andrave wrote:
I see guys get away with beating their wives on a daily basis and here we are calling for stricter punishment on a celeberity that abused dogs?
Wives can leave. Wives can buy a gun and defend themselves. Wives can call the cops, tell the neighbors, etc. etc.
Insofar as I'm concerned, this man can be homeless on the streets for the rest of his life.
andrave wrote:
Does he drive a miata or a P71?
if neither why do we even care?
Pretty sure he's familiar with the P71. 
ReverendDexter wrote:
andrave wrote:
I see guys get away with beating their wives on a daily basis and here we are calling for stricter punishment on a celeberity that abused dogs?
Wives can leave. Wives can buy a gun and defend themselves. Wives can call the cops, tell the neighbors, etc. etc.
I'm sorry but this is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard someone say on this board.
Wives can leave-
but with family that doesn't believe her and calls him to tell him where she is, whats the point? With no money, where is she going to go anyway? When he cancels the insurance on the car and calls it in stolen, how far is she going to make it?
Wives can buy a gun... again, with what money? How are they going to get out of the house to buy it? Where are they going to hide it? How long are they going to be in the hospital when he finds out they bought it? Will she end up in the morgue when he uses it on her? She almost certainly won't use it on him.
Wives can call the cops... so the cop shows up, knows the husband, and arrests the wife, just to make a show out of how she should stay in her place? So the cop can arrest both of them for battery when he claims she hit her first, and then use the charges against her as leverage to get her to drop the charges against him? So the cop can show up and do nothing at all because he doesn't feel like writing a report, and then when they leave he tells her if she does it again he'll kill her before they get there?
Tell the neighbors... who won't get involved because its a fight between a man and his wife? Who will call him and tell him to come get her?
This is the E36 M3 I deal with every single day... you assume that a woman in that situation has the same rights and privileges you do... that she has a car, and money, and friends and family, and someplace else she could go.
Edit-was being confrontational for no reason. Carry on.
Are they still going to play "Who Let The Dogs Out" at the stadium?
wow.. sorry. Had a bad morning. Realized I kinda went off there.
ManofFewWords wrote:
I am a pitbull owner, and not much of a football fan, but I think Vick has paid his debt. This has cost him 10's of millions of dollar as well as prison time. I give TO credit for stepping up and saying it.
+1. I can't stand Vick, not to mention TO (so much so that I didn't bother opening the link.) I'm absolutely disgusted by animal cruelty. I do, however, support the rule of law. The guy paid his debt. He's a young guy who went from rags to riches in a short timespan, much like a lot other professional athletes. He got caught up in the culture, and made some dumb decisions, again, much like a lot of other professional athletes. I don't think he's psychotic or unable to be a functioning member of society. He made a mistake that cost him dearly.
IMHO, if a team wants to hire him/ATL wants to take him back, and they're willing to deal with protesters, death threats, boycotts, etc., let 'em. The NFL should stay out of it.
My $.02
I couldn't have said it better, tho I tried..
andrave wrote:
I'm sorry but this is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard someone say on this board.
Wives can leave-
but with family that doesn't believe her and calls him to tell him where she is, whats the point? With no money, where is she going to go anyway? When he cancels the insurance on the car and calls it in stolen, how far is she going to make it?
Wives can buy a gun... again, with what money? How are they going to get out of the house to buy it? Where are they going to hide it? How long are they going to be in the hospital when he finds out they bought it? Will she end up in the morgue when he uses it on her? She almost certainly won't use it on him.
Wives can call the cops... so the cop shows up, knows the husband, and arrests the wife, just to make a show out of how she should stay in her place? So the cop can arrest both of them for battery when he claims she hit her first, and then use the charges against her as leverage to get her to drop the charges against him? So the cop can show up and do nothing at all because he doesn't feel like writing a report, and then when they leave he tells her if she does it again he'll kill her before they get there?
Tell the neighbors... who won't get involved because its a fight between a man and his wife? Who will call him and tell him to come get her?
This is the E36 M3 I deal with every single day... you assume that a woman in that situation has the same rights and privileges you do... that she has a car, and money, and friends and family, and someplace else she could go.
Wow... you act like I'm blaming the victim here. What you're talking about is worst case scenario for abused spouses. That's the ONLY case for a dog.
And yes, I do assume that a woman has the some rights that I do... BECAUSE SHE DOES. All human beings that are citizens of this country have equal protection under the law (with the exception of gays/lesbians and the right to marry... and hopefully the Supreme Court puts the smack down on that particular discrimination here soon). Yes, discrimination still exists, and I think you see the worst of it in your line of work, but I still stand by my earlier statement.