I don't know about that Cabin in the Woods. I meant to go watch it but the 3 Stooges drew me in.
If you grew up watching the 3 Stooges you will not be disappointed. They recycled and updated a series of shorts from the original complete with all the inane stunts and tom foolery.

The new guys actually do a very good job of capturing the old essence. Curly was the best, with Moe 2nd. It seemed odd watching them at first but by the end of the picture it was hard to picture the originals.

All they needed was Icky Twerp and the Slam Bang Theater. Here in the DFW area we came home from school and watched the 3 Stooges on the Slam Bang Theater.

More Icky Twerp
High Brow it's not! Fun it was!
(stay deep into the credits for a music video of sorts)
I grew up watching The 3 Stooges, but I have no urge to spend money on this movie. I'll just wait until it hits the movie channels in 6 months.
Brought my two boys ages 5 and 9 last night along with my sister who doesn't really know the Stooges as she is 10 years younger than me. We all laughed our asses off,and I really enjoyed the movie. I wasn't expecting much as I thought it would ruin my memories of the shorts, but it didn't. It isn't high brow, but the Stooges never were, so go in with an open mind,and you will be entertained. I think I laughed the entire movie!
I have been waiting to see this and I am please to hear a good review
It looks like I will be spending a few bucks this week.
Wow I was expected bad reviews compared to the original.
4/17/12 7:27 a.m.
Wait, WHAT? This movie is good for stooges fans?
I guess I know where I'll be this weekend!
I never got the Stooges. Seemed too stupid to watch for more then 45 seconds at a pop.
4/17/12 8:17 a.m.
I try to keep an open head about it, but I can't buy actors that were established before playing the "character" of a Stooge. The originals WERE the stooges. Iono.
I just heard from someone who was a big stooge fan, said he wanted to hate the movie but ended up laughing all the way through it..
4/17/12 10:01 a.m.
GrantMLS wrote:
I just heard from someone who was a big stooge fan, said he wanted to hate the movie but ended up laughing all the way through it..
Howard Stern said the same thing according to one of my friends who is a big Howard listener.
thats probally where i heard it.. 
4/17/12 10:08 a.m.
When I saw the PG rating (not PG13) I figured the act had been de-contented. I am not sure the originals would pass PG13.
I am sure some of the cultural references (now known as slurs) were dropped.
jrw1621 wrote:
When I saw the PG rating (not PG13) I figured the act had been de-contented. I am not sure the originals would pass PG13.
I am sure some of the cultural references (now known as slurs) were dropped.
Then you are going to be disappointed. This was definitely an UN-PC movie.
It was a little raw (which means just like the original Stooges) and catches you off guard in the first few seconds of the movie. You think "They can't do that anymore!" But they do!
But as a nod towards present day sensibilities they do have a disclaimer at the end.
I thought I just wouldn't be able to get past the guys playing the stooges, but they did wonderful as well. As I said earlier, very soon you just forget they aren't the original and get into the show.
This is a movie worth spending the money for, but not a date night movie.
4/17/12 10:24 a.m.
Glad to see that words like "dame" may have still been used.
Is the movie set in current time or some sort of retro-time, like the 40's?
I had read that the actors were told specifically NOT to put their own "style" on the roles. They were to BE Moe, Larry and Curley.
Good to hear, I was worried about it also.
"Hey, why'r you guys takin' a bath, it's not Saturday!?"
They were LC&M.
It was set in present day and apparently used old scripts and concepts but just updated them.
Some gratuitous "walking sticks" as they put it in the show. And a very nice nun in a.................WAIT! I can't tell you that, it would spoil it for you!
Berkeley that! If you are a real Stooge fan this is scralige and a travesty. Is nothing scarred? Hell, while we're at it, bring back Laurel and Hardy, Charlie Chaplin, and the Marx Brothers. Ungh.
I'll treat this like I treat Blue Brothers 2000: a turd worth of flushing.
Appleseed wrote:
Berkeley that! If you are a real Stooge fan this is scralige and a travesty....
Possibly. But it has been around 75 years since the best of the Stooges. It is pretty unlikely they will be doing anymore soon.
If this movie follows the spirit of the Stooges, it is probably the best way to do some sort of revival of a type of comedy that still has a unique draw to many people even 75 years later! If you are a fan of the Stooges, you really should be for more of what they did.
Not really sure if there has anybody since them that really has done what they did successfully. Strange when you think about it, considering how successful there version was. Can anyone think of anything close? Violent physical comedy, good stuff.
4/17/12 6:14 p.m.
Curly is played by Will Sasso, possibly my favorite MadTV alumni.
His Kenny Rogers on Jackass is classic.
Appleseed wrote:
Berkeley that! If you are a real Stooge fan this is scralige and a travesty. Is nothing scarred? Hell, while we're at it, bring back Laurel and Hardy, Charlie Chaplin, and the Marx Brothers. Ungh.
I'll treat this like I treat Blue Brothers 2000: a turd worth of flushing.
It's obvious you haven't seen the movie. And since all the original Stooges are dead, it's not like there'll be any new episodes coming any time soon.
That would be like someone painting in renaissance style and saying "Look, a new Da Vincci painting." No, its not. Same with the Stooges. Sorry, I will not be swayed.
Appleseed wrote:
That would be like someone painting in renaissance style and saying "Look, a new Da Vincci painting." No, its not. Same with the Stooges. Sorry, I will not be swayed.
Ha Ha! That's probably the first time the Stooges have been compared to Da Vinci.
But think of it as a great "tribute to" rather than a "sacrilege of" the Stooges.
I'll concede that. Tribute is hopefully what the film is. Still won't watch it.
Having actually SEEN the film I can say it IS a tribute. I love the Stooges and was worried when I first heard of the new movie. What convinced me to go was a short clip in a commercial that showed Curley looking like the real Curley. He was great.
I didn't want to like Moe since he looked the least like the real Moe, but he acted just like Moe.
Larry had a sort of hang dog look about him that never got me truly believing him, but even so he was very good.
Watch it or not, you're the only one who'll suffer. As for me I hope they begin to make shorts of them just like the real Stooges.