i wanna go mess up my garage just so i can get into this thread. you guys are inspiring!
oh, Supercoupe, what's that round black muffler with the twin chrome tips off of? it would look secksy under my E12, perhaps. and did you get a taker for the bike yet?
In reply to AngryCorvair:
still have the bike, exhaust is off an Audi,early S4 I believe, I haven't made much progress, but I have parted and scrapped the Lincoln so now I can advance the cars one place forward and pull one of them out of the garage...so I can get inside to start sorting and scrapping..
7/16/14 5:48 p.m.
I started this thread and have hardly got anything accomplished. I need to list a few things on CL, but there are time-sensative things I need to get done to a car that is taking my time.
There you have two excuses. Are any of them good enough?
Im still working on it, not sure about others.
This is what was put up this weekend. As per the norm, take 2 hours to put up the first and then 15 minutes for the second one. The garage door clears by about an inch, so perfect!

Holds dive boxes, yard trimmers, crab traps, and Ill put a hood up top too when I get a chance.
Ian F
7/28/14 1:56 p.m.
I slid backwards this weekend as well, adding yet another engine, transmission and pile of parts to my collection of... stuff.
Oh... not to mention a 6th car. 
Been meaning to work on the mess all summer but just been too busy....so today I moved the 10X20 portable garage back in the driveway so that it met up with the garage door. Now I can pull all the
junk out of the garage to sift through and scrap.
Found some stuff already that I didn't even know I still had...

I too backslid. Found a reasonable 1967 Mustang fastback that had many problems. Sat for 10 years with a broken steering box as the primary problem. But in my hoard I just happen to have all the right parts. Breezed through the fuel system and fluids, electrical was a bit of a bear due to the previous owners inventiveness, steering box was a snap compared to all the junk I found online...did not need to raise the engine or anything!!
But the parts store gave me the wrong brakes so I did manage a few hours of little things like sorting bolts, nuts, washers, cotter pins and those other things. Put the correct key in the big compressor, fixed 2 air leaks and on faucet, organized the spray can collection and swept the floor. Maybe I did get a bit ahead!
Sold some stuff and gained a little space. I'm making progress, just at a glacial pace.
8/10/14 11:37 a.m.
PubBurgers wrote:
Sold some stuff and gained a little space. I'm making progress, just at a glacial pace.
Wow, you made my post for me. Thanks PubBurgers.
Also got rid of more stuff. I now have 2 cars in the garage on jackstands
and plenty of room to work around both 
8/11/14 11:04 a.m.

Getting my SR20's ready for RaceWars.. not. Now that I've got my unexpected Bonneville project out of the way I can do something about this mess.
I have no pictures, but I made headway. I can get in and out of the backdoor to the garage. Have paint on a shelf and have lights hung from the ceiling. Not hooked up, but they are hung :)
I'm hacking away at it, too. My process is to pick an area, haul everything in that area to the middle of the garage, go through it, throw away what I don't need, then put it all back in a much more organized fashion. It's working, it's just slow.
Karl La Follette wrote:
Any time you want someone else to own this, let me know. My marriage is going smoothly and could use a little yelling.
that is a right hand drive 1960 mk 2 2.4/ 4 speed manual lhd ,Marie's brother brought it back over . We have had it for 20 plus years easy. It is on the list for this winter
Right now it is a table
In reply to Karl La Follette:
Gotcha. If you want to put a sticky note on it that says "mazdeuce" just so you don't forget, I would be OK with that. :)
Dredging this one back up from the past. Vacation is done, the kids are back to school. It's time to get cleaning so we can start those winter projects.
Today's progress was on the front garage. There were piles of boxes and furniture from the move 3 years ago. I want to get the Abomination moved up here so I have room in the shop to actually work on things.
We started here:

Today we are here:

This is the Goodwill load:

Still a lot more to do, but progress has been made.
In reply to Karl La Follette:
I would clean my garage if I could find one of those in it

I just looked back in my grosh thread and one year and two weeks ago I had this. Tore it down to bare cement, built it back up, and today I finished hanging drywall in the upstairs bedroom.

window tint shop cleanup continues
meth head renters force evacuation and dust off clean 
willys out of meth head renters garage for safety