Okay, so I'm a Linux convert. After years of using frustratingly flawed releases of Microsoft junk, I took the plunge and installed Ubuntu on my main computer (as well as on most of the other workstations on my home network), and I couldn't be happier.
Nevertheless, there are times that I will boot into Win7 in order to do the odd task that requires it--such as doing my taxes on TurboTax, since Intuit has not (yet) released a Linux version.. I maintain the Win7 installation, and take care to insure that all the updates are current.
In spite of that fact, whenever I leave the system unattended for a few hours, it will invariably be "OFF". When I turn it back on, it complains that it was not "shut down properly" which is Microsoft's way of saying that their E36 M3 has crashed.
My guess is something to do with a "power-saving" feature is causing the crash--maybe the hard drive shutting down for instance. I have noted this problem before with various other windows releases on various other hardware, so it's not something particular to this computer, but rather another oversight on Microsoft's part.
Might any of you gluttons-for-punishment that still use Windows offer a solution?
VirtualBox, Open, free. Install it, install windows into it... never reboot again.
3/12/13 7:57 a.m.
I leave my home XP and work Win7 computers on all the time. They never crash when they go to sleep. It's more than likely your combo of options since it sounds like you're more of a power user than most.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
VirtualBox, Open, free. Install it, install windows into it... never reboot again.
Or possibly run TurboTax on Wine - a much more efficient but potentially troublesome solution, but I'd say it's worth a shot first.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
VirtualBox, Open, free. Install it, install windows into it... never reboot again.
Or possibly run TurboTax on Wine - a much more efficient but potentially troublesome solution, but I'd say it's worth a shot first.
And I've considered that. I've had great success running old DOS games in Linux under DOSBox (the IPX network emulation works fantastic!), and wine works fine with say, Quake 3 Arena, but I would like to think that I could still run "important" apps like TurboTax in Win7.
my computers stay on 24/7.. one on win7 one on XP. Never had a problem (other than hardware failures) from either.
I have noticed that some people have zero problems with windows.. and others crash theirs every 3 months. My ex-business partner came from Macs to windows.. and after crashing his PC multiple times in a year.. went back to Macs.
I'm no windoze fanboi, but Win7 is a pretty decent operating system. Yes, it is just an upgraded vista, but it WORKS, unlike vista which was a steaming pile of garbage.
I honestly don't think I have ever had win7 crash... like, literally, never. And I've been running a pirated copy for over 3 years! And I game and do stupid stuff with it all the time.
1988RedT2 wrote:
GameboyRMH wrote:
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
VirtualBox, Open, free. Install it, install windows into it... never reboot again.
Or possibly run TurboTax on Wine - a much more efficient but potentially troublesome solution, but I'd say it's worth a shot first.
And I've considered that. I've had great success running old DOS games in Linux under DOSBox (the IPX network emulation works fantastic!), and wine works fine with say, Quake 3 Arena, but I would like to think that I could still run "important" apps like TurboTax in Win7.
VirtualBox is running a real copy of Win7 inside a virtualized host. The OS has no idea it isn't running on a standalone machine. You boot it, put your win7 install disk in the drive and install a real, licensed copy of windows into your new virtual computer.
I have an XP copy loaded with Office, AIM data logger analysis software, and VPN stuff for work where clients insist on windows.
3/12/13 11:32 a.m.
Use TurboTax's online version rather than installing it and running it locally? I realize that is the symptom, not the cause, but that's one item you mentioned.
3/12/13 11:34 a.m.
Windows was named that way to remind all the office workers in high rises that there was a window there to end their pain and suffering. 
Go into control panel, and then open up the Power options. Make sure the System standby and System hibernates are both set to Never, and that should cause the system to stay up with the exception of auto-reboots from Windows Update.
With that said, VirtualBox may be your better answer for TurboTax.
szeis4cookie wrote:
Go into control panel, and then open up the Power options. Make sure the System standby and System hibernates are both set to Never, and that should cause the system to stay up with the exception of auto-reboots from Windows Update.
With that said, VirtualBox may be your better answer for TurboTax.
I will do that the next time I boot up into that nasty quagmire known as Windows. I just wonder why my Linux OS has no issues with regard to power management, and Windows does.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote:
VirtualBox, Open, free. Install it, install windows into it... never reboot again.
Oh, I'm definitely looking into this! Thanks for the heads up. I don't get out much. 