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Toyman01 SuperDork
9/9/11 2:37 p.m.

I can't for the life of me imagine why Boeing built a plant in SC.

Type Q
Type Q Dork
9/9/11 5:23 p.m.

In all the seemingly well funded quasi-legal anti-union e36 M3 that happened in Wisconsin, I remember hearing at least one anti-union group was having online discussions about posing as picketing state employees to try to start violence to discredit state workers.

I find myself wondering if the dude with the baseball bat is really a longshoreman or some hothead "supporter" looking for a fight.

mad_machine SuperDork
9/9/11 5:24 p.m.

what is the one cop holding? Looks like a paintball gun?

Javelin SuperDork
9/9/11 5:25 p.m.
Type Q wrote: I find myself wondering if the dude with the baseball bat is really a longshoreman or some hothead "supporter" looking for a fight.

Gotta have a Port Security pass to get on Port property. So he's a gen-u-ine card-carrying longshoreman.

Javelin SuperDork
9/9/11 5:26 p.m.
mad_machine wrote: what is the one cop holding? Looks like a paintball gun?

It is a paintball gun. Filled with pepper spray balls. Our cops and SWAT team corralled the riot using only less-than-lethal weapons.

Type Q
Type Q Dork
9/9/11 5:40 p.m.
Javelin wrote:
Type Q wrote: I find myself wondering if the dude with the baseball bat is really a longshoreman or some hothead "supporter" looking for a fight.
Gotta have a Port Security pass to get on Port property. So he's a gen-u-ine card-carrying longshoreman.

That's where the picture was taken? I don't know the geography there. I grew very skeptical of media reporting when I was in college. I watched a bar fight happen in front of me between two drunks. It expanded to include a couple of bouncers and waitress who wrestled them out of the bar. Outside the bar, two cops arrived and arrested them. The next day it was reported as a "riot." I hope you will forgive my skepticism.

Javelin SuperDork
9/9/11 5:55 p.m.

Yeah, the media (at least locally) has this one right. The Port of Longview is freaking HUGE. Borders the Columbia river and the Cowlitz river. There's dozens of companies, docks, terminals, etc here. Were one of the biggest/busiest ports on the West Coast (not Seattle, Tacoma or Long Beach big, but still up there). Export lots of paper goods and wood products.

Anyways, the BN tracks run to the port and branch off into all of the businesses. This riot (and yes, it really was, 400+ people is a riot) happened on the actual grain terminal itself, deep into port property (though the tracks are legally BNSF property).

oldsaw SuperDork
9/9/11 6:07 p.m.
Type Q wrote: In all the seemingly well funded quasi-legal anti-union e36 M3 that happened in Wisconsin, I remember hearing at least one anti-union group was having online discussions about posing as picketing state employees to try to start violence to discredit state workers. I find myself wondering if the dude with the baseball bat is really a longshoreman or some hothead "supporter" looking for a fight.

Do you find yourself "wondering" about pics of inflammatory placards at Tea Party rallies, too?

Just askin'..........

poopshovel SuperDork
9/9/11 6:10 p.m.
slefain wrote: Nothing says "non violent protest" like a placard stapled to a baseball bat. Throw'em all in jail, let'em unionize the laundry center and license plates.

F$CK YEAH! Unions were helpful when mine workers were treated like slaves. Now they're great at paying "place tab 'a' in slot 'b'" workers doctors' salaries. How's that workin out detroit? Oh wait, they probably don't have internet there. INFRASTRUCTURE!!!

Snowdoggie HalfDork
9/9/11 6:24 p.m.
Javelin wrote: Yeah, the media (at least locally) has this one right. The Port of Longview is freaking HUGE. Borders the Columbia river and the Cowlitz river. There's dozens of companies, docks, terminals, etc here. Were one of the biggest/busiest ports on the West Coast (not Seattle, Tacoma or Long Beach big, but still up there). Export lots of paper goods and wood products. Anyways, the BN tracks run to the port and branch off into all of the businesses. This riot (and yes, it really was, 400+ people is a riot) happened on the actual grain terminal itself, deep into port property (though the tracks are legally BNSF property).

It makes me wonder if there is youtube footage of this. Everything from a car spinning out at the Dallas Cars for Coffee event to full blown revolutions in Middle Eastern countries ends up on youtube. Out of 400 people, somebody has to have a cell phone that takes video.

Javelin SuperDork
9/9/11 6:40 p.m.
Snowdoggie wrote:
Javelin wrote: Yeah, the media (at least locally) has this one right. The Port of Longview is freaking HUGE. Borders the Columbia river and the Cowlitz river. There's dozens of companies, docks, terminals, etc here. Were one of the biggest/busiest ports on the West Coast (not Seattle, Tacoma or Long Beach big, but still up there). Export lots of paper goods and wood products. Anyways, the BN tracks run to the port and branch off into all of the businesses. This riot (and yes, it really was, 400+ people is a riot) happened on the actual grain terminal itself, deep into port property (though the tracks are legally BNSF property).
It makes me wonder if there is youtube footage of this. Everything from a car spinning out at the Dallas Cars for Coffee event to full blown revolutions in Middle Eastern countries ends up on youtube. Out of 400 people, somebody has to have a cell phone that takes video.

You're assuming the Union rioters have the IQ to operate a cell phone camera and upload a YouTube video without the IQ to realize it could implicate their buddies in Federal crimes, thus leading to jail time.

I dunno though, might be worth a search...

Javelin SuperDork
9/9/11 6:44 p.m.

In reply to Javelin:

YouTube result:


Snowdoggie HalfDork
9/9/11 6:47 p.m.
Javelin wrote: In reply to Javelin: YouTube result: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFHBGGvuQhA

I still don't see 400 people rioting.

stroker HalfDork
9/9/11 7:13 p.m.

I was wondering about some half-assed moojie wannabe waiting until the union types and the cops are nose to nose in some sort of standoff, sighting in from about 400 yards with a decent rifle and popping one of the longshoreman in the head ala the average Prairie Dog just to get the chaos started.

That could get exciting.

kazoospec Reader
9/9/11 8:00 p.m.
Javelin wrote: In reply to Javelin: YouTube result: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFHBGGvuQhA

You stay classy union thug. Now, don't get me wrong, I hate phony reporters as much as the next guy. The reporter was obviously looking for someone to act like a moron and, what do you know, he found one. That's really not the way to get the message out that you are just a bunch of reasonable people banding together to protect yourselves from "the man".

Will HalfDork
9/9/11 8:45 p.m.
Javelin wrote: In reply to Javelin: YouTube result: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFHBGGvuQhA

Bullies like that piss me off. Don't get your way? Threaten violence against someone who poses no threat whatsoever to you.

Yeah, I want to be his union "brother."

Javelin SuperDork
9/9/11 9:02 p.m.
Snowdoggie wrote:
Javelin wrote: In reply to Javelin: YouTube result: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFHBGGvuQhA
I still don't see 400 people rioting.

Uh, is that a serious comment? That's a video shot at the Union Hall, not the riot site...

DoctorBlade Dork
9/9/11 9:26 p.m.

Ever wonder why car manufacturing moved South? Yeah, you can guess. They've been trying to unionize the Nissan plant here, with zero success.

xd Reader
9/9/11 10:36 p.m.

There is a big difference between "unions" and Longshoreman unions. It's a different world were not talking about the UFCW picketing the local piggy wiggle here people.

mad_machine SuperDork
9/10/11 12:43 a.m.
xd wrote: There is a big difference between "unions" and Longshoreman unions. It's a different world were not talking about the UFCW picketing the local piggy wiggle here people.

The truth... Longshoremen are a breed onto themselves.

Appleseed SuperDork
9/10/11 3:12 a.m.

So...is his name really Berkley You C--K Sucker? What were his parents thinking?

novaderrik Dork
9/10/11 3:23 a.m.
monark192 wrote: Union vs Union fight - wierd.

is it wrong that this just causes me to want to watch the street brawl scene in Anchorman?

novaderrik Dork
9/10/11 3:28 a.m.
Appleseed wrote: So...is his name really Berkley You C--K Sucker? What were his parents thinking?

i'm sorry, but that's just more funny on this site than it would be on any other site thanks to the way the naughty word filter is set up here..

Javelin SuperDork
9/10/11 9:36 a.m.
aussiesmg SuperDork
9/10/11 10:13 a.m.
poopshovel wrote:
slefain wrote: Nothing says "non violent protest" like a placard stapled to a baseball bat. Throw'em all in jail, let'em unionize the laundry center and license plates.
F$CK YEAH! Unions were helpful when mine workers were treated like slaves. Now they're great at paying "place tab 'a' in slot 'b'" workers doctors' salaries. How's that workin out detroit? Oh wait, they probably don't have internet there. INFRASTRUCTURE!!!

How I hate what unions have become, nobody has guaranteed employment, 80 years of work does not ensure you will work tomorrow, unions now calling other union workers scabs.

Maybe they need another Obama bail out

Socialism gone mad

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