8/24/11 12:17 a.m.
NSFW Rant http://blogs.villagevoice.com/forkintheroad/2011/08/anthony_bourdai_17.php
Anthony Bourdain on the sale of 9/11 memorial wines said:
"That's vomit inducing" and "I will personally leave an upper decker in the bathroom of whoever is responsible for this."
what a tasteless endeavor
8/24/11 5:21 a.m.
^^I assume you guys mean the commemorative wine, and not the upper-decking
Upper deckers are always a good way to get your point across.
what, he couldn't have made more money by charging $20.01?
Not sure I get the fuss - because someone is potentially profiting from labeling a wine? Maybe it's not the most sensitive, but there is a charity aspect. It's not like others haven't profited from those events - construction companies, contractors, architects, videographers, politicians, authors... What could be more American than turn a tragedy into a capitalistic opportunity. That's gotta make the terrorist types nuts.
oldtin wrote:
What could be more American than turn a tragedy into a capitalistic opportunity. That's gotta make the terrorist types nuts.
If that's the goal, they should have made it kosher.
Anthony Bourdain, marinated in win!

I could make so many tasteless jokes about that wine but I think I will refrain.
Does it get you flying high and then a sudden crash at the end.
93EXCivic wrote:
Does it get you flying high and then a sudden crash at the end.
One drink and you'll end up in a field!
All of you are tasteless. I'm glad I found a place I can fit in.
I'm sure it is gross in some way, but what is an upper-decker? I didn't join a frat in college, so I'm gross-out-language-impaired.
8/24/11 11:23 a.m.
Basil Exposition wrote:
I'm sure it is gross in some way, but what is an upper-decker? I didn't join a frat in college, so I'm gross-out-language-impaired.
You normally go in the lower deck of the toilet.
8/24/11 11:57 a.m.
Google it. I'm not going to ruin it for the innocent here.
8/24/11 12:12 p.m.
Generally Bourdain's "Im too cool for everything" attitude annoys me but I fully support his upper decker movement on this one.
Yea, dude annoys me sometimes, but that is effing hilarious.
And I can't come up with anything nearly as tasteless as you guys, so carry on.
is that the best whine he can come up with?
K, so I googled it and got the Urban Dictionary definition. Particularly enjoyed the "beef stew" reference. Thanks guys (and Anthony)!