This guy from the Rentistoohigh Party. His angle is white people get all the Gov't contracts and everyone else is charged too much for rent.

Elliot Spitzer's $10,000 a throw downfall know politics too!
This is the election cycle of kooks ... (from minor and both major parties).
10/19/10 6:17 a.m.
Now I don't know who to vote for.
I was all set to go with the former Black Panther, seeker of reparations and all around nut job Charlie Barron who was angry the panel didn't include a Latino, an Asian and an "indigenous" person on the panel of questioners but some of these other guys make good points.
Rent is to high guy points out the deficit is like cancer and will heal itself, wants to bulldoze the mountains upstate to prepare for some kind of independance from something, and can't take his gloves off because he was around agent orange and without them he can't breathe
The Madam is quailfied to work with the whores in the legislature.
The Green Party guy promised a govt job to everyone on unemployment which will get a few realatives out of my pockets, the Libertarian cites a paper route as a reason he's qualified for governor.
At least the candidates from the two big parties are sane. Except for all the screaming and gay hating/loving and having multiple wives girlfriends ect.
Is it too late to keep the blind guy a little longer?
Yes it is. The blind guy goes. Think Guilliani will go for it?
Too bad.
Blind guy said when he came in he was only staying till the election.
I'm not to big on Cuomo, but Paladino has me running for the hills. I hate "Lesser of two evils" races.
I'm a good bit left, and I want Pataki to come back.
10/19/10 8:53 a.m.
I would rather have rentistoohighguy than another round of Guilliani, especially the paraniod post 9/11 version. He was almost killed with his staff on 9/11. All he knows is cleaning up crime and once that was done he still saw crime everywhere. God knows what kind of war on tan people he would have waged had he not run out of time since he and his staff were almost killed by muslims on 9/11. He wasn't going to be happy until we each had a cop walking around watching us. Did I mention he and his staff were almost wiped out on 9/11.
neon4891 wrote:
Blind guy said when he came in he was only staying till the election.
I'm not to big on Cuomo, but Paladino has me running for the hills. I hate "Lesser of two evils" races.
I'm a good bit left, and I want Pataki to come back.
is it Lessor of two evils, or Evils of two lessors?
Hell of a choice, anyway...
The choice is pretty poor.
The career politician, who seems sane.
The "Mafia Boss" style guy who will take yout if you cross him.It would be intersting to see what he would do with Silver.
Then we have all the other kooks.
Decisions, decisions.
I'm glad I don't live in NY, where the only sane option is move out.
10/19/10 12:46 p.m.
914Driver wrote:
DoctorBlade wrote:
I'm glad I don't live in NY, where the only sane option is move out.
,,,on my to do list.
Canada to the north, Ohio to the west, Vermont to the east and Pensylvania/New Jersey to the south; you're flanked by mediocrity on three sides and something "way different" on the other.
Fortunately, there are (probably) plenty of other options - all contingent on employment/retirement plans, of course.
littleturquoiseb wrote:
This is the election cycle of kooks ... (from minor and both major parties).
Sorry. I have to disagree. The "election cycle of kooks" was two years ago. The kooks are now in office. Hence the plethora of candidates, some more qualified than others.
10/19/10 1:39 p.m.
Kia_racer wrote:
I like the lesser evil. He has style and charisma.

10/19/10 1:43 p.m.
flountown wrote:
Pensylvania/New Jersey to the south
I don't care if we are in the same direction, DON'T YOU EVER lump PA into the same as Jersey. PA ain't quite the socialist backwards republic that Jersey is. And it doesn't smell.
Chill, bro!
I know all about the good/bad of both states.
My parents and sister (plus her family) live 40miles south of NY and 80miles east of OH - good place.
I lived in NJ for a few years while completing my degree. Fortunately it was in south Jersey, the part of the state where reasonable people want to secede from the north. It's another good place ruined by the reputation/actions of "others".
Philadelphia/northern NJ have tainted the rest of their state(s) much like NYC (and the boroughs) have contanimated NY state.
Better now?
10/19/10 1:50 p.m.
I actually like when goofy berkeleyers run for office. Even if they never win, it gets people thinking about the possibilities if they actually elect one of them. And by proxy- it gets people taking more of an interest in politics than they might otherwise have.
Take for instance Jesse Ventura. Everyone remembers him right? Well- through some interesting circumstances, I was once privy to a Christmas party at the Governors mansion while he was in office. He flat out told me that he didn't run because he wanted to be Governor. He ran because he wanted people to take an interest in who they were voting for, and that as a celebrity/political figure on the local scene (he'd been mayor of Brooklyn...something) he figured if he ran, he'd point the spotlight towards the political venue, and perhaps get a younger generation interested. It also forces the political candidates that really ARE running because they want to be in office to think of the people less as marks on paper, and more as real folks that expect their elected official to actually help them out.
oldsaw wrote:
Chill, bro!
II lived in NJ for a few years while completing my degree. Fortunately it was in south Jersey, the part of the state where reasonable people want to secede from the north. It's another good place ruined by the reputation/actions of "others".
Philadelphia/northern NJ have tainted the rest of their state(s) much like NYC (and the boroughs) have contanimated NY state.
Better now?
Thankyou! Somebody who actually knows how nice and great the southern part of NJ actually is. If the vote came up to succeed from the North.. I would vote for it in a heartbeat