7/22/11 10:34 a.m.
darkbuddha wrote:
In reply to JoeyM:
See, ya taught me something new too. I've found those before (here in Florida) but assumed it was just some sort of odd earthworm. Now I know.
better link
JoeyM wrote:
better link
Did I mention I hate snakes? It's one of many reasons I hate living in Florida.
The plates for printing US currency are all hand engraved.
Talk about one slip and....
The safest way to move a snapping turtle is to get it to bite a long stick, and drag(with the stick) it where you want it to go.
triumph5 wrote:
More boats are registered in Wisconsin than any other state.
Utah has the lowest average age than any other state.
BTW, nice score at the thrift store. Did Kodak put a Leica lens (out-sourced?) on the C model and not the c model?
Also keep an eye out for clean Speed Graphics, they are really starting to go up in value.
And, the end of the North Fork of Long Island was the home of the first sub base in the US.
Im not sure of all the details, but I know this was a German made Kodak with the lens outsourced by Schneider-Kreuznach. The Retina IIC (Big C) has a larger view finder and range finder. The view finder is also brighter. The top deck is a little taller to contain the bigger guts.
There's the key: Schneider-Kreuznach. Thanks!
7/22/11 11:21 a.m.
The term "enzyme" means "in yeast". Enzymes were first discovered in brewers yeast when a scientist isolated a substance from within yeast cells that would convert sugar into ethyl alcohol.
The correct TPS voltage for the Ford 2.3T and 5.0 pushrod engine is .98 volts at closed throttle.
Dunno why I remember that...
Religion is not fundamentally opposed to science. In fact many noted scientists are even members of religious orders.
Cooking is an art. Baking is a science.
When Armadillos reproduce, they always have quadruplets.. They are also one of very few animals besides humans to carry systemic leprosy
7/22/11 12:34 p.m.
pete240z wrote:
The Toyota Camry and Honda Accord are the most "American" cars you can buy.
Here's the list of the top 2011 model-year vehicles on's list, and their percentage of domestic parts:
1.Toyota Camry: 80%
2.Honda Accord: 80%
3.Chevrolet Malibu: 75%
Some fact checking may have been good for but I guess that fact do not make for as good of a story.
The real list can be found here and the highest percentage car is the Dodge Advenger Sedan at 83%
I am not sure if was doing just cars or if they were including trucks since they have the Jeep in their list but the highest truck is Ford Sport-Trac at 90%.
Edit: some clarification... is reporting USA content and the NHTSA is reporting "domestic content" which does not differentiate between US and Canadian content but rather lumps them both as "domestic."
7/22/11 12:34 p.m.
ultraclyde wrote:
When Armadillos reproduce, they always have quadruplets..
identical quadruplets
Here's another really weird reproductive fact: Most mammals have two sex chromosomes (XX or XY), but platypus have ten sex chromosomes
jrw1621: It must be cars only because I see on the list the Ford truck @ 90%.
I call yellow journalism here.
MOWOG is not the name of a god that has to be appeased with many gifts of fluids and expensive parts or else he or she will cause breakdowns at inopportune moments. In fact it is said to refer to the merger of Morris, Wolseley, and MG. The rest of the lesson is that no one seems to be 100% sure.
In reply to sachilles:
If you pick one up do not grab it by the tail, it can break it's spine.
7/22/11 12:55 p.m.
scardeal wrote:
Religion is not fundamentally opposed to science. In fact many noted scientists are even members of religious orders.
Cooking is an art. Baking is a science.
For a long time science was considered the purview of the clergy. Many famous scientists have been clergy members. For example, Gregor Mendel who is considered the father of modern genetics was a friar.
The longest continually running breweries in the world are monasteries. During periods of fasting, monks would frequently subsist solely on beer. Doppelbock is a style first developed for fasting monks.
7/22/11 1:07 p.m.
The following two men...

...are played by the same actor!
mtn wrote:
Pitcher Dock Ellis threw a no hitter while on LSD.
And you're not going to include a link to "Doc Ellis & The LSD No-no"!?!?!?
This E36 M3 gets funnier every time I watch it.
It would take 1,200,000 mosquitoes, each sucking once, to completely drain the average human of blood.
pilotbraden wrote:
In reply to sachilles:
If you pick one up do not grab it by the tail, it can break it's spine.
Why on earth would I pick one up?
Koalas are not bears, they are marsupials
Everything about those filthy beasts is a lie.
sachilles wrote:
pilotbraden wrote:
In reply to sachilles:
If you pick one up do not grab it by the tail, it can break it's spine.
Why on earth would I pick one up?
I pick them up to move them off the road. I keep gloves in my car. The spot to grab them is between the tail and rear leg. The gloves protect me from the claws on the back feet. I will try the stick manuever as soon as I find another one in the road.
A P2021 code in a late model turbocharged Subaru is a faulty Tumble Generating Valve on bank one.
sachilles wrote:
The safest way to move a snapping turtle is to get it to bite a long stick, and drag(with the stick) it where you want it to go.
.... and cut it's head off, then this:
Turtle soup recipe courtesy of Emeril Lagasse