HiTempguy wrote:
GameboyRMH wrote:
It's no coincidence, they know major unrest is coming in the next 5-10 years. Funny that this is how the government deals with it rather than addressing the causes of unrest.
Terribly incorrect. More like:
At the end of the day, both sides need to look at themselves and ask what they are doing wrong. Fact is, if you do something ILLEGAL, you are a CRIMINAL. I don't care if you are black, white, or purple, THAT is the way it works. Even if good ol' whitey gets off easier for the illegal stuff (which may or may not be the case, but is a rallying cry of the minorities), that does not JUSTIFY being a criminal.
The major unrest won't be related to any kind of race-based injustice...look at Snowden's leaks and you'll get some hints at what they're paying attention to, domestically.
I wasn't excusing any looting either.
GameboyRMH wrote:
The major unrest won't be related to any kind of race-based injustice...look at Snowden's leaks and you'll get some hints at what they're paying attention to, domestically.
Fair enough. But I sincerely doubt it.
Only once the internets and cellphones can't be afforded, that is when public unrest will become wide-spread IMO. A great tool to keep the sheep in line! Most people aren't starving anymore either.
You do realize that Britain has way more intrusive laws, regulations, and abilities then either the US (or Canada) has for accessing information on its citizens, right? And they aren't rioting.
HiTempguy wrote:
GameboyRMH wrote:
The major unrest won't be related to any kind of race-based injustice...look at Snowden's leaks and you'll get some hints at what they're paying attention to, domestically.
Fair enough. But I sincerely doubt it.
Only once the internets and cellphones can't be afforded, that is when public unrest will become wide-spread IMO. A great tool to keep the sheep in line! Most people aren't starving anymore either.
You do realize that Britain has way more intrusive laws, regulations, and abilities then either the US (or Canada) has for accessing information on its citizens, right? And they aren't rioting.
But they didn't build their countries on the foundation of "Freedom of the People" like the US has either. Kinda of the same thought process behind why Britain has less gun murders... they never had the widespread need for firearms to tame the country we have had here either. Apples and grapefruits.
Wally wrote:
I am also a bit concerned with how easy they went from a police dept to a military unit. I have seen a lot of E36 M3 happen here and never seen the Police come out in Camo or point rifles at crowds of people.
If anything comes of this I hope it's the ability to address the militarization of the police. There are situations where that type of gear is warranted, however, it seems like breaking out that gear is the first reaction of most cities as of late.
The Dorner thing really showed what happens with unchecked police budgets and lack of accountability (I don't condone what he did but the reaction was out of control.) Same with this recent Brooklyn bridge deal that ArsTechnica is making fun of the NYPD for.
8/15/14 2:55 p.m.
In reply to Bobzilla:
Yea, the Brits suppressed their indiginous people with swords, spears, archers, and armor(Notice, ARMOR is spelled properly)
And then faced the Magna Carta for a few centuries, until the people gave it up for more free E36 M3.
8/17/14 10:30 p.m.
uhhh... an idiot trying to show how evil the cops were accidentally recorded an eye witness..
Careful with the link.. the sound of da 'hood' is NSFW.
Listen in at about 6:30
In reply to ronholm:
NSFW? Dude there's a dead kid in that video. Tits are NSFW. That vid is just nasty. I'm not bagging on you, just let a brother know that that's in there next time.
8/17/14 10:45 p.m.
In reply to Appleseed:
Sorry... Should have mentioned that. 
The accounts of what happened are changing rapidly.
In regards to what The0retical said:
If anything comes of this I hope it's the ability to address the militarization of the police.
A few days ago, the State Captain had pulled all tactical guys and had uniformed cops (that were not responding to ANY calls) secure and mingle with protestors. Worked great. People loved it. Except for the person in critical condition after being shot, the cop that was hit with a brick, and the owners of the shops that later got looted.
The only thing that is happening with regards to your statement is that our cities are only proving that this equipment is necessary and I would bet police departments will use this in the future to argue that.
I feel terrible for the peaceful protestors. If it were just them, none of this would be happening.

8/18/14 10:00 a.m.
In reply to N Sperlo:
When the race card is thrown, is there ever a 100% peaceful protest? If it exists, I have yet to see one.
And now they are sending in the National Guard 
In reply to yamaha:
I'm kind of confused by that. I don't know if you are responding to me or making a general statement. I agree with that statement, though.
In reply to rebelgtp:
They have been a few in the general St Louis County area from what I hear. All part of this little game the state is playing (I keep calling it a psychological operation). I expect to see them guarding the staging area and riding with the cops. Two men per-car. One cop, one guard. It will really help man power and let some cops get a little more time at home, hopefully.
National Guard rolling in now fro what I hear.
8/18/14 11:14 a.m.
N Sperlo wrote:
In reply to yamaha:
I'm kind of confused by that. I don't know if you are responding to me or making a general statement. I agree with that statement, though.
Ahh, my bad......I was replying to this excerpt from your post.
N Sperlo wrote:
I feel terrible for the peaceful protestors. If it were just them, none of this would be happening.
I too feel bad for the peaceful protestors caught in the middle of things, but that is their problem to handle IMHO. If the cops stop it, its overreaction/racism, but if the protestors decided enough was enough and stopped them, then that would be a step towards fixing their own problems.
In reply to yamaha:
Actually, some protesters stepped in with an attempt to stop looting. I will give them that.
Looters are not protesters, they are criminals.
8/18/14 11:40 a.m.
In reply to N Sperlo:
Yes, thats at least a glimmer of hope.....
yamaha wrote:
In reply to N Sperlo:
When the race card is thrown, is there ever a 100% peaceful protest? If it exists, I have yet to see one.
Dr. King would disagree with you

It is amazing how far civil rights have come in this country in the past 60 years, and equally amazing how far we have yet to go.
8/18/14 11:46 a.m.
Autopsy shows Dorian is a big fat liar.
looters are criminal, the protesters in this case are idiots.
8/18/14 11:48 a.m.
In reply to bludroptop:
Dr King was a republican. and he was for equality not the 'black community'.
The 'Civil rights' these days is no longer about correcting wrong doing.. It is about keeping up the appearance of wrong doing so professional victims can run around with their hands out. Being a victim has sadly become an essential part of the culture.
Did the looters take any work boots?
bludroptop wrote:
It is amazing how far civil rights have come in this country in the past 60 years, and equally amazing how far we have yet to go.
See the problem today is it is no longer about equality. Today it is about how different everyone is and because of that it makes them a special delicate little flower that is better than everyone else. Unless you are a straight white male then you are the devil. That is one thing many of these groups do seem to agree on. These groups are not fighting for equal rights any longer they are now fighting for special treatment.
In all honesty many of the laws that have come about in the name of "equality" should just be abolished as they do more to promote the idea that we are different than they do that we are the same. I honestly don't give a crap about anyone's skin color, who they pray to or who they bed down at night. I have friends that fall into just about every division that you can think of and I treat them all the same. Not one of them ever tries to pull the race card, gay card, religion card with me unless they are joking around. Its all in how the person presents themselves and carries themselves, none of that other crap matters. Act like scum get treated like scum. Act like a decent useful member of society and get treated as such. Stop trying to get special treatment and just make yourself a useful part of society and things will change faster and for the better.
rebelgtp wrote:
Unless you are a straight white male then you are the devil. That is one thing many of these groups do seem to agree on. These groups are not fighting for equal rights any longer they are now fighting for special treatment.
How is affirmative action anything BUT racist? Most racist policy I've ever heard of.
8/18/14 12:41 p.m.
HiTempguy wrote:
rebelgtp wrote:
Unless you are a straight white male then you are the devil. That is one thing many of these groups do seem to agree on. These groups are not fighting for equal rights any longer they are now fighting for special treatment.
How is affirmative action anything BUT racist? Most racist policy I've ever heard of.
Did you see in the news stories that Micheal Brown had some kind of college grant or some such thing.. I had heard he wasn't that great of a student in High School elsewhere.. I am going to then make the racist and unfounded assumption that at least in part he was getting money to go to school based on the color of his skin.
Cool.. a great opportunity. I would personally support it all day long even if I DO NOT think it is the gummits place to be discriminating with taxpayer dollars like that..
The REAL tragedy of this story is the idiot was in a place to break out of the hood properly, and instead his is out robbing convenience stores..
8/18/14 12:44 p.m.
There are plenty of peaceful protests. There have been several here in the last few weeks but they don't get people to watch the news.