Okay, so I'm finally getting a little tired of the J-pop I'd discovered at work a few years back. Went to the big box music store to look around for something. I'm getting older, and it seems that although I still love music, it's becoming increasingly tough to find something that knocks me over like it used to.
I don't know why, but when I saw the little plastic divider card with the name "Little Feat" on it, I picked through to see what they had. There was a copy of their wonderful live record "Waiting for Columbus" there. `Hey, I remember that one,' I thought..so I picked it up. And I kicked myself for not realizing it was 22 dollars when I reached the checkout. After unwrapping it and loading it up, I ain't kicking myself anymore.
Seems I accidentally bought the Rhino/Warner reissue. Wow. All the goodness of the original record (which I once owned, but was stolen at a party I threw in college), and much, much more. All the leftover stuff that was put on "Hoy-Hoy!" is there, and also a few alternative versions discovered by the guys at Rhino while they were researching the history of the original record. Amazing stuff. If you're a Feat fan, you gotta go get this thing.
And if you younger folks are into "roots" music, you gotta hear the Feat:
Yes, that's a socket wrench the guy's using to play slide guitar. His name is Lowell George, and in contemporary interviews he said it was a Craftsman 11/16th. He'd injured the nerves in his hand on a gas model airplane propeller, and the socket was the only thing tough enough to use as a slide without breaking it. 
3/20/09 12:13 a.m.
friedgreencorrado wrote:
Okay, so I'm finally getting a little tired of the J-pop I'd discovered at work a few years back. Went to the big box music store to look around. I don't know why, but when I saw Little Feat's work was actually avalible on CD, I picked through to see what they had. There was a copy of their wonderful live record "Waiting for Columbus" there, so I picked it up.
Seems I accidentally found the Rhino/Warner
They have a new album, they sing with a bunch of other guys. I remember Bob Seger, Brooks and Dunn, and Jimmy Buffett off the top of my head. It is one of the better albums I've heard in a long while, of anybody. I highly recommend it.
I think its called "Join the Band"
mtn wrote:
friedgreencorrado wrote:
Okay, so I'm finally getting a little tired of the J-pop I'd discovered at work a few years back. Went to the big box music store to look around. I don't know why, but when I saw Little Feat's work was actually avalible on CD, I picked through to see what they had. There was a copy of their wonderful live record "Waiting for Columbus" there, so I picked it up.
Seems I accidentally found the Rhino/Warner
They have a new album, they sing with a bunch of other guys. I remember Bob Seger, Brooks and Dunn, and Jimmy Buffett off the top of my head. It is one of the better albums I've heard in a long while, of anybody. I highly recommend it.
I think its called "Join the Band"
I think I've seen that one..Bonnie Raitt too, right? And I need to edit my OP...I hit the wrong button before I finished it.
3/20/09 1:05 a.m.
friedgreencorrado wrote:
mtn wrote:
friedgreencorrado wrote:
Okay, so I'm finally getting a little tired of the J-pop I'd discovered at work a few years back. Went to the big box music store to look around. I don't know why, but when I saw Little Feat's work was actually avalible on CD, I picked through to see what they had. There was a copy of their wonderful live record "Waiting for Columbus" there, so I picked it up.
Seems I accidentally found the Rhino/Warner
They have a new album, they sing with a bunch of other guys. I remember Bob Seger, Brooks and Dunn, and Jimmy Buffett off the top of my head. It is one of the better albums I've heard in a long while, of anybody. I highly recommend it.
I think its called "Join the Band"
I think I've seen that one..Bonnie Raitt too, right? And I need to edit my OP...I hit the wrong button before I finished it.
Nope, different one, although I've heard Bonnie Raitt with them too (another one of my favorites... weird for a 19 year old, huh?)
This is the Album
I like the old stuff best too, the Allman Bros, Little Feat, etc. etc. As far as new stuff goes, I'm mostly into bluegrass and folk (which is old in theory). You might want to look into Cross Canadian Ragweed and Reckless Kelly. Kinda along the same lines, not as good, but its some of the best stuff I've heard in the past few years.
3/20/09 1:06 a.m.
And BTW... Lowell George died in the late 70's
Yessir, Lil' Feats.
Spent many an evening with that as the background.
'And I'll be your Dixie chicken,
If you'll be my Tennessee lamb
And we can walk together
Down in Dixie land'
(etc etc)
Didn't Stevie Ray Vaughn use a socket for a slide also?
Jensenman wrote: Didn't Stevie Ray Vaughn use a socket for a slide also?
Sometimes a socket, sometimes a shot glass and sometimes a long glass tube.
3/20/09 8:18 a.m.
And I never knew Chicken George was a model airplane fan. Damn. Thanks for the review - I may have to pick this up. It's been way too long since I heard Spanish Moon.
mtn wrote:
And BTW... Lowell George died in the late 70's
Yeah. Hard to believe it's been almost thirty years. I was still working in radio when that happened. IIRC, his last show was at the same venue part of WFC was recorded (can't recall the name of the place, but it's on the George Washington U campus in DC).
I heard the song that Dave Mathews did with the rest of the band on that new album that just came out. I'm not a big Dave Mathews fan but it was a really good song and it won me over. That youtube video was really good and had a fantastic bounce to it. Have they always had two drummers?
I checked out a box set from the library, called "Whatever." All 90's stuff. I'm now waxing serious nostalgia for early alternative and grunge (remember that?) Found out all over again how much I like the Breeders and Veruca Salt.
92dxman wrote:
I heard the song that Dave Mathews did with the rest of the band on that new album that just came out. I'm not a big Dave Mathews fan but it was a really good song and it won me over. That youtube video was really good and had a fantastic bounce to it. Have they always had two drummers?
I haven't heard the tune, but I looked around on Goog a lil' bit, and it seems he actually did "Fat Man in the Bathtub". 
And it's on that record mtn recommended earlier in the thread..
I think mtn's right...I need to go pick up that record, too. 
New Reader
3/21/09 1:12 a.m.
I like the old stuff best too, the Allman Bros, Little Feat, etc. etc. As far as new stuff goes, I'm mostly into bluegrass and folk (which is old in theory). You might want to look into Cross Canadian Ragweed and Reckless Kelly. Kinda along the same lines, not as good, but its some of the best stuff I've heard in the past few years.
I discovered Cross Canadian, Reckless Kelly, Robert Earl Keene and other Red Dirt western (not country) artists a few years back and now I'm hooked. I've always liked the alt-country genre (Lucinda Williams etc,). There's actually a great station on itunes called boot liquor. I'm hooked and have bought more music in the last month than I have since college. I wouldn't necessarily call them Little Feat substitutes, but from my perspective with apologies I think they kick more ass.
3/21/09 1:26 a.m.
Brust wrote:
I like the old stuff best too, the Allman Bros, Little Feat, etc. etc. As far as new stuff goes, I'm mostly into bluegrass and folk (which is old in theory). You might want to look into Cross Canadian Ragweed and Reckless Kelly. Kinda along the same lines, not as good, but its some of the best stuff I've heard in the past few years.
I discovered Cross Canadian, Reckless Kelly, Robert Earl Keene and other Red Dirt western (not country) artists a few years back and now I'm hooked. I've always liked the alt-country genre (Lucinda Williams etc,). There's actually a great station on itunes called boot liquor. I'm hooked and have bought more music in the last month than I have since college. I wouldn't necessarily call them Little Feat substitutes, but from my perspective with apologies I think they kick more ass.
REK is the best. His was actually the stuff I got hooked on, Reckless Kelly, etc. came later.
John Brown wrote:
Jensenman wrote: Didn't Stevie Ray Vaughn use a socket for a slide also?
Sometimes a socket, sometimes a shot glass and sometimes a long glass tube.
The slide of choice for Mr Vaughn et al was the small Corocidin bottle.
Duke wrote:
And I never knew Chicken George was a model airplane fan. Damn. Thanks for the review - I may have to pick this up. It's been way too long since I heard Spanish Moon.
Stay away from the whiskey-and bad cocaine!
You're gonna love this..I went searching for a link to Lowell's love of model airplanes, and after a bunch of links telling the story about the prop, I found this:
That's from a 2008 studio album. Seems they still miss him, too.
3/22/09 10:57 p.m.
Appleseed wrote:
I checked out a box set from the library, called "Whatever." All 90's stuff. I'm now waxing serious nostalgia for early alternative and grunge (remember that?) Found out all over again how much I like the Breeders and Veruca Salt.
"With David Bowie" (Veruca Salt) is one of my favorite power pop tunes. That is one incredible song. 
Since we're on the topic of roots and jam type music, I highly recommend Blues Traveler's live album, Live from the Fall. They can groove like no other and John Popper is a madman on the harmonica. Here is a song of theirs:
Also, you can't forget the Allman Brothers. From one of the best live albums ever committed to tape (Live at Filmore East):
Brust wrote:
I like the old stuff best too, the Allman Bros, Little Feat, etc. etc. As far as new stuff goes, I'm mostly into bluegrass and folk (which is old in theory). You might want to look into Cross Canadian Ragweed and Reckless Kelly. Kinda along the same lines, not as good, but its some of the best stuff I've heard in the past few years.
I discovered Cross Canadian, Reckless Kelly, Robert Earl Keene and other Red Dirt western (not country) artists a few years back and now I'm hooked. I've always liked the alt-country genre (Lucinda Williams etc,). There's actually a great station on itunes called boot liquor. I'm hooked and have bought more music in the last month than I have since college. I wouldn't necessarily call them Little Feat substitutes, but from my perspective with apologies I think they kick more ass.
you should also check out south austin jug band, and texas renegade. just as cool, but less well known austin based bands.
3/23/09 4:40 p.m.
friedgreencorrado wrote:
That's from a 2008 studio album. Seems they still miss him, too.
That's pretty cool. As a person who's dinked a finger more than once in a model's prop, that touches home for me.
I've been a Feats fan for quite a while, and unlike many of the Lowell George purists, I also love what they've been putting out since his death. Granted, it took them about nine years to reunite, but they still had it then and they've still got it now.
The last time I saw them live I was front row center and met the whole band backstage afterwards. The whole band is incredibly approachable, and I had a great talk with each and every one of them. I've got their entire discography on CD and brought along the sleeves to be autographed. I managed to get every one of them signed by at least one member of the band, as well as a signed copy of the set list. What an awesome show!
Fritz_the_Cat wrote:
I've been a Feats fan for quite a while, and unlike many of the Lowell George purists, I also love what they've been putting out since his death. Granted, it took them about nine years to reunite, but they still had it then and they've still got it now.
The last time I saw them live I was front row center and met the whole band backstage afterwards. The whole band is incredibly approachable, and I had a great talk with each and every one of them. I've got their entire discography on CD and brought along the sleeves to be autographed. I managed to get every one of them signed by at least one member of the band, as well as a signed copy of the set list. What an awesome show!
Y'know...you're right. I need to get out and see `em. I just realized that three of my fave Feat tunes ("All That You Dream", "Skin It Back", and "Time Loves a Hero") were actually written by Barrere! Thanks for the wake-up call...