After months of vaguely threatening letters about imminent death and dismemberment, I finally took the (unnamed non-domestic vehicle) in for an airbag recall. I dropped it off, took off in the courtesy car and waited. Everyone here knows what was coming. The call. "Mr. Kazoospec, we've looked your car over (didn't ask you to, but OK), we've found the following: There's a slight leak from the timing chain cover gasket. There's a lot of labor (mistake here, he tells me it's 4 1/2 hours), so that would be $780.00. You also need your transmission fluid replaced. We can do that for $160.00. You also need your throttle body cleaned. We can do that for $170.00." So here's the deal, the timing chain cover gasket MAY be legit, I've seen an occasional drop or two of oil on the garage floor. But I also know that's a $20 gasket, an oil change and $700+ in labor. Unfortunately, I know what "shop rates" and "book time" mean. That means IF your techs can't do it faster than the "book" calls for (which they likely can), that $156/hr for your shop rates. I know (because I do child support hearings for a living) that you pay your techs $12/hr. Yes, $12/hr. And you make your health insurance so expensive that most opt out of it and either go uninsured, or sign up for Medicaid because their wages are so low. You're going to pay that hard working, greasy 20 year old $54.00 in wages. Profit so far: roughly $650.00
On to the transmission fluid change: Also possibly legit. But I know you're not putting "the good stuff" in unless you upcharge me, so let's be generous and say you've got $30 into the fluids, $1.00 into the lower gasket (IF you don't just reuse what's in there), and you're going to pay said 20 year old a few bucks for the 5 to 10 minutes it takes him to change out the fluids. So lets be generous and say you're out $50 total. Profit: $110.00 Profit so far: $760.00
And finally, on to the "throttle body cleaning". First, there is exactly ZERO chance they actually took apart the intake trunk before "diagnosing" this issue. And then, what are they going to do? Assuming they do ANYTHING for this, they're going to dump some injector cleaner into the gas tank and spray out of MAF tube and throttle body with some MAF cleaner. Total cost, with labor, $20? Profit $150.00 Profit so far, a whopping $910.00
Now: I fully understand overhead, wages for people other than the techs, tools, supplies, etc, etc. I also can tell they dumped a bunch of money into making their dealership look high-end and swank.
So, is my math off, or were they about to make almost a grand off my "free" recall?