And Michael. I'll take and post pictures tomorrow. Gotta get the last customer car in my shop finished, so it will be in the before pictures but not after.
Are we taking cars out to get the pictures, or does it not matter as long as they are in before/after pics?
Dusterbd13 wrote:
And Michael. I'll take and post pictures tomorrow. Gotta get the last customer car in my shop finished, so it will be in the before pictures but not after.
Are we taking cars out to get the pictures, or does it not matter as long as they are in before/after pics?
I'd say no need to take them out... mine is buried so a big part of cleaning/organizing is actually getting it out of the garage.
5/30/14 1:23 p.m.
Can I take a picture through the window?? I don't think I can fit inside with a camera in my hand.
I'll play.
But I can't post pics by Monday. I'm out of town until Wed. Plus, I don't do the hosting thing, so I'll have to get someone to host them for me.
Do we get extra credit for live animals or fungal growths??
SVreX wrote:
Can I take a picture through the window?? I don't think I can fit inside with a camera in my hand.
I'll play.
But I can't post pics by Monday. I'm out of town until Wed. Plus, I don't do the hosting thing, so I'll have to get someone to host them for me.
Do we get extra credit for live animals or fungal growths??
Only if the live animals/fungal growth has created its own society due to no interaction with the outside world
5/30/14 3:52 p.m.
SVREX, e-mail the pics to me, I'll post them up for you. And I think we can give you a pass 'till Wednesday.
5/30/14 4:14 p.m.
How much time do we get to accomplish this monumental feat??
I'm in! This was my own dumb idea
The Hooptie is gettings its Chumpcage so I am working on my trailer. This place is hospital grade compared to Dr Boost's place.

OK, here's my submission. Note this is a 24x36 garage with a 9 1/2 foot ceiling.

5/30/14 7:19 p.m.
SVreX wrote:
How much time do we get to accomplish this monumental feat??
Joel and I figured we'd check in every week for a month. It appears some of us here will need more than a month ;) but I think a weekly check in was the idea.
5/30/14 7:24 p.m.
I have a basic 24X24 garage, 8' ceilings.
Here's my submission:
What the neighbors see when I'm too lazy to close the door
Inside, back against one wall looking north:
Incidentally, there was only one 18" part of the wall that my back could even touch
Inside, back close to the other wall, looking south:
My biggest problem area. This is a work bench that I use to bench-test Webasto heaters, and EVERYTHING else apparently. It's become a catch all.
My goal is do get rid of some stuff, although I don't expect great gains from that as I've already purged soo much stuff, just ask Joey48442. I think he's rebuilt his Jeep from my parts supply haha. I want to get more stuff off the floor and benches. I want to get rid of one bench because benches invite clutter.
5/30/14 7:26 p.m.
So, people are starting to post pics, GREAT! How about next week we post pics from the same perspective to really get an idea of the progress? Naturally, post up any other pics to show us the great leaps of progress you've maid.
DrBoost wrote:
Inside, back against one wall looking north:
I'll take the pedal car for my little ones since you really need the garage space
Wow. I am an amateur compared to what I have seen so far. Here's my contribution:

I didn't include the upstairs or the bathroom, too ashamed.
5/30/14 7:49 p.m.
I'll have to talk to my son about that. He's too big for it, but it was a special gift from me to him. It is cool. Did you know I have the Drag Pac for it?

That's extra though.
5/31/14 8:07 a.m.
logdog wrote:
The Hooptie is gettings its Chumpcage so I am working on my trailer. This place is hospital grade compared to Dr Boost's place.
That panoramic pic makes it look like you have a 24X320 garage.
In reply to DrBoost:
I know. It adds 20 feet to the length.
I was in until you guys started posting pics.
I think it's likely that a sound diagnosis of mental illness could be made for many of you based solely on these pictures.
5/31/14 8:50 a.m.
...and somehow you are now triying to convince us that an equally sound diagnosis of mental illness is somehow NOT possible based on your own extensive posting history??
Thats not justr insane, its completely deranged! 
Yeah, I dont feel too bad about mine now. I told my wife about this thread and show her the pictures. She told me I definitely won't win the most improved, and would divorce me if ANY part of her property ever got that bad due to my pack rat tendencies. She also told ne to post pics of mine, get the catalina out, and get my ass to work on the rennovation/organization/cleaning that I've been planning for year. Told me to shoot for most creative use of space.
Ill edit this post later tonight to add pictures and plans when im not using my cell phone.
I will say, we moved into the house about 6 months ago. So we have been unpacking out of the garage since then. Its slowly improving.
5/31/14 11:35 a.m.
If this thread prompts folks to get out there and clean/organize the garage, it's a win. My garage is full because I just have too much shop stuff in a garage, AND my goal is to have my wife park in the garage this winter. That's a tall order. I'm heading out now to connect the larger powder coat oven that you see in my first pic. Then more cleaning.