So after I bought mine yesterday I started second guessing myself as I should've gotten one with built-in wi-fi as the wireless connector alone is $99. Being grassroots I started looking for my old wireless router to see if I could make that work. After spending an hour looking for it and coming up empty I decided that I would man up and run a hardline to my AT&T U-Verse router. But after looking at my television box it had a network plug right there! A short 3 ft. cable and I'm online. Sweet! Another reason U-Verse rules.
I know this may sound silly to you gaming/networking types, but for me this is big. You're talking to a guy who just "upgraded" to a PS2 6 months ago. 
6/19/10 8:03 p.m.
Yeah, me too. I was this || close to grabbing a PS3 a while ago for gaming and media streaming but went AppleTV instead. I have a wii but it's for the kids. My PS2 hasn't seen the light of day in 2+ years so I've been really out of "the scene" for a while. My 17y/o nephew is quite the gamer so I'll rely on him for advice.
For arcade racing, I like Dirt 1 better than Dirt 2. Dirt 1 was a dumbed-down version of one of the Collin McRae games, Dirt 2 (of which, admittedly I've only played the demo) dumbed it down way futher. If you're a Forza fan, though, there's not much else in the way of racing games out there that are really decent (maybe Grid, but Grid is just Dirt on pavement - same company, same engine, could've been the same game if they'd had the storage space).
For FPSs, Gears of War is way better than Halo in my opinion. But, it depends on what you're looking for.
Mass Effect is excellent.
Local video store here was going out of business, so I was able to get Mass Effect 2, Final Fantasy XIII, and Dragon Age (all new) for $100.
I'm gonna try and pick up Transformers: War for Cybertron here tomorrow (not likely, I'm guessing), if you're a TF fan, and especially if you were a fan of the '80s animated movie, it looks REALLY good. TF: WFC trailer
stopped in at target today... thankfully the deal finished yesterday... I don't need something else to waste my time on... but man I was tempted... :)
The only Halo I love is the original which you can get xBox Live with just a silver membbership as well as the original Perfect Dark. We just got Perfect Dark today. Hopefully it is just like the original.
6/20/10 8:16 p.m.
OK, so now I have a gamertag - skrbmw I'll have to figure out how to get into the Triple Awesome GRM Forza 3 league now.
Yes, because it truly is TRIPLE AWESOME!
There are games other than Forza? What? That's like saying there are other mags besides GRM.