ShawnG said:
Wife has issues with stuff like that.
I don't, we were poor and didn't waste food in my house.
I do the cooking so she never knows when I've cut rotten parts out of a potato, cut the mold off cheese or taste-tested the expired milk before I've used it.
Speaking from personal experience, food insecurity will definitely affect your tolerance for such things.
Some foods, like buttermilk and yogurt are okay long past the date on the container. Some people take the aversion to an extreme.
I just eat it and move on. I'm thankful that I have money for food while there are unfortunate souls who would kill for a burrito with a screw, a wire, a cockroach, AND a hair in it.
Now, if I'm at a fine dining establishment and find a hair in my confit duck or my honey and sumac swordfish, I will inform the manager because it's something the establishment would likely want to know, but I'll do it after I've paid the bill. I don't want any confusion about wanting Karen freebies. I'm quite certain it was an oversight and not intentional.
I worked in resteraunts through high school, cooked in the service and cooked when I got out. When I realized most pros are either alcoholics or on their 5th marriage I found a new career.
So, it's hard to gross me out.
New Phillipino guy working with me in the service was always fetching for a visiting Admiral. "Hey boy, get me some iced tea."
Kid had enough and started rimming his glass. (ran penis around the lip of glass)
Got caught, his new duty station is Portsmouth Naval Prison. =~ O
My aunt worked for a large company that used to have stores in malls(think meat sticks, cheeses, etc) They had a truck load of coffee beans come in. Right as they are about to unload and start grinding they find the load has a lot of live roaches running around in the beans. STOP!!! ship it out! She is impressed, they turned down the load because of all the roaches.
A couple hours later that same truck is back to unload. She asks a co-worker if it was a different load of coffee beans? Nope, they just sent it out to get gassed to kill the roaches. She stopped drinking coffee after that even though she knew the part per million were pretty low.
I trained my kids early on this stuff. I asked them if they think they cleared all the grasshoppers out of the field before they harvested the stuff to make their Fruitloops? "Probably not."
I'm paraphrasing but Orwell wrote something like " the more you pay for a meal the more licked fingers have been in it." It was in down and out in Paris and London.
It always stuck with me. You go to fast food and everything is pre fab. You go to a dine in place and most of it is.
You go to a high end restaurant and it's likely the chef cared enough to taste the dish to season it.
Edit: As per the original question. If I'm in a restaurant and find a hair I usually put it aside and keep going.
You guys have nothing on me.
I've chewed milk.
Appleseed said:
You guys have nothing on me.
I've chewed milk.
There is no puke emoji. I could not get past the curdles, smell, and sour taste. No chewing for me.
Funny thing is you go to an Asian country and they think it's the epitome of fresh if it's still moving when you eat it. Some things I'll eat live, most.. nope.
11/8/22 10:04 p.m.
In reply to clutchsmoke :
My friends mom is Asian and I've seen raw chicken sit on the counter for days.
My grandfather-in-law used to buy a big bucket of KFC and let it sit on the counter all week because he hated cold chicken. Probably enough MSG and nitrites in it to keep some things from growing in it, but still.... that's yuck. I'm a bit of a stickler when it comes to old meat.
Loads of stomach cancer in the older generations due to stuff like that. Refrigeration began the massive downswing in stomach cancers that we've seen in the last few decades.
In reply to dculberson :
Still is in Japan.
One of my online acquaintances is half Japanese and mentioned offhand that he goes through a gallon of soy sauce a month.
Appleseed said:
You guys have nothing on me.
I've chewed milk.
It is cottage cheese at that point.
Toyman! said:
In reply to Sarah Young :
That might be enough to make me a little cautious for a while.
Can I get a spoon with that shake so I can check it for lumps.
It's like fruit-on-the-bottom yogurt.
RX Reven' said:
Sarah Young said:
RX Reven' said:
Don't hate if it's straight but get squirrely if it's curly.
This is such a perfect summation of hair-in-food tolerances. I googled it to see if it was a saying, but it seems like it's not? Nice one.
Thank you!
It was my creation (sophomoric tendencies run strong in me).
Plus, if something rhymes, it's true.
Pete. (l33t FS) said:
Appleseed said:
You guys have nothing on me.
I've chewed milk.
It is cottage cheese at that point.
My middle son used to love chocolate milk. One time when he was around 6 I poured his usual bottle full before school without paying much attn to what was coming out of it. He took a sip and said "the milk is spicy, I don't like it", to which I probably replied something like "just drink it or we are going to be late for school" might have been worse lol. He complied.
The next day I remembered the spicy comment ... god it was bad. He hasn't had any chocolate milk since ... he is 14. Probably never will again. My bad.
SWMBO and I differ greatly on this point, maybe a product of upbringing not sure. She is super retentive about food expiration dates and freshness. I grew up in a house where the expire date was merely a suggestion unless the food was rotten.
We really didn't have enough extra food in the cabinet for it to actually go out of date anyway. Apples with worms.. try to avoid the worm. Cut out the moldy part out of the cheese or don't depending on the type. I have eaten so many bugs by "accident" it is not funny. I rememebr making the last box of kraft mac and cheese in college and it is full off weevils I think?... to hungry and poor to care, already in the water.. Boil them.. the ones that make it to the bowl are cheesy protein.
11/9/22 11:03 p.m.
In reply to Toyman! :
Uptown Sinclair called and he asked, 'what took you so long!'
11/10/22 10:27 a.m.
Posted in the wrong thread. Won't let me delete for some reason.
11/11/22 5:45 p.m.
In reply to Slippery :
Thanks for the reminder. When I was about 18 I grabbed a sub on the way home from work. Assorted, no cheese. I don't eat cheese, nor do I eat any other dairy, the one exception being chocolate milk, the two go together quite nicely. I unwrap the sub, take a big bite and realize that he put disgusting cheese on it. So I rolled down the window, spit it out and quickly opened the chocolate milk and took a big swig to get that taste out of my mouth. The chocolate milk had gone bad.
thatsnowinnebago said:
In reply to RevRico :
You've gotten small screws a FEW TIMES in your food there?! And you keep going back? Must be some killer tacos or something.
I'm just curious because I've literally never seen a pan put together with screws. In 20 years of home cooking and buying stuff and watching the pros, only large rivets.