4/6/18 4:17 p.m.
I don't disagree, frenchyd. One of the problems I am discovering about myself is that I have a really intense ability to love combined with a two fatal flaws of deriving too much of my self worth from others, and being ruled by my emotions.
My problem is that its gone and I'm horrifically empty. Not healthy, I know, and I'm seeing someone about it, just really feeling crappy.
In reply to Curtis :
That feeling is normal to those of us who have been where you are. Don’t try to change it or ignore it, especially don’t bury it. If you do when it comes back it will be massively worse.
However, do get busy. You don’t need to date anyone but you do need to get out. Here’s where friends, real friends pay off.
Go help people. This isn’t some namby pamby feel good stuff. It honestly works. If you’re like me you are a gear head. Fix some old ladies car. Teach a high school class how to change their own oil. ( and why)
Don’t expect this will work because if you do it for that reason it won’t. Just figure out someone to help and do it. Nothing makes your troubles go away faster than fixing other people’s trouble. N
4/6/18 10:30 p.m.
Wise words. I really appreciate your perspective. I went out with friends tonight. Had a good time.