8/31/17 3:26 p.m.

Alright, I was never a huge Tick fan, but I watched the first two episodes of the new version and it is pretty damn funny. I actually went back and watched an episode of the last live action series after since it is on Netflix, and because I like Patrick Warburton.
My wife was not impressed with either live action version....
8/31/17 3:55 p.m.
I still remember the cartoon with fondness.
The new live action version has promise. I'll give it a shot.
I love Patrick Wharburton, but I don't remember much about his take on the character.
8/31/17 3:58 p.m.
I really liked Patrick Warburton as the Tick, but I was a kid when it first aired. I had to check IMDB because I thought the new guy WAS Warburton.
It's really quite good, and Amazon has added the original to it's streaming lineup too.
I was bummed, but I also appreciate, that they split the first season into halves for release. I was really getting into it and it stopped, but as much as I like binge watching, I hate having to wait a year for new episodes, so this seems like a good compromise.
I really really liked the Patrick Warburton version. Both his character and the others were great. I hope the new one holds up. I couldn't handle the cartoon.
Edit: Just read that Peter Serafinowicz is the new Tick. That gives me lots of hope. He's a funny dude. (Shaun of the Dead, Look Around You, etc)
It's funnier if you realize that the Tick is being played by Darth Maul.
Binge watched in one evening. Damn you Prime and Netflix!
Very good. Never watched the previous versions. I'm a big Warburton fan too, so I may go back and watch. Serafinowicz does a great job filling his big blue shoes because I assumed it was Patrick when I watched the trailer.
Okay, this is the next thing I need to binge watch.
I thoroughly enjoyed it- enough so that I stopped slogging through Defenders and binge-watched all of this. Also wish they hadn't split the season up as well- but they definitely knew how to have fun with it.... "CLIFFHANGER!" "AAAAAAH!!!!"
Loved how they handled the difference between the suit in the pilot/1st episode and the rest as well. "You look different..." "Thanks!"
9/1/17 9:05 a.m.
Beer Baron wrote:
Okay, this is the next thing I need to binge watch.
Came here for "Spoon!", left satisfied.
I'll watch it... eventually. I don't really have time to watch TV at all.
This guy:

Is also this guy:
I had no idea! #mindblown
In reply to pinchvalve:
I was going to say, I had no idea either! But it turns out his voice was Peter Serafinowicz but on screen he was Ray Parks. They dubbed over Ray Parks' voice.
9/2/17 12:17 a.m.
I watched 2 episodes so far and I like it. Loved the earlier versions.
9/2/17 8:52 p.m.
Thanks for the reminder! I loved the cartoon, bought the live-action series on DVD (thinking about the cartoon on DVD as well). I had high hopes for this, or at least moderate ones as remakes go. (The Death Note remake for example. Not a fan-boi but they did mess a few things up.)