I drove my subs a little too hard 
Fortunately, I think its fine, but the surround came unglued from the basket. Instead of buying a new one I'd like to try repairing this one. What glue should I use? It is a Santoprene material and the basket is painted steel (or maybe aluminum...I'll have to check)
I'd check here: DIY Mobile Audio
It's basically the GRM of car audio forums. There are a few guys that repair/rebuild speakers, and they've posted build logs of their work.
The GRM of home audio forums is probably http://techtalk.parts-express.com/forum.php
I've repaired blown out speaker cones with nail polish. Dunno if that would apply to your problem or not. The repair was successful and I couldn't tell the difference in the sound between the repaired one and the original one.
I've used Shoe Goo from Walmart to repair a cone to surround separation. It should work between basket and surround just as well
2/3/15 10:53 a.m.
I used to re-cone drivers professionally. Dont use Elmer's glue. The eBay kits include a glue that looks like, and could be, Elmer's. It wont hold over time. Elmer's can be used to adddampening and to prevent 'flappong' only. I don't know the type of glue we used, sorry. Too many hears in a confined space with said glue I think.
When you do find the glue, shoot me a IM. I'll give you some pointers that will help. Dont remove the dust cap, I have a trick for that too.
Someone said Loctite 411. I thought that was a cyanoacrylate super glue. Wouldn't that just vibrate to dust?
The stuff that I used on my surround repair was kinda like rubber cement. It came with my repair kit from www.simplyspeakers.com
Front says, "speaker repair adhesive #MI-3035. All it says on the back is that it contains Toluene, Hexane, and Rubber Solvent. Also warns against getting any on your hootus.