I actually attempted to move to Durango when I was 20 and it was the mountain bike capital of the world. My friend and I drove 26 hours straight from Eugene, OR and found out the riding was great and the rooms and jobs nonexistent. I was there about a week and a half, while my awesomely determined friend made it the better part of a year. He's always been cooler than me :)
Anyhow, mountain biking at Purgatory left quite an impression on me, and my wife and I have been talking about visiting the area for a long time, and it looks like we'll probably go late May or early June. She's just dipping a toe into mountain biking, so that'll probably just be a rent-bikes-at-Purgatory-one-afternoon sort of thing, and the rest of the trip will be a fly-into-Albuquerque-and-drive-around thing. Maybe stopping in Santa Fe?
I guess the upshot is that while I was focused on riding, it still blew me away for the scale and beauty of the landscape, so we want to see some of that. Good food and beer are always worth looking for. We'll probably do the narrow gauge train thing in Durango, because trains are neat and I didn't do it when I was there in '92.
Our rough trajectory (Albuquerque->Santa Fe(?)->Durango->Albuquerque-probably-for-flight-home) is pretty well sorted, and we'll likely do one night everywhere except Durango where we'll probably do two or three. But it seems a shame not to find out if there's something there I'd kick myself for not visiting if I find out after we get home.