I'm thankful to a few dozen of you and I'll miss most of them, but I'll try.
Hobiercr, PimpM3, Mr_Asa, Stampie, Barefootskater, Poopshovel, and QuasiMofo were my ambassadors of all things Challenge. My first time was last year, and they royally took me under their wing. It was my first autocross and they were super helpful, always answered my dumbest questions, and made it such a wonderful experience. This year really congeled those friendships and added Pete Gossett, KYAllroad, FloatingDoc, Andy Neuman, the Nelsons, and so many more I know I'm missing.
EastsideTim and (I forget Bill's screen name) of Team LoPrep for inviting me to be a driver last year on their team. So much fun, guys. You helped me with a ton of firsts last year. Major bucket list items.
Duke for selling me my dream car
How can we forget captdownshift who couldn't make this years challenge and gave me his friggin DD/challenge car to drag 1000 miles and enter it myself. What kind of award can we give him? My second year at the challenge and I entered a car under my own (totally made up) race team because someone I had never met just said, "here are the keys, here is the build book, here is the budget, it might oversteer a little." Honestly. I loaded the car, clicked print on the build book, and entered a car. Who does that? captdownshift does.
Patrick is my go-to Summit date. He was just in my house last week and I wasn't even there. I gave him the door code to my house and, to his credit, only stole the stuff that belonged to him 
Lotusseven7 opened his home to me when I was remodeling my place so I could see some masonry treatments he was doing. Lovely man with a lot of knowledge and generosity.
John Welsh is the man who found my latest fly-and-drive, the infamous Kandy Van. Secretariata volunteered to go check out the van before I bought it and did a smashing job with a totally awesome review of it. The kid selling it was a little vague on details, so Secretariata nailed it. I had no surprises when I bought that van.
Peter Knudsen lives nearby and we've had a few beers and we gotta get to the junkyard, buddy.
IanF with his freebies delivered to me in my own town.
759NRNG for dragging my shell of a Bonneville from TX to FL
SVRex just knows everything :) Much respect for you
The rest of you can go berkeley yourselves I'M KIDDING. You all are my family. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!