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DirtyBird222 SuperDork
2/27/13 6:05 p.m.

It's not this co-workers work ethics or habits, it's his inability to close his mouth while he chomps on his gum or lunch/dinner. It's like a cow slapping around food but for hours and hours. Even headphones don't help. I'd rather have "Corporate Accounts speaking. How may I help you?"

Lesley PowerDork
2/27/13 6:07 p.m.

I am eternally grateful that I no longer have co-workers. The cats irritate me sometimes by thundering across my office, scattering papers everywhere, and in the summer my neighbours piss me off if they all mow their lawns one after the other starting at 8 a.m....

DrBoost PowerDork
2/27/13 6:12 p.m.

Yeah, I started a rant thread about this a few months ago. Ironically, it was also his masticating that drives me ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!!! Besides that, he's a total moron that asks questions related to Microsoft Office products that my 9 year old knows, or can figure out.

petegossett UberDork
2/27/13 6:15 p.m.

I feel fortunate that I have no one near me on my team, so I rarely interact with anyone in the office. That said, there's still plenty of times where I don the headphones just to drown it all out...

Racer1ab HalfDork
2/27/13 6:16 p.m.

I work in pretty close quarters to one seriously creepy guy.

He keeps talking about how he'll pay for sex because he doesn't want a relationship, and he takes a couple trips a year to Central or South America to do only this. He reads books like "Bang Columbia" or the latest is the guide to Tijuana street girls or something like that.

Just a few more months and I'm getting the hell out of here.

DirtyBird222 SuperDork
2/27/13 6:20 p.m.

Wow, he's not that bad and really the only gripe I have about my close quarters co-workers.

And sorry I didn't see the other thread on this!

MA$$hole HalfDork
2/27/13 6:22 p.m.

Woman in front of me chews with her mouth open. Also clips her fingernails at her desk, so nasty.

Giant Purple Snorklewacker
Giant Purple Snorklewacker MegaDork
2/27/13 6:26 p.m.

They put their noses in my crotch and chew my socks when I'm on the phone.

moparman76_69 HalfDork
2/27/13 6:29 p.m.
DrBoost wrote: Yeah, I started a rant thread about this a few months ago. Ironically, it was also his masticating that drives me ABSOLUTELY CRAZY!!! Besides that, he's a total moron that asks questions related to Microsoft Office products that my 9 year old knows, or can figure out.

I totally misread "masticating" at first.

The joy of being a satellite installer is the lack of day to day interaction with either co-workers or supervisors. The down side is the interaction with some of the customers.

There is one thing my co-workers sometimes don't do that pisses me off, and that is their jobs.

ProDarwin SuperDork
2/27/13 6:29 p.m.

People who use the mousewheel to scroll through 200 page documents. ZIP.ZIP.ZIP.ZIP.ZIP

People who have their mouse sensitivity set really low so they pick up the mouse and move it 10 times to cross their screen.

Actually, where I work now, none of my co-workers are annoying. It's nice.

mad_machine MegaDork
2/27/13 6:46 p.m.

I have some gripes about some of my co-workers. most of them involve them not working. Here in the Entertainment departments in Atlantic City.. there are two types of employees.. On Calls and Full timers. The full time positions are highly sought after. They may pay less an hour, but you get 40+ hours a week and benefits.

FOUR of the full timers at one of the places I work at are the laziest pieces of E36 M3 you will ever meet. If only our boss would get rid of them and replace them with people who actually know what they are doing and know how to work.

the other is a couple of my co-workers do not know how to shut up. One is really scary in that he can pick up a conversation he had at you from 6 months before hand

FranktheTank New Reader
2/27/13 6:57 p.m.

My previous job was great but all the employees were on Facebook and constantly talking about reality TV and it troubled me greatly. My new career is much more laid back and down to earth. We either work or stare at the wall in respectable silence, as it should be unless cars or sports come up.... then it's on.

JtspellS Dork
2/27/13 7:27 p.m.

Some of them just opening their mouths makes me want to club baby seals.

Others are grown men who act like they are 16yo females no matter what happens.

Aside from the clueless people in the main office its not too bad.

ChrisR New Reader
2/27/13 7:32 p.m.

My son played little league with my co-workers kid for a few years, so I've seen my co-workers kid 'in action'. Now, their both in high school although my son doesn't play anymore. Co-workers kid is a 'pitcher' and he's nothing special. But the way my co-worker constantly talks about his kids games and the way he plays, you'd think he was the greatest ball player ever. Well, he was cut from high school ball this year. Mom made the usual excuses for him but the Coach said he wasn't putting much effort into his try-out and was basically lazy. This I've witnessed many times in the past plus a couple of games last year. When balls are hit towards him, he doesn't make much effort to go after them or not running full speed, etc. Almost like he's to good to make any real effort. On top of all that, my co-worker honestly thinks his kid is going to get a sports scholarship to go play ball in college. His daughter on the other hand, I can see getting an academic scholarship. She's smart as a whip. The boy, not so much. The Coach who knows both my co-workers kids said it best. His daughter (who has asthma) will run until she is in pain and can't breathe and the boy will run until he sweats... 'nuff said.

poopshovel UltimaDork
2/27/13 7:36 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: They put their noses in my crotch and chew my socks when I'm on the phone.

Truly superior and intelligent animals they are.

curtis73 UltraDork
2/27/13 7:46 p.m.

Good Lord... don't get me started. I work at Home Depot. I'm 39 and I think the average age of everyone else is 104. Bathroom breaks every 15 minutes, loud farts in front of customers that they didn't even know they blew, 500 pictures of their grandkids that they forgot showing you every day for the last week, and customer service that amounts to something like "pull up your pants, negro."

I have one guy in my department who never fails to be late coming back from lunch because he falls asleep in the break room. I'm covering for a guy who is out for 6 weeks getting his hip replaced. In the last year we've had two strokes, three heart attacks, and four diagnoses of cancer. My boss just had a stroke, has diabetes so bad he can hardly walk, and plans on retiring in 5 years.... *when he's 83."

Its safe to say I have some annoying coworkers.

David S. Wallens
David S. Wallens Editorial Director
2/27/13 7:46 p.m.
Giant Purple Snorklewacker wrote: They put their noses in my crotch and chew my socks when I'm on the phone.

You also work at GRM?

Anti-stance UltraDork
2/27/13 7:47 p.m.
mad_machine wrote: FOUR of the full timers at one of the places I work at are the laziest pieces of E36 M3 you will ever meet. If only our boss would get rid of them and replace them with people who actually know what they are doing and know how to work.

God, I can relate to that.

The shop I work in we kinda all help each other when it is slow. Well, a couple of the "veterans" there just play on their phones while the rest of us work. What REALLY pisses me off is that they get paid more. I am not so worried that they get paid more than me, but that they get paid more than two other guys that work really berkeleying hard and don't get raises. I would love to see the "veterans" get a pay cut to reflect their work ethic.

Edit: And those "veterans" are the first to leave, always late, and bitch about how small their paycheck is. Harden the berkeley up and have some pride in what you do. Sheesh.

logdog HalfDork
2/27/13 8:04 p.m.

I work with this one guy who has become obsessed with VW TDIs and wont shut up about it.

aussiesmg UltimaDork
2/27/13 8:12 p.m.

My wife has to put up with me

Trans_Maro SuperDork
2/27/13 8:17 p.m.


I work with three other guys and the most annoyance I get is when someone farts in my coveralls.

I don't think I could handle going back to a real job.


Anti-stance UltraDork
2/27/13 8:53 p.m.
Trans_Maro wrote: Hmm... I work with three other guys and the most annoyance I get is when someone farts in my coveralls.

That sounds like multiple personality disorder.

The_Jed Dork
2/27/13 8:55 p.m.

Put forth tons of effort...when it comes to berkeleying off.

The_Jed Dork
2/27/13 8:56 p.m.

In reply to Anti-stance:

Or a talented farter!

RealMiniDriver SuperDork
2/28/13 12:56 a.m.

My annoyance involves eating, as well. He bites his fork/spoon when he's eating. Soup for lunch? “tink" Salad? “tink" It's just as irritating as chewing with your mouth open.

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