Well, check this out. Spring time hit, and yesterday as I was going for a bike ride I stopped by a fishing dock that was on my route. Apparently morning is the time the fish are out - I saw three enormous carp, 7 or 8 big largemouth bass, and some assorted trout. They stock trout in the pond, everything else is breeding there. I told my kiddo about it and asked if she wanted to get up early the next day (today) and try for some. Yes, dad! Well, this morning she was super tired and said she wanted to try again tomorrow. I told her that's ok and to let me know if she changes her mind. Ten minutes later she's up and has changed her mind. We walk to the pond with gear in hand and a plan of action: catch a small bluegill on a bread ball (really tortilla, they like it more than bread for some reason?) and put that bluegill on a big hook to catch a bass. She had the bluegill in hand less than a minute after stepping on the dock. I hadn't even gotten the hook on the bigger rod.
I hooked the bluegill and she dropped it in, and within a minute, WHAM a very big largemouth grabbed it. Unfortunately adrenaline took over and she reels it in too fast and the bass slips away. WHAM another one - same thing. This bluegill is looking pretty bad now, so we toss it out and she catches another one that I put on the hook for her. BAM the biggest largemouth I've seen in this pond grabs it, but mouths it for a bit and adrenaline takes over and she reels in just the bluegill again. Meanwhile she's spotted a couple of literally the biggest bluegills I've seen in person. We're starting to run out of time (Today's a school day, after all) so I tell her - how about we put a bobber on this bait bluegill and you try to catch that big bluegill with a worm?
I put the worm on the panfish rod for her (more on that later) and hand her the rod then add the bobber onto the bigger pole's rig and have her cast it out. While I'm straightening up some gear, she says "I GOT IT -- I GOT IT!!" and hauls up that monster sunfish:
I don't have a fishing scale, but it was a beast. It also qualifies for a Fish Ohio pin ( https://ohiodnr.gov/buy-and-apply/hunting-fishing-boating/fishing-resources/fishohio-program ), which is a program that "recognizes anglers for noteworthy catches of Ohio’s fish." We'd set a goal of getting her a fish Ohio pin this year, and here it's only May 3rd and I think we have it clinched. Well, while we were dealing with the sunfish, I notice some action on her bobber. There it is, a largemouth bass checking out her bluegill. I tell her to take it easy and just watch what it does. The bass is really conservative, mouthing at the bluegill for a bit, carrying it by the tail for a bit, then letting go and circling around. Finally it decides it's time, and grabs it and heads to the bottom. Her bobber is solidly down at this point, and held down for a while, so I say, see if it's hooked. She says "it's not, I know it's not!" I said - just check. She gives it a gentle tug and sure enough that bass is hooked. She struggled to reel that beastie in for a bit but I kept my hands out of it. She got it out of the water but couldn't lift it over the railing of the dock using her rod (it's about bent double from the weight!) so I scoop it up in a net for her.
Not her first largemouth bass, but it's her largest by at least 10 inches:
Needless to say this was a very successful morning and we've learned that there's a good reason why fisherman are out so early. That's when the fish are hungriest!
She even had me print copies of the photos out so she could show them off at school. I almost wish I could be there to hear her telling the kids about it. She did let both the fish go (she did it - not me) because she wants to let them get bigger. I was eyeing that sunfish, I bet it would have been delicious, but that was her call to make.
Thanks for the tips, guys, this has been a really fun journey so far. I don't think the fishing bug is going anywhere for her, so I'll let you guys know about any more good catches. If she gets 4 different species that meet the Fish Ohio minimums she gets a "master angler" pin. Maybe just getting the Fish Ohio pin was too low of a goal - maybe she can get a master angler pin this year?