Steve_Jones UltraDork
4/28/24 10:13 a.m.
chandler said:
Oapfu said:

Maybe relevant?

Boom! They look great almost every time also. No uneven ends. Now I see what she is doing

This is the only way I learned to tie shoes, and my family laughs saying "it's wrong". They do the single loop, wrap thing and wonder why they come undone. 

Pete. (l33t FS)
Pete. (l33t FS) MegaDork
4/28/24 10:23 a.m.

The only time my shoes come untied is if I step on a lace.  I wear a pair of Adidas like slipons and I think I tied them once in their entire life, and it's still good.


Not sure what I'm doing right, otherwise I'd offer assistance for you loose knot peeps.

Streetwiseguy MegaDork
4/28/24 10:25 a.m.

TIL that the Aloe Vera plant that I've had since 1998, that has been separated and repotted and had portions given away, can flower.  What the hell?

slantvaliant (Forum Supporter)
slantvaliant (Forum Supporter) UltraDork
5/3/24 4:43 p.m.

TIL there are Hotwheels I don't want:

Hotwheels Sisyphus

Pete. (l33t FS)
Pete. (l33t FS) MegaDork
5/3/24 6:17 p.m.

TIL.  I thought these didn't exist.


It's one of these

With one of these

And one of these!


I thought you could only get the turbo and all wheel drive in hatchback form.

Streetwiseguy MegaDork
5/3/24 9:23 p.m.

In reply to Pete. (l33t FS) :

Is that Borg Cube powered?

P3PPY SuperDork
5/4/24 11:09 p.m.
Peabody said:

I'm out of touch, I didn't just learn that. But TIL just how much. I made a very rare appearance in the grocery store this morning to get a few things. The woman in front of me had what looked like a normal amount of groceries for a small family. It came to $370. Once she was gone I asked the cashier if that was normal. She said yes, then told me about a woman this morning with a couple of kids who opted for all the fancy organic stuff, and her bill was $700.


Having trouble wrapping my head around that one. $ Canadian? We have a family of 5 (three are little though) and our weekly grocery budget is $150. We went over by $10 this week since we hosted another family of 5 for taco dinner tonight. And we often buy organics. And I often throw in a HotWheels (or two). 
Did they buy a lot of meat or something?

Pete. (l33t FS)
Pete. (l33t FS) MegaDork
5/4/24 11:33 p.m.
Streetwiseguy said:

In reply to Pete. (l33t FS) :

Is that Borg Cube powered?

Boostie McGee

Jay_W SuperDork
5/5/24 5:46 p.m.

TIL that this was a thing, and now I want it so so so so much

jgrewe Dork
5/5/24 6:04 p.m.

TIL if you take a cart and walk by the check out at home depot without stopping the wheel will lock before you get to the door.

I didn't find what I needed and was going to return the empty cart to the area just outside the door where there was a group of them. Nope! Pretty cool way to use the locks that keeps the carts from leaving the property. The worker showed me the sensor/transmitters in the kick panel under the registers.

914Driver MegaDork
5/8/24 4:47 p.m.

A movie called "Unfrosted"  on Netflix.   Lots of people in it, no thinking required.  It spoofs the battle in Battle Creek cereal companies.  But TIL Marjorie Merriweather Post made so much selling cereal, she built a mansion during the 1924-1927 boom in Florida and called it Mar-a-Lago.  No chit.


chandler MegaDork
5/9/24 8:42 p.m.

TIL that Diesel invented ice cubes. Weird little piece of trivia.

NickD MegaDork
5/13/24 2:51 p.m.

TIL that the only upholstery shop in the area that touches convertible tops wants $1400 to install the new GAHH top on my MR2 Spyder. If MR2 Spyder hardtops were Miata hardtop prices, I would have gone that route, since I'll have that much invested between the top and installation, but unfortunately most MR2 Spyder hardtops cost as much as a Miata itself.

Peabody MegaDork
5/15/24 10:35 a.m.

TIL: Where Elaine learned to dance

914Driver MegaDork
5/17/24 7:51 a.m.

TIL there's a Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix, AZ.

TurnerX19 UberDork
5/17/24 10:28 a.m.

In reply to NickD :

TIL that Upholstery shops must charge $250. per hour in your area. A well made top to an accurate pattern will install that easily on anything with no inner liner.

Jim Pettengill
Jim Pettengill HalfDork
5/17/24 4:16 p.m.
914Driver said:

TIL there's a Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix, AZ.

And it's a really outstanding museum!  Allow most of a day to experience it.

Ashyukun (Robert)
Ashyukun (Robert) PowerDork
5/22/24 5:10 p.m.

TIL that EMF a) is still making music and b) released a new album at the beginning of this year. Chalk up an unlikely win for finally having to pay for Sirius/XM and thus having the ability to stream all of their channels on my computer and not just in The Dancer's truck.

jgrewe Dork
5/22/24 5:25 p.m.

In reply to Ashyukun (Robert) :

That's unbelievable...

Duke MegaDork
5/23/24 9:05 a.m.

TIL that there is an English first name spelled "Saint John" but pronounced "Sinjin".

Now that Monty Python sketch with the character called "Norman Sinjin Pole-Vaulter" makes a bit more sense.


914Driver MegaDork
5/23/24 9:45 a.m.

Took me a while, but a James Bond movie with Grace Jones in it, Roger Moore called  his boss? Sir Sinjun Smythe.  Sure, that's British enough.

APEowner UltraDork
5/23/24 12:03 p.m.
Jim Pettengill said:
914Driver said:

TIL there's a Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix, AZ.

And it's a really outstanding museum!  Allow most of a day to experience it.

It really is outstanding. 

914Driver MegaDork
5/24/24 7:44 a.m.

TIL bell housings on Cadillac 322 & 346 engines are different.  Had my 322 all clean and painted while the grease-dirt caked 346 sat in a corner.  Starter won't bolt up but does with the slimey 346 on.  The bell housing won't bolt straight in like newer cars, you bolt on the bell housing and then slip the flywheel into the slot from below, hit the pins and torque it down.

Way too much fun.

Appleseed MegaDork
5/24/24 10:04 a.m.
Steve_Jones said:
chandler said:
Oapfu said:

Maybe relevant?

Boom! They look great almost every time also. No uneven ends. Now I see what she is doing

This is the only way I learned to tie shoes, and my family laughs saying "it's wrong". They do the single loop, wrap thing and wonder why they come undone. 

I could never, ever figure out that loop swoop crap. Double slips FTMFW!

johndej UltraDork
5/24/24 11:44 a.m.

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