Thought Twerkgate was silly? Well you ain't seen nothing yet, brace for Blackfish.
For those of you super-lucky enough to not know what I'm talking about, this is a documentary debating the ethics of orca whale captivity - a subject roughly as controversial to the average non-PETA-member as dog ownership. At least when your little daughter's idol does a booty-shakin' dance not classy enough for fancier strip clubs, I could see how that would piss people off.
I don't know if CNN has funded the production of this movie, but they're premiering it tonight and they've been pimping the ever-loving E36 M3 out of this thing on their channels and website. Tons of articles discussing the "controversy."
Think it will flop or can CNN actually stir people up about something they don't give two flying E36 M3s about?
10/24/13 12:20 p.m.
Dude, lay down the're typing more gibberish than Poop when he's E36 M3faced. 
Repeat after's a MOVIE.
Our brothers to the north have a plan....

Sorry if I'm ranting but I can only stomach one of these per year, usually the VMAs has that slot occupied.
stuart in mn wrote:
Repeat after's a MOVIE.
I think its actually a documentary... which can sometimes be less accurate then "based on" movies of course.
Shouldn't we still be talking about Kony?
At least the Kony bullE36 M3 was well-intentioned. It was more of an experiment in the ability to bring people to justice with positive thinking. The CIA tried something like that in the '70s, it didn't work.
10/24/13 12:40 p.m.
Wait a minute- you're talking about a multi-ton voracious fish, capable of ripping the tounge out of a huge whale, killing large great white sharks, and having placed one in captivity and forced it ("trained") it to perform tricks for stupid sunburned tourists. And, for no apparent reason it snaps and attacks the handler that has been forcing it to perform these mindless stunts? Yes, I am opposed to these circus acts, and no, I am not a PETA tree hugger. Turn the things loose, return them to the freedom that was taken from them.
GameboyRMH wrote:
Thought Twerkgate was silly? Well you ain't seen nothing yet, brace for Blackfish.
For those of you super-lucky enough to not know what I'm talking about, this is a documentary debating the ethics of orca whale captivity - a subject roughly as controversial to the average non-PETA-member as dog ownership. At least when your little daughter's idol does a booty-shakin' dance not classy enough for fancier strip clubs, I could see how that would piss people off.
I don't know if CNN has funded the production of this movie, but they're premiering it tonight and they've been pimping the ever-loving E36 M3 out of this thing on their channels and website. Tons of articles discussing the "controversy."
Think it will flop or can CNN actually stir people up about something they don't give two flying E36 M3s about?
I think you are missing the point of the documentary. Yes, most people don't give a E36 M3 because they are unaware of the abuse. The intent is to bring it to light so people do give a E36 M3.
Capturing and parading animals around for our entertainment is pretty E36 M3ty. It's one thing to help save a dying species, but training them to do circus acts is nothing but self serving profit making.
I don't think it's nutty if you want the whales released...I just have trouble caring either way. It seems like it's not much different, in terms of animal treatment, than training your dog to do tricks and showing guests when they come over. People keep animals that can be a danger to humans and even get killed by them sometimes.
If it turns out they're whipping the whales or something when the tourists aren't looking I'll take it all back. But for now, the circus that has earned my offense is the one CNN is running.
10/24/13 12:57 p.m.
How many people in this thread have seen the movie?
To try and compare Blackfish to "Twerkgate" makes me wonder what other dramatic false equivalencies Gameboy could dream up.
"...I just have trouble caring either way..." - then why start a thread about it?
I saw it back in March, it was depressing then, and I agree with Cone_Junky completely.
alfadriver wrote:
Free Willy?
I really wish John Pinette were going to be touring halfway near where I live sometime soon- his Free Willy bit is hysterical. 
Well this is the last thing I wanted when I started this thread, but I'll now watch the movie in case I'm being a total jerk about some horrible whale tragedy I didn't know was going on. This movie better be super-depressing.
10/24/13 1:08 p.m.
You want another docu-movie to fill your brain?
Check out "God Loves Uganda."
10/24/13 1:25 p.m.
In reply to GameboyRMH:
I'm curious what you did want when you started this thread.
GameboyRMH wrote:
...This movie better be super-depressing.
You should watch The Cove also (available free):
I have not seen it, supposed to be super depressing, that's why I don't want to see it.... maybe... at some point... not sure I want to know...
I just saw that "Blackfish" will be the subject of conversation on the political show "Crossfire". Good--- I've always wondered what Newt thinks about Orcas.....
Yes, CNN is in full-pimp mode with this documentary. They are tying it into every story / show they can.
I'm in the "Free Willie" camp, but I believe the O.P was commenting on the pimping, not the content of the show itself.
pres589 wrote:
In reply to GameboyRMH:
I'm curious what you did want when you started this thread.
To see if anyone else thought this was silly.
10/24/13 2:07 p.m.
In reply to Will:
Werd, its a damn orca.......
10/24/13 2:09 p.m.
In reply to GameboyRMH:
I'm going to assume most people haven't had a chance to see this yet. So it would be hard to really make an informed opinion at this point, right?
10/24/13 3:23 p.m.
You cannot free the whales. If they are free how can they live off government assistance? They would have to feed themselves and that just isn't fair.

damnit people! It is -NOT- a fish! Ocinus Orca is a member of the Dolphin family. It is just as much a mammel as the family dog.