Antihero wrote:
failboat wrote:
Dusterbd13 wrote:
I believe that with the population of the forum, there is no question that cannot be answered within 24 hours.
This. Collectively, we know EVERYTHING.
Everything? Well damn....I wanted to know about nothing
I can tell you about nothing.
patgizz wrote:
None of you people know what a sports is
Of course we do! A sports is relatively fast and good handling for the street. More interesting than an appliance and not as purpose focused as a race. D'uh.
I think this one goes for the entirety of the internet:

7/15/16 9:28 a.m.
ultraclyde wrote:
Also, I'm 99% certain that given the entire contents of a Radio Shack, a Tractor Supply, and a Harbor Freight the assembled members of this forum could put a person on the moon. And that person would be wearing cargo shorts.
I play lots of kerbal space program. I once flew a rocket shaped like Dr Evils escape craft into orbit. I once landed a mothership on its tail on the flats of Minmus. I once flew a giant 3 passenger, 8 wheeled rover with multicolored disco lights that could hover with RCS to Duna and jumped it off the edge of a crater. Some of these missions didn't even blow up. Where do I apply to the GRM astronaut program?
7/15/16 9:31 a.m.
T.J. wrote:
EvanB wrote:
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ wrote:
If you have an avatar with a person, animal, particularly expressive car, or anything else with a "face" then that's what I believe you look like- even after I've met you.
I look exactly like my avatar.
I look nothing like mine. I can't actually scowl like that. I am usually smiling.
I've been told I look like T.J.'s avatar.
I believe 90% of the forum are better mechanics than I am.
Any simple problem can be expanded to 99 posts without a solution.
patgizz wrote:
None of you people know what a sports is
Depends on the sport. I played baseball, football and wrestled. These days i only follow pro football.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ wrote:
I believe that the two dudes who regularly post in the "V12 engine mods" thread are just mguar's multiple personalities talking to eachother.
FrenchyD and mguar are the same guy, just different screen names. I've been to his house, he has Jag V12's stacked up like cordwood in his basement. 
KyAllroad wrote:
I believe 90% of the forum are better mechanics than I am.
Agreed. When someone starts laying on the knowledge (DocBrown threads) I just think that I'm stupid instead of recognizing they're smart.
7/15/16 10:06 a.m.
I believe that if someone posted that they wanted a car midway between a 3 series BMW and a 7 series BMW you guys would have them building their own car out of Lada and Niva parts that can only be sourced in certain parts of Bulgaria.
Double so if he/she said they have no tools, no place to work on a car and needed a running car by Monday or they would lose their job.
We got both kinds of racin' Stage Rally AND Rallycross.
I know Gameboy is on more lists than all of us combined.
7/15/16 10:40 a.m.
curtis73 wrote:
I'm also secretly afraid with my avatar that you all think I'm the overly attached girlfriend.
Actually, I think from your avatar that you used to play bass in the Mothers of Invention.

Scooter wrote:
KyAllroad wrote:
I believe 90% of the forum are better mechanics than I am.
Agreed. When someone starts laying on the knowledge (DocBrown threads) I just think that I'm stupid instead of recognizing they're smart.
I kind of like that actually. I know I couldn't hold a candle to many people here in terms of mechanical/fabrication/whatever skills, but that just drives me to want to learn as much as I can and aspire to be 'that guy'. We have an awesome environment for that here, it's really pretty special.
7/15/16 10:45 a.m.
All of our significant others are tired of hearing "I wonder what GRM would do" in regards to life's most important questions.
I want a GRM fish emblem for my car.

7/15/16 10:58 a.m.
T.J. wrote:
I believe some folks subscribe to the magazine only to support the forum and the people behind it.
Guilty as charged. Also, I do nothing related to Motorsports other than cars.
And I didn't know there was anything but cargo short, other than cargo pants that is.
7/15/16 11:04 a.m.
Half the time I think I'm invisible, but that's not exclusive to this forum.
tuna55 wrote:
ultraclyde wrote:
Also, I'm 99% certain that given the entire contents of a Radio Shack, a Tractor Supply, and a Harbor Freight the assembled members of this forum could put a person on the moon. And that person would be wearing cargo shorts.
We would need lots of fuel, so can we say multiple of each of those stores?
Tractors supply: Feed corn, and a still. We've got this 
Enyar wrote:
All of our significant others are tired of hearing "I wonder what GRM would do" in regards to life's most important questions.
My answer to most of our household problems is "Lets ask Grassroots and see what they say"
that they are in a conspiracy to kill trees, and TRY and fill up my basement with a berkleying load of paper
7/15/16 11:17 a.m.
I feel like there's a secret GRM board on the Dark Web somewhere, probably maintained by Gameboy, with the Fogger, Jr. thread, Amy thread, and both of the older forums complete in their entirety on it.
I also feel like the Illuminati/Government/MX5Mafia kidnapped Ben and nobody talks about it in fear of being next...