Lesley wrote:
What are they, like those marshmallow bananas?
I ate an entire bag of jube jubes today in honour of Zombie Jesus.
Marshmallow bananas? Never seen such a thing. You Canucks must have some weird candy up there.
And yeah I got sick on Peeps when I was a kid. To this day, I will sorta scoot to the other side of the aisle when I pass the store display. But I still heart my Jelly Bellies. 
Hungary Bill wrote:
EvanB wrote:
mtn wrote:
I must be the only American who doesn't like those things. Never have, always thought they were nasty.
I don't like them either, I don't like any form of marshmallow for the most part.
In to join the Peeps dislike fest. I didn't even like them as a kid.
4/9/12 10:41 a.m.
Curmudgeon wrote:
Lesley wrote:
What are they, like those marshmallow bananas?
I ate an entire bag of jube jubes today in honour of Zombie Jesus.
Marshmallow bananas? Never seen such a thing. You Canucks must have some weird candy up there.
And yeah I got sick on Peeps when I was a kid. To this day, I will sorta scoot to the other side of the aisle when I pass the store display. But I still heart my Jelly Bellies.
They don't have marshmallow bananas in the US? I'll have to look next time I'm at Murdoch's.
Canada has the worst Hallowe'en candy in existence.

I have a stash of Tim Tams in the pantry from the last trip to Oz although you can find them in the US. What the Australians aren't sharing, however, are lamingtons.
I can't do Peeps, but Mooses....... 

it took you that long to eat a whole package of em? it takes me like 2 minutes to comfortably (demolish) eat em all lol
they are amazing is what they are......MERICA!
I've never seen marshmallow bananas but I loved these things as a kid:

Marshmallow circus peanuts. The real ones are about 2 1/2" long, there are smaller ones available now. They were always orange back then, it seems now they are made in all kinds of different colors.
I'm old enough to rmember when Peeps only came in pink, and were only available in stores around Easter. Then a few years/decades ago(?) the Peeps company was bought out and the new owners decided to expand their market. That's how we finally started getting Peeps in other colors. Now, their are Peeps for Christmas (green trees, and white snowmen) and Peeps for Halloween (orange pumpkins and ...?).
A few weeks ago, I bought some Peeps in a chocolate parfait (3 chocolate ducks(?) with a darker chocolate bottom layer). Since I don't care for Peeps, but I'll try new things, I bought them even though $4.00 for 1 package of 3 ducks seems VERY steep for what is air-filled sugar.
Curmudgeon: "marshmallow" bananas are similar to those peanuts, but have a banana flavor to them. Those orange colored candies are called "Circus Peanuts", yet strangely, do NOT taste like peanuts. They are very rarely available in some stores in other shapes...in a variety bag. Usually, the shapes "evoke" vegatables...like corn.
4/9/12 2:21 p.m.
failboat wrote:
My youngest brother showed me something interesting you can do with peeps.
take 2 of them, preferably the birds. place them on a paper plate or paper towel facing eachother in the microwave, about an inch apart, with a toothpick pointed at eachother like they are holding it, kind of jousting style.
microwave. first one to pop loses.
/me makes plans to go to the walgreens after work to get some discount peeps and occupy my evening.
4/9/12 2:25 p.m.
Curmudgeon wrote:
I've never seen marshmallow bananas but I loved these things as a kid:
Marshmallow circus peanuts. The real ones are about 2 1/2" long, there are smaller ones available now. They were always orange back then, it seems now they are made in all kinds of different colors.
Same sort of thing, only yellow and banana-shaped. Reallllly good when stale.
And yeah, that Halloween candy is nasty.
4/9/12 2:36 p.m.
Strange, this made me think of the last time I had peeps, I was probably 19-20, my brother and I were living together. We got bored A LOT, and would often adventure out of the house for no good reason. Sometimes it was to drive to the sketchy repo dealer at 3 am that was an hour away, Sometimes it was to go bowling, other times it was to buy a very large quantity of.....something. We'd come back home with a case of whatever, and one time, we somehow acquired a case (Yes, not a package, not a box, a CASE) of Peeps. I'm still not sure how the hell we managed that. BUT- being it was late and we were bored and public access wrestling wasn't on for another hour, bets started getting made and before you know it, we had a peeps eating contest.I don't remember exactly how many of them I ate..... I do know I lost, no one vomited, and neither of us has eaten a peep since. Now the case of rectangle school pizza on the other hand.....
I was beginning to think I was the only American that had never heard of Peeps but when someone described it and showed a picture I realized what they are. I haven't had those since I was a kid a lo-o-ong time ago.
93EXCivic wrote:
Hungary Bill wrote:
EvanB wrote:
mtn wrote:
I must be the only American who doesn't like those things. Never have, always thought they were nasty.
I don't like them either, I don't like any form of marshmallow for the most part.
In to join the Peeps dislike fest. I didn't even like them as a kid.
I'm on that train. Ditto on even as a kid.
I liked them as a kid, but only if they were stale. I think my mom FINALLY got the hint that I no longer like Peeps, or much candy in general, as this may be the first year I can remember that she didn't come by and give me a bunch of candy on Easter.
mndsm wrote:
I'm still not sure how the hell we managed that. BUT- being it was late and we were bored and public access wrestling wasn't on for another hour, bets started getting made and before you know it, we had a peeps eating contest.I don't remember exactly how many of them I ate..... I do know I lost, no one vomited, and neither of us has eaten a peep since. Now the case of rectangle school pizza on the other hand.....
Beats either a maple syrup chugging contest or a Louisiana Hot sauce chugging contest. I can honestly say that a maple syrup chugging contest ranks right up there with shooting each other in the dorm room with flaming nerf darts on the list of bad ideas. Then again I don't have scares on my nipples unlike one of the other people involved...
93EXCivic wrote:
a Louisiana Hot sauce chugging contest
I randomly tag swigs from the Frank's hot sauce bottle in the fridge, it reminds me I am a bachelor AND how incredibly delicious it is... I think I might go have a sip now 
Chugging Frank's is for wussies. Try this one on for size:

Makes the Cinnamon Challenge look like NOTHIN'.
blah.... where is the barf smily?
Curmudgeon wrote:
Chugging Frank's is for wussies. Try this one on for size:
Makes the Cinnamon Challenge look like NOTHIN'.

If anyone can chug this, they are my hero... Makes that other sauce look like a bitch. I have both.
I've had hotter than Ultra Death.
There's a bottle of Ghost Pepper sauce in my fridge right now.
I still wouldn't chug either of them.
4/9/12 9:05 p.m.
93EXCivic wrote:
mndsm wrote:
I'm still not sure how the hell we managed that. BUT- being it was late and we were bored and public access wrestling wasn't on for another hour, bets started getting made and before you know it, we had a peeps eating contest.I don't remember exactly how many of them I ate..... I do know I lost, no one vomited, and neither of us has eaten a peep since. Now the case of rectangle school pizza on the other hand.....
Beats either a maple syrup chugging contest or a Louisiana Hot sauce chugging contest. I can honestly say that a maple syrup chugging contest ranks right up there with shooting each other in the dorm room with flaming nerf darts on the list of bad ideas. Then again I don't have scares on my nipples unlike one of the other people involved...
what's this? maple syrup chugging isn't that bad at all. if it's the cheap imitation stuff, nuke it so it's warm and it'll flow down easy. if it's the real stuff, you don't have to warm it up as much.
now hot sauce, you're on your own.
although, if you're going to do the nerf darts, they work better as blow darts out of a 4-6' long pvc pipe. 100'+ easy. close range leaves welts (bonus points for tagging a neck. instahickey.)
Curmudgeon wrote:
Chugging Frank's is for wussies.
Who said I wasn't a wussy? I said it reminded me I'm a bachelor, not a manly man. And I would also agree it really isn't that hot, but the taste is amazing.
Keith wrote:
Canada has the worst Hallowe'en candy in existence.
I've never heard of peeps.
Is that Kerr's stuff still around? I used to hate it, but once everything else was gone, I'd start eating it (at least the stuff that didn't stick to the wrapper), and I actually kinda liked it.
You Peep haters sound like a bunch of sallies.
4/10/12 5:59 a.m.
I've never liked Peeps. My favorite Easter candy is black jelly beans but, thanks to all the haters, I have a hard time finding them now.
Zomby Woof wrote:
Is that Kerr's stuff still around? I used to hate it, but once everything else was gone, I'd start eating it (at least the stuff that didn't stick to the wrapper), and I actually kinda liked it.
Yes, but it hasn't been manufactured since 1983.