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donalson SuperDork
3/27/10 4:13 p.m.

my bro in law had his tag go missing on his car a year or so back... prob to steal some gas with was the cops speculation... they where kind enough to rethread the screws back in at least...

cop gave him a little note with a phone number and said to stop by on monday to get a new tag (happend on friday night when found and couldn't make it over) and if he was pulled over to just show the note/info from the cop chick...

donalson SuperDork
3/27/10 4:18 p.m.

New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission, called it "one of the most significant steps forward in teen driver safety."

seriously?... how about a REAL drivers class? i know in FL when I got mine if you completed drivers ed (passed with a B) and waited 6 months you could have a licence with never having driven on the road... all driving was done on the "driving range" because of the cost of insurance we never touched the real road... unless your mom/dad let you.

Ian_F New Reader
3/27/10 5:56 p.m.
mad_machine wrote: a very very good idea

And only partially effective. I know of a few instances where the plates vandalized had cut stickers. Remember: this usually happens at night and the thieves aren't looking that closely.

The most effective deterrent is a plate frame and a clear cover (if legal in your state - is in PA). Again, not not fool-proof... just a better deterrent as the thieves will usually look for an easier target.

Spinout007 HalfDork
3/27/10 6:43 p.m.

I actually witnessed a break in at a grocery store in a little town I used to live in near Tampa, called the cops, but the perps left before they got there, so I followed them for a bit, got the tag number, and went back and gave the police a description of the mighty max truck they were in, and the plate number,

Spinout007 HalfDork
3/27/10 6:43 p.m.

I actually witnessed a break in at a grocery store in a little town I used to live in near Tampa, called the cops, but the perps left before they got there, so I followed them for a bit, got the tag number, and went back and gave the police a description of the mighty max truck they were in, and the plate number, it came back as a trailer tag off a rig from Ft. Lauderdale. They don't care, I think they never did find out who did it, cleaned out the cig's behind the service desk, and got away scott free.

Spinout007 HalfDork
3/27/10 6:46 p.m.

wierd it double posted it even though I edited the first time. oh well post whoreing it is! YAY!

alex Dork
3/27/10 9:50 p.m.

I think I just had a plate 'borrowed.'

Got a visit from the constabulary early last week - not something I want to see before I've had my coffee. Asked if anyone at my address owned an older Chevy van, because they found one in a nearby neighborhood to the North that seemed to have been stolen and dumped, and the plate came back to my address. I've only lived here for a few months, and the officer said 'yeah, maybe the last guy didn't change his registration over yet...' and walked off.

Then when I checked the mail after work, there was a license plate in my mailbox. Hmm. I didn't realize until I was on the horn with the local copshop that it was my plate, off the truck that I've only had for a couple months, and which I park on the street.

So, my guess is that the cop took the plate from the van that borrowed it off my truck, and stuck in my mailbox when I didn't answer the door right away, then forgot to tell me.

All in all: weird.

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