12/15/17 11:40 p.m.
Every teacher needs to have some kind of schtick.
One of the things I do, is I ask a Skill-Testing Question at the door, every day, to get in.
This gives me some good, personal, interaction with ~every~ kid that comes to my class. The kids love it, so much so, that kids passing by to OTHER classes try to answer the question.
Last day was "Name a non-electronic form of communication." You'd be surprised how often "texting" is offered.
The day before was "Name a game that ONLY two people can play." Chess and Checkers are the first to go. Drag Racing is not often picked.
The day before that was "Name a breed of dog that starts with the letter.... (alphabet)."
Some of my favourites are:
- "Name a super-hero or a villain that starts with the letter.... (alphabet)"
- "Name a city, town, or village in British Columbia" (the province we are in)"
- "Name an automobile manufacturer that starts with the letter.... (alphabet)"
- "Name a word that can be both a verb and a noun, for example: I run down the street with a run in my stocking."
Today was "Name a three-syllable word that starts with the letter.... (alphabet)." This time I kept a tally: 15 of the 28 kids needed a nice "you might want to clap that one out."
Next day's question will be "Name a country that starts with the letter.... (alphabet)." You would be happy to know that MANY of the US states are offered as countries. As are many of your cities. Even a couple of Provinces. Shocking really.
"Name something that rhymes with Orange"
12/16/17 3:51 a.m.
If I was smart they wouldn’t make me come to school every day.
Explain why sonar sensors wouldnt work in space.
The difference between effect and affect
Name a country in europe larger than the state of Texas. What is the largest state in europe (first one is a trick question, none, second France)
Name one type of hard wood and one type of soft wood.
Name a standard thread size- like 1/4-20.
Name one ferrous and one non-ferrous metal.
Name a standard wire size (like AWG), then the next smaller standard size. I.e. #10 and then #12
Why does a transformer hum? (Because it doesn't know the words!)
This is a great idea btw.
12/16/17 10:27 a.m.
Apexcarver said:
Explain why sonar sensors wouldnt work in space.
The difference between effect and affect
Name a country in europe larger than the state of Texas. What is the largest state in europe (first one is a trick question, none, second France)
Second is a trick question too, France is a country.
12/16/17 10:29 a.m.
Trans_Maro said:
"Name something that rhymes with Orange"
Four eng-ineers wearing orange braziers.
12/16/17 11:04 a.m.
Apexcarver said:
Name a country in europe larger than the state of Texas. What is the largest state in europe (first one is a trick question, none, second France)
What, Russia doesn't exist any more? About 4M square km of it are in Europe.
12/16/17 11:06 a.m.
Name a word that rhymes with silver
12/16/17 11:21 a.m.
12/16/17 12:52 p.m.
Cool questions, but really - I need a question that most anyone can get, that can have MANY different answers. I prefer to use ".... that starts with a letter" because it focuses them, and I usually don't have more than 24 kids in the shop.
I'm always looking for new questions.
Name a sandwich ingredient that starts with the letter ____.
Name a Desert that starts with the letter ____.
Name a sport that does NOT use a ball (one kid usually offers "golf").
Name a relatively local restaurant that starts with the letter ____.
12/16/17 12:53 p.m.
Robbie said:
Trans_Maro said:
"Name something that rhymes with Orange"
Four eng-ineers wearing orange braziers.
I'm not sure that's what you're going for.
What's on a perfect pizza?
What is the best map projection?
Which sport produces the best all around athlete?
Name two dog breeds that would make funny looking puppies.
Name a model of car that is made in Europe.
Name an athlete that has been retired for 8 years or more.
Name a black and white movie that you've seen.
Name a Beatles song.
Name a country that starts with A but doesn't end with A.
12/16/17 1:34 p.m.
- Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain in the world?
Answer: Mt. Everest. It just wasn't discovered yet.
- How much dirt is there in a hole that measures two feet by three feet by four feet?
Answer: None, there is no dirt in a hole.
- If a plane crashes on the border of The United States and Mexico, where would the survivors be buried?
Answer: Nowhere, you don't bury survivors.
- Does England have a 4th of July?
Answer: Yes they do, and a July 5th and a July 6th.
-How many books can you put in an empty backpack?
Answer: One! After that, it's not empty.
- A monkey, a squirrel, and a bird are racing to the top of a coconut tree. Who will get the banana first, the monkey, the squirrel, or the bird?
Answer: None of them, because you can't get a banana from a coconut tree!
Auto manufacturers with letters in their logos? (or without)
Name a country in former Yugoslavia
Name an island or a group of islands in the pacific (or Caribbean).
Name an application for steam power that isn't a train.
Name a method of transportation that isn't a plane, train, or automobile.
12/17/17 10:26 a.m.
for clarification, it needs to be ONE question, where there can be many answers.
I can't realistically have 24 different questions to ask each day for 110 days. I'm good, but I'm not that good.
I do have "Name a method of transportation that starts with the letter A." And then "B" for the next kid. And then "C" for the next kid. That way I have 26 different answers to the same base question.
There would need to be 24 other applications of steam power that kids can actually get. Kids who think Alabama is a country, and cannot count to three. When asked to name the seven seas (in order to go to the washroom), kids routinely include the three oceans.
I have "Name an automobile manufacturer that starts with the letter ____." To which they always pick models.
I have "Name an automobile model that starts with the letter ____." To which they always pick manufacturers.
12/17/17 10:31 a.m.
In reply to SkinnyG :
I couldn't do what you do.
12/17/17 10:36 a.m.
Name a model of carthat start a with (letter).
Name a car with a v8, rwd, etc. Name a country in south America. Name a continent. (See how long Antarctica lasts)
What is the flight speed of an unladen swallow?
12/17/17 12:41 p.m.
How about the various ways to show ohms law?
There's a dozen ways, maybe limit to 3 of the same answer?
12/17/17 12:46 p.m.
SVreX said:
- If a plane crashes on the border of The United States and Mexico, where would the survivors be buried?
Answer: Nowhere, you don't bury survivors.
To be even more pedantic, they will get buried in random places all over the world. Surviving a plane crash didn't make them immortal, they're going to die eventually. :)
12/17/17 4:41 p.m.
When the question is "Name a verb that starts with the letter ____," over half of ALL students (grade 8 through 12) don't know what a verb is.
SkinnyG said:
When the question is "Name a verb that starts with the letter ____," over half of ALL students (grade 8 through 12) don't know what a verb is.
But the kids of previous generations learned things like this from grammar rock during Sat. morning cartoons! Verb: That's whats happenin' Maybe it needs to be put on youth phones as ringtones?
In reply to NOT A TA :
Our 5th grade homeschool curricula came with the complete School House Rocks as part of the year long process.