5/29/14 4:49 p.m.
Ok, so Joey48442 was complaining that his garage is a mess, and I added that mine was nice and neat about 18 months ago but now it's a mess. Usually it's a horrible, over-crowded mess. After agreeing that it was somehow the fault of Logdog, we decided that we needed some incentive to get our garages in order. So, we are planning The Great GRM Garage Challenge. We need the help of the hive to hone this idea into something good.
Here's what we're thinking. Tomorrow evening I'm stopping by his place to return something I borrowed. I'll take pics of his garage. I'm thinking one from outside with the door open, then a few from inside, maybe one of each wall? Then I'll do the same with mine.
The challenge will be to get our garages organized better then the other guy. You all will be the judges. What we need are some criteria, rules, standards, stuff like that.
Also, there has to be some incentive. Besides having a nice place to sleep when my wife makes me live in the garage if I buy another car, what is the prize here, or maybe the punishment for the looser?
Anyone else want to compete?
I turn the development (or de-evolution) of this idea over to the collective mind trust here.....
I would be interested but my wife would probably kill me for posting a picture of the garage in its current state
Id be game to join as well. May also be a good thread for organizational idea generation.
Winner gets to dump his junk pile in the losers driveway? Or maybe we take a picture of every participant in their trashed shop and the losers gets turned into their profile pic, with hoarder beside their name instead of dork?
5/29/14 5:16 p.m.
Since I knew there'd be more than just Joel and I, the main point should be how much improvement since we'll all have different levels of junkatude.
I do like the idea of Hoarder or Supreme Hoarder instead of Dork and the like.
Would GRM kick in a t-shirt or something as a prize? Or maybe an 818 roadster?
I forgot to mention this in my original post. I fully expect the judging to be slanted in my favor ;)
I will own you all in the messiness category, but probably not in the organization/improvement thing. I've got too much work to do out there.
I'm all about dumping my junk anywhere I can!
I can get pictures of my disaster tomorrow. I'm badly in need of incentive to clean up.
Wish I could post my cleanup, but I am already into it and can only work on it a day or two a month. Cleaning up and eventually out a shop that my grandfather, then my uncle, then me have habitated since 1985.
Right now I am in beginning phases of the tool sort. I am getting a complete set, my mom is getting what she might actually use, then my other uncle and my brother are getting leftovers. Not counting the drillpress, I have 13 drills... thats just for starters 
My mom is hoping to sell the place in the next two years and I am hoping to get my own place thats not a 2 bedroom apartment. Pretty much trying to have it done well ahead of time so I can concentrate on housewares when the time comes.
5/29/14 6:47 p.m.
My storage locker doesn't count, but it's so full my wheel sets are spilling into my winter beater/wifes current DD and my parking space at my apt.
I tore the whole building down to bare concrete and started over, does that count?
Oddly, even though there are no traces of the original building, there is still some of the original mess in place. Cleaning is hard.
If there were a contest for baldest GRMer I would vote for Dr Boost
This thread will either make me feel better or worse about my own space.
Not sure I am comfortable with this.
5/29/14 9:38 p.m.
logdog wrote:
If there were a contest for baldest GRMer I would vote for Dr Boost
Can we have a contest for un-baldest? I wanna throw my hat in on that one.
logdog wrote:
If there were a contest for baldest GRMer I would vote for Dr Boost
What's wrong with being bald, I have a shaved head too Although my kids say it just migrated to my back.
Hmm... Given the pile of E30 parts, the jugs of oil, the extra lumber from various projects, and other miscellaneous crap, I think I have a pretty good shot at this thing.
I like this idea and I am tempted to change all of your titles to "hoarder" until the messes are cleaned up. 
5/29/14 10:19 p.m.
Ok, so before pics must be submitted by.......? How about midnight Monday. Midnight Eastern Standard time because the other time zones are wrong.
We gotta get some rules, goals, guidelines, something. Anyone?
5/29/14 10:20 p.m.
If this were a contest for the biggest jerk-face, I vote for Logdog.
Damn, I wish I had taken pics of mine 2 days ago before I started cleaning. Its still a huge mess, so I'll participate anyway. What kinda time-frame we looking at? I figure a month is long enough for me to get it done, but short enough to keep me motivated.
For a prize... I say just a vinyl sticker with GRM Garage Challenge and maybe some sweet pun on it.
5/30/14 6:53 a.m.
ProDarwin wrote:
Damn, I wish I had taken pics of mine 2 days ago before I started cleaning. Its still a huge mess, so I'll participate anyway. What kinda time-frame we looking at? I figure a month is long enough for me to get it done, but short enough to keep me motivated.
For a prize... I say just a vinyl sticker with GRM Garage Challenge and maybe some sweet pun on it.
1 month sounds good to me. So, all pics will be posted up by Monday 12 AM (so that's Sunday evening to you and me). Every Monday we'll post pics. I'm thinking a pic from the outside, and two more pics, one of each side wall taken from inside the garage. Each week post the same pics so we can see the difference. The hive will vote on:
Most improved
Most creative use of space
Honorable Mention
After 4 weeks the hive will name a winner for each of those three categories.
Anything to add? What do you guys thing?
I've been cleaning my hoard for 2 years...still a prize winner though.

Current calculations indicate that this little teaser is less than 5% of the total.
Wow. Thats crazy messy.
Dr. Boost: I think that sounds good. We need many participants though.
I can't even get in to the side walls to take a picture...as a matter of fact it would be hard to even get a front shot without moving a crap-ton of stuff.