STM317 wrote:
The way I see it, you have 3 primary options:
1. Increase income. Most smart money guys suggest that a house payment shouldn't exceed 30% of take home pay. Of course lower is always better. So, if you make $25k/year, and your take home is closer to 19k, that means you should target a monthly payment somewhere around $475/month. (I trust you can do your own math, I'm just guessing at your net annual income.) That amount includes insurance/property taxes, so less than that would go to the mortgage. That's not going to buy much in the current market. As it is, if you can put $60k down, and your target monthly payment is under $500, that puts your price range up to around $120k. That would leave you $10k cash to do whatever with, and would still be a responsible payment level. IF you can increase the income, (new job/side gigs/other earner in the house, etc) you'll have far better options.
The $25k is take-home. And I agree that under $500/mo is where I want to be. Increasing income isn't really in the cards right now. I work for a non-profit theater and I absolutely love my 100-hour-a-week job. I would work 24/7 if I could, but the time available for things like showering, eating, and sleeping are non-existent, so increasing income isn't really going to happen unless I get a significant raise. (but like I said, non-profit theater)
The other reason I'm staying modest is because of money. I refuse to be house-poor. I refuse to be forced to work just to afford a house. My last house was paid with cash, so if I lost my job, quit, or otherwise wasn't working, it wasn't like I had to panic to get a job at starbucks to make ends meet. I refuse to do that here as well.
2. Grit your teeth and stay where you are and continue to save up, while also hoping that prices drop to a more affordable level.
Been gritting for three years. Its bad. Caustic and eroding. Like; seeing a therapist about it. Its not dangerous or abusive, its just the exact opposite situation a guy like me (recovering from an abusive marriage and terrible divorce) needs for moving forward.
3. It sounds like you've already done this somewhat, but sacrifice something on the "want" list. Each item that is removed from the "want" list should increase your options, and will likely reduce the price as well. Try and prioritize the criteria, and instead of looking for "the perfect place" with everything on your list, consider anything with "3 of the top 5 things I want" or something.
I've now more or less given up everything on my want list. Ideal was small garage, small house, on 1/2 acre where I could eventually save my pennies and build a larger shop. Main criteria for the house was "livable and sound, but may need renovations"
I'm now looking at stuff for $80-90k that has no garage, needs major repair and renovations, 1/8th acre lots, and most are HUD cases with missing plumbing, electrical, and furnaces. There are plenty of condemned buildings in Harrisburg city limits, if I don't mind my car getting stolen once a week and sleeping with rats.
My wife and took over 2 years to buy a house. We were in a good living situation and had no pressure to buy quickly so we were picky. It was a marathon, and our search criteria and price range changed significantly as it wore on. We ended up spending more than we originally planned but got a great place for a fair price considering the market at the time. If you're patient, and continue to look consistently, you'll probably find something that works, and your price range might increase too as your savings go up.
I know what you're saying. My mistake was that I sorta dropped the ball. A year ago at this time I was not able to qualify for a pre-approval because of not having a 2-year work history, (I could have found a crappy loan, but the options weren't great) so I was looking at livable stuff for the $60k cash I had (and finding them) but I was "waiting for a better one". I had found the perfect one, but it went under contract while I was looking at it. By the time I got pre-approved, things were out of control and now I can't even find something livable for 80-90k.