I saw something similar in a house I was renting. Not a well.. but circular stairs to nowhere. Under the kitchen from the basement.. ended at the kitchen floor.
I am still without power.. but at least the inspector came by today and approved it.. hopefully the electric company will be by tomorrow
Ian F wrote:
Another one from the g/f's house. A few weeks ago I was running copper lines for a kick space heater in the kitchen. I pull up flooring to find the biggest freakin mouse nest I've ever seen ( thankfully long abandoned). After clearing out said nest I uncover a large metal plate. Wtf? In one corner is a 4" pipe sticking up. I shine a flashlight down the pipe and under this plate is a long abandoned well. Circular brick work and everything with water about 8' below.
Best I can determine is the kitchen was built over was used to be the back yard. The door opening from the living room used to go outside and they dug a well right next to the door. Nice.
We have a well under our kitchen floor in our 100 year old house (100 this year in fact). It appears that our well was on the porch and then the porch was walled in and a garage added in the ~1950's, along with electricity and a hip roof.
Our well is a hand dug, ~3 feet across well about 30 feet down to water, I doubt it is more than 50 feet deep. The well that feeds the house now is out in the front yard and (I believe) 180 feet deep. We discovered the old well when our dogs (long passed) decided to do a little remodeling in the kitchen while we were out, and tore up the linoleum. Upon ripping it all out (7 layers had been applied one on top of the other) we found a circular cutout in the sub floor. We pried that up and there was a manhole cover. There's that WTF moment. So we pry that up and there is a terra cotta lined well under the kitchen floor. The good news, no bodies in there. The bad news, no bags of cash either.
We also have a fireplace hidden in a wall, but that's another story. 
My parents dug a well where the basement was going to be- we could hit water just about anywhere in the yard at 50 feet or so. Very convenient to have the pump and pressure system in the house. Plus there was a cistern at the other end of the basement.
Ian F wrote:
Another one from the g/f's house. A few weeks ago I was running copper lines for a kick space heater in the kitchen. I pull up flooring to find the biggest freakin mouse nest I've ever seen ( thankfully long abandoned). After clearing out said nest I uncover a large metal plate. Wtf? In one corner is a 4" pipe sticking up. I shine a flashlight down the pipe and under this plate is a long abandoned well. Circular brick work and everything with water about 8' below.
Best I can determine is the kitchen was built over was used to be the back yard. The door opening from the living room used to go outside and they dug a well right next to the door. Nice.
Count your blessings. What if it had been the outhouse? 
In reply to EastCoastMojo:
Fireplace IN a wall? 
Two pics guaranteed to strike terror into a GRM'ers heart:

8/15/12 6:38 p.m.
Curmudgeon wrote:
Two pics guaranteed to strike terror into a GRM'ers heart:
[grm] Just get an XJ. [/grm]
I have seen the latter one. On the islands here at the Shore.. most of the houses are supported underneath by pilings sunk down into the muck. This keeps them from sinking. Most of the driveways are not so supported..
A development near where I grew up.. they cut a lot of corners in construction.. and as the ground fell away with settling.. took the driveways leading to the garages with it.. some had a 2 foot difference in height.
There were some lawsuits involved
Mod Squad
7/29/13 5:15 a.m.
neon4891 wrote:
Could be worse
Basement Lambo Guy? I still don't get why, after all that work, he sold the thing.
7/29/13 9:58 a.m.
Someone has been reading old threads.
Ian F
7/29/13 10:16 a.m.
Maybe Joey deleted a canoe post and then commented since it was already zombi-fied?
In reply to Ian F:
yes, he did
there was an overnight infestation
akamcfly wrote:
The stuff I found in my N Falls House would fill a large, very funny (if it's not your house) book.
It's a shame that most of my best work in that house will never be seen.
NFNY?? LOVE CANAL?? If so I understand.. If not sorry!!!