7/11/08 1:20 p.m.

I was on a couple months ago promising free car portraits.

Then school got really tough and I disappeared for a while. Once school was done, my girlfriend came up to visit from Nashville, and then I went back down with her.

Once I returned, I resumed working full time at one of the worst jobs ever (MD State emissions inspector.) Needless to say, my life has been kind of occupied, and I'm just now re-adjusting. I'm going to try to resume my drawings, I have all the pics you guys posted saved on my computer, so it shouldn't be too hard to keep track. I have actually completed a couple of these, but right now I have a big credit card bill to pay off so I can't afford to send them just yet. Sorry.

Anyway it's nice to be back and I'll try to post more often.

Salanis Dork
7/11/08 1:32 p.m.

How dare you have a life! I want my free portrait of my car, and I want it now!

Mental SuperDork
7/11/08 3:53 p.m.

I get the big bills bit, espcially after the summer holidays, I would be more than happy to Paypal the cost of shipping mine regardless of the situation, I mean, it's free artwork. I am not posting this as any sort of a call out, I am just trying to help someone who offered to do me a nice solid.

SupraWes HalfDork
7/11/08 4:37 p.m.

I would still like to have one. It would be nice to have some art for my website.

3Door4G New Reader
7/12/08 5:03 a.m.

I should have a chance to do one tomorrow. Maybe even one tonight.

I have a headset now, so I can talk to my girlfriend on the phone without losing the use of a hand.

And that'll be completely fixed once I move to Nashville next month.

thatsnowinnebago New Reader
7/12/08 10:39 p.m.

hey man, no worries. i'll be patient. my address will prolly be different by the time you send them so lemme know before you send it and i will give you the new one

thatsnowinnebago New Reader
7/12/08 10:41 p.m.

hey man, no worries. i'll be patient. my address will prolly be different by the time you send them so lemme know before you send it and i will give you the new one

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