A couple questions, comments on tags:
- Can you only see what tags are related to a thread from the forum view, not within the thread itself?
- Searching for tags seems to be oddly difficult - unless I am doing it wrong? If I know approximately what tag is used for a thread, I have to start a new thread, tag it that way to verify exact syntax, then go to this URL and replace the tag part: https://grassrootsmotorsports.com/tags/tag-name-here/
- Oddly, searching for the name of the tag will not return threads with that tag, unless I search "tag-name-here" in quotes.
- this link https://grassrootsmotorsports.com/forum/topic-tag-list/ will take you to a form that shows a tag search bar, but when you put a tag in it, it doesn't find any threads with that tag... wtf?

In reply to prodarwin :
Thank you for the feedback!
Some answers.
Can you only see what tags are related to a thread from the forum view, not within the thread itself?
- It seems so - and that's weird. We'll add that to our list of changes we'd like to make.
Searching for tags seems to be oddly difficult - unless I am doing it wrong? If I know approximately what tag is used for a thread, I have to start a new thread, tag it that way to verify exact syntax, then go to this URL and replace the tag part: https://grassrootsmotorsports.com/tags/tag-name-here/
- Searching for tags can be tricky. Generally speaking, if you see a tag, you can click on it to find more content related to that tag - articles, forum posts, news, etc.
Oddly, searching for the name of the tag will not return threads with that tag, unless I search "tag-name-here" in quotes.
this link https://grassrootsmotorsports.com/forum/topic-tag-list/ will take you to a form that shows a tag search bar, but when you put a tag in it, it doesn't find any threads with that tag... wtf?
- My thoughts exactly.
I love tags. It's how I find more and more about a topic I come across here. Expect more functionality with tags in the future. This was insightful. We always love the feedback!
J.A. Ackley said:
Searching for tags seems to be oddly difficult - unless I am doing it wrong? If I know approximately what tag is used for a thread, I have to start a new thread, tag it that way to verify exact syntax, then go to this URL and replace the tag part: https://grassrootsmotorsports.com/tags/tag-name-here/
- Searching for tags can be tricky. Generally speaking, if you see a tag, you can click on it to find more content related to that tag - articles, forum posts, news, etc.
Sometimes when I make multiple threads that share a common theme, I tag them all the same way thinking it will be easier to get back to a "list" of them later. Example. In that scenario there is no way to "see" the tag without first finding the thread - in a list of threads (because see the first bullet point).
So it seems to work to find related threads from one you can already see in a listing, but doesn't help if you know the tag already.
In reply to prodarwin :
Yeah, that's totally inconvenient to have to find it in a listing. I totally agree.
I've also found, when i'm clearing spam out of the tags, that clicking on the tag from the main list doesn't always show all the threads that are associated with that tag.