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ReverendDexter Dork
11/8/10 12:52 p.m.

I thought this post was going to be about wine tasters doing 10-under on Napa backroads, hahaha.

I've recently gotten much more enamored of good beer. A big part of that was a video on Lifehacker, showing how to select the proper glass. I used to drink everything out of pint glasses, after watching that I picked up a more proper beer glass ($5 for 2, so it's not like I dropped challenge money for 'em), and I do notice a significant difference in the flavor (for the better, even).

I've also stopped chasing getting drunk, so spending $10 for a single bottle of beer is an acceptable proposition now

Salanis SuperDork
11/8/10 1:49 p.m.

Let me clarify that I did not mean my post to disparage good wines. I really like good wine (although I'm much more into beer). More, I'm giving a hard time to wine snobs who disparage beer as never possibly being able to measure up to a decent wine.

And, yes, I know there's a difference in price between restaurant and retail for wine. I'm saying this beer was easily the finest alcoholic beverage I've ever enjoyed.

As to how you age beer: first, you need the right beer. Most beers are meant to be enjoyed within a span of 1-6 or 2-9 months of bottling. To age a beer you need something strong enough to survive. Typically, that means high alcohol (9%+). Usually this gets done with some Belgian styles, and definitely barleywines. Cork, keg, or cap properly, and store in a cool dark place with the bottles standing upright. Then leave them for a couple years.

Another local brewer took a trip to Belgium earlier this year, and sampled some really old beers. I think the oldest were bottled in the early 60's or late 50's.

Salanis SuperDork
11/8/10 1:51 p.m.
ReverendDexter wrote: I've recently gotten much more enamored of good beer. A big part of that was a video on Lifehacker, showing how to select the proper glass. I used to drink everything out of pint glasses, after watching that I picked up a more proper beer glass ($5 for 2, so it's not like I dropped challenge money for 'em), and I do notice a significant difference in the flavor (for the better, even).


I have been moving away from pint glasses for good beer. Pint glasses are designed to shoot beer down your throat. I've got one nifty Newcastle Brown glass, and frequently I use lowballs or wine glasses for good beer.

I really want to pick up some nice Belgian Tulip glasses.

Derick Freese
Derick Freese HalfDork
11/8/10 2:00 p.m.

Good to see that I'm not the only one raiding the wife's good crystal for beer glasses

Karl La Follette
Karl La Follette HalfDork
11/8/10 2:58 p.m.


ReverendDexter Dork
11/8/10 3:22 p.m.
Salanis wrote: Link? I have been moving away from pint glasses for good beer. Pint glasses are designed to shoot beer down your throat. I've got one nifty Newcastle Brown glass, and frequently I use lowballs or wine glasses for good beer. I really want to pick up some nice Belgian Tulip glasses.

Linky: Lifehacker: How to give your beer the right glass and a proper pour

Brett_Murphy Reader
11/8/10 3:25 p.m.
xd wrote: How do you age beer?

You have to buy a beer that was designed to be aged (usually higher alcohol content) and let it sit there for a while.


oldsaw SuperDork
11/8/10 3:34 p.m.
Brett_Murphy wrote:
xd wrote: How do you age beer?
You have to buy a beer that was designed to be aged (usually higher alcohol content) and let it sit there for a while.

Simply unpossible.....

Twin_Cam SuperDork
11/8/10 3:35 p.m.

I like wine snobs. They keep the price of sour grapes high, which gives me another reason to make fun of them

dj New Reader
11/8/10 4:29 p.m.
RoosterSauce wrote: It is a proven fact that boxed wine has the best alcohol:dollar ratio of any drink, and that it is delicious. Drink wine to get drunk. Drink beer cuz it tastes good.

Try and say next to some everclear.

DirtyBird222 SuperDork
11/8/10 7:33 p.m.

I've tried wine, lots of it, I've found that many women love to drink wine with men and it can lead to many adventurous things. My problem is I do not like wine at all...the only type of found to be remotely good is riesling.

With that said...most of my friends will go to a place like called "The Wine Room" while I go next door to World of Beer.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
11/8/10 7:52 p.m.
Gubby wrote: 'We have a Dom Perignon '58 at $150 a bottle"...

That rules. Personally I'm more into the clear spirits.

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