Here we go again, putting our soldiers where they have no business.
Washington has been providing intelligence, transport and mid-air refuelling to France, which launched its intervention last month, but cannot work directly with the Malian army until a democratically elected government replaces current leaders who came to power after a coup, said Christopher Coons, chair of the Senate foreign relations committee's Africa sub-committee.
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The U.S. helping out the Frogs in a military theater when they get in over there heads? Sounds dicey.
First Libbia, Yemen, probably Syria, now this. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
JohnGalt wrote:
The U.S. helping out the Frogs in a military theater when they get in over there heads? Sounds dicey.
First Libbia, Yemen, probably Syria, now this. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Did we do that in a little out of the way place in southeast asia back in the 60's?
Uhmmm.... did you guys forget about those two little conflicts known as WWI and WWII !?!?
Besides... we are running short on wars here... need to drum up some business... kind of hard to justify a huge military if you don't.
Bobzilla wrote:
JohnGalt wrote:
The U.S. helping out the Frogs in a military theater when they get in over there heads? Sounds dicey.
First Libbia, Yemen, probably Syria, now this. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
Did we do that in a little out of the way place in southeast asia back in the 60's?
Why, yes. Yes, we did. And the world crapped on us for years over that. I say leave them (and everyone else) to their own devices when dealing with their former colonies.
At least it's not only us this time, it looks like they have dragged most of Europe into it as well.
The UN has authorized this too.
AS always, everybody else will get a pass when the fighting spirals out of control and the news media starts showing pictures of refugees but we here in the Great Satan will be vilified. Nothing new here.
Unfortunately we don't have enough Matt Damons and George Clooneys to save the world privately. I could support helping in the conflict of 3rd world countries a lot more than places like Iraq.
Speaking of which, anybody else watch House of Lies?
Matt Damon was awesome- 
2/19/13 7:29 p.m.
Please everybody watch a documentary titled "The World Without US". It might possibly explain some things as to why our nation does what it does.
FWIW, that documentary is on Netflix. Maybe even YouTube.
We Canuckians shipped a Herc over there a month or so ago.
I heard on the radio today that the militants that took over Mali banned music. That just ain't right.
In case you berkeleying E36 M3 stains missed the goddamned memo, there are no more political threads on this board. Please don't berkeley it up for the rest of us. Thanks, shiny happy people.
Come on Poop the ban hammer is a little rusty 
Yeah, I'm not happy unless I hear it whistle by about 1/4 inch from my big ugly head. 
2/20/13 9:51 a.m.
Could we call the Arab Spring a success? If so, could we not let Mali fall to the hands of Islamic Fascists, only to be overthrow in a decade?
I read the title as "USPS to play a more active role in Mail."
poopshovel wrote:
Appleseed wrote:
I read the title as "USPS to play a more active role in Mail."
that, and it will never happen... they are trying to sell USPS branded shirts and hoodies and stuff to make up the budget shortfall... yes, they think the answer to their financial problems is to rely on all the Cliff Claven wanna-be people in the world..
Yes, but could you imagine the fear you could instill if you started a Warriors type gang using the USPS as the theme!

"MAILMAN! Come out and playy-ee-yay!"
They got nothin' on the Droogs.