A recent experience tells me this is a bad idea.
First, some background. Our car (Highlander SUV) has our company's phone number and website on the back window. Allows for a write off and helps advertise the bidness.
Since we only have the one functioning car right now (Yep, I'm that GRM, heh), I have to drive home at lunch and pick up the fiance and take her to work and then pick her up afterward. Not a big deal as her work place is about 15 minutes from home.
One night, I'm working late and have to drive from where I work to her work to pick her up. I'm late of course and she's had a bad day, so I'm trying to be relatively on time to help her enjoy some of the evening she has left. I'm flying up I-84 around 8pm and traffic is moving along nicely, about 60 or so. I'm in the left lane, passing cars and watching for faster cars behind me. I come around a corner at about 70 and there is a lady in a Corolla sitting in the left lane doing 60-65. I slow down and get about a car length away from her and slowly creep up to let her know that she needs to move. Eventually, she does move over and merges with the rest of the traffic that is doing 60-65. I put the hammer back down and head on down the road and pickup the S.O. and head towards home.
As we're heading home, she comments on getting a call from a number she didn't recognize and checks the voice mail. Turns out the lady in the Corolla called the number on the back of the car and left a voice mail stating that I was driving aggressively, following too closely, etc and that she has her child in the car and that I should slow down, etc. Needless to say, I get chewed out for a bit, then I explain that the woman is wrong in so many ways:
1) She was in the passing lane, not actively passing and did not yield to a faster car behind her.
2) I was no closer to her than usual, but because we have an SUV, our lights probably were filling her rear view mirror, causing her to think I was all over her butt.
3) If she truly has her child in the car, then why is she calling from her cell phone while driving, when she clearly should be paying attention to what is happening around her?
This is why I think this is a bad idea. The mouth breathing jack-a-napes will be filing BS reports instead of paying attention to correcting their poor driving habits.