it, it's a war crime. When black folks to it, it's civil unrest as a result of a hate crime perpetuated by the white devil brought on by decades of racism and bigotry that has absolutely nothing to do with acting like a berkeleying idiot. Everyone knows this.

Damn they some wacist mo fo's.... the only brother on the force gets equipped with a paintball gun. E36 M3 ain't right son!
8/13/14 1:14 p.m.
Total photoshop. Look at the person they're shooting at. Cabelas hat on a black people? FAAAKED.
8/13/14 1:40 p.m.
At that range, I might rather be shot through & though by that E36 M3ty 5.56 than by the CN/OC pepperballs in that turned up paintball gun(I've been shot by one of those before, E36 M3 sucks) We used the same pepperballs for offender compliance at the prison I worked at, NO prisoner wanted any part of that thing.
In reply to yamaha:
Way to kill the joke ya bastage.
Bobzilla wrote:
Damn they some wacist mo fo's.... the only brother on the force gets equipped with a paintball gun. E36 M3 ain't right son!
I don't know if that comment (mndsn's, knowing him makes me think it is) is sarcasm or not. That is a real picture. There are multiple angles. He was complying, but the cops were being cautious.
The latest story on Brown. He apparently has a criminal history as a juvenile. The same story keeps coming up about armed criminal action. The reason I mention that is because the stories have him staling something before the officer stops him. But we won't get the video of the theft because snitches get stitches.
As for the shooting, there are a few stories. Either way, the stories end in a dirty shoot. Apparently this officer stood over Brown and continued to fire multiple shots long after the threat was gone.
All hear-say, but being in the area, I have heard a lot.
I was around the corner at a family member's house and got out about 1/2 an hour before the E36 M3 hit the fan tonight.
I'm not knocking sarcastic comments at all. You people know I would be making them too.
8/13/14 10:54 p.m.
Heres a current livestream of the action.....
looks like they arrested a state senator and a few reporters last night
8/14/14 7:27 a.m.
johndej wrote:
looks like they arrested a state senator and a few reporters last night
Ugh, do the police (assuming the video he took backs that up) think that by acting that way makes us more likely to support them?
tuna55 wrote:
johndej wrote:
looks like they arrested a state senator and a few reporters last night
Ugh, do the police (assuming the video he took backs that up) think that by acting that way makes us more likely to support them?
They don't care. You will comply or you're going to get the same treatment.
The Purge.
This is all a complex tie-in to get us to go see the movie. Everyone knows St Louis is a fictional part of the country so the media have fabricated the whole thing 
Maybe Hollywood needed more stock footage of rioting and looting for their next disaster flick so they staged the whole thing.
Given my general loathing for humanity, this whole thing doesn't bother me a bit. I do hope our compadres are fine though. Remember kids, better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
and this is more reason of why I'm glad I live where I live....
8/14/14 10:03 a.m.
tuna55 wrote:
johndej wrote:
looks like they arrested a state senator and a few reporters last night
Ugh, do the police (assuming the video he took backs that up) think that by acting that way makes us more likely to support them?
One of them just wanted a free Coke.....I mean, its a well known fact you need a human sized object to rock the machine to make it spit them out. 
Also, hopefully they executed the tabloid journalist(Huff Post) on the spot. 
8/14/14 10:11 a.m.
KyAllroad wrote:
The Purge.
This is all a complex tie-in to get us to go see the movie. Everyone knows St Louis is a fictional part of the country so the media have fabricated the whole thing
Maybe Hollywood needed more stock footage of rioting and looting for their next disaster flick so they staged the whole thing.
Given my general loathing for humanity, this whole thing doesn't bother me a bit. I do hope our compadres are fine though. Remember kids, better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
Best marketing ever. I'll admit, I was glued to reporter cam last night. Kinda neat to see riots in real time.
Nothing says "we want the truth" like looting, pillaging and destroying personal property. Nothing quite gets the message that they want justice by burning cars and stealing shoes. Classy. Real f'n classy. Yes, the cops are acting like douchenozzles IN RESPONSE to the violent looting and destruction. You want to demonstrate and show your displeasure? There are ways to do it. This is not it.
8/14/14 4:31 p.m.
YouTube Link of a rant about Ferguson riots.
The tactics being used in Ferguson are the same ones that have been honed for years over seas right down to the no fly zone and use of snipers and overwhelming force. Our government has a lot of practice at keeping a hostile majority under control, unfortunately it involves them killing a bunch of people. Hopefully, they stick to the rubber bullets , tear gas and stun grenades and don't resort to drone fired hellfire missiles. As stupid as these riots are, they are a taste of what is to come if you live in or near a major population center.