If you have ever watched Top Gear, you probably heard the hosts talk about Top Trumps. I gathered that it was a game that was played when they were kids in school, and I got the basic idea of the game, but never thought much about it past that. Under lockdown, I have been watching James May's Cars of the People and he showed the game cards.
Its a deck of cards that follow a theme; cars, planes, dinosaurs, etc. Like baseball cards, they have stats listed on them; horsepower, top speed, 0-60 times, etc. I thought to myself, "man, my 10-year old self would have loved that game!" And since I am basically a child, I went to Amazon and bought this:

It's a three pack with jets, ships and cars. I cannot wait to play with my son! It's simple to play and teaches some basics about numbers and statistics and of course, endless useless facts about cars and ships and planes.
Thank you. I may do the same. My 7-year-old has the Predators one (he is nuts about animals) and likes it, but he likes airplanes and cars too, so we should probably try these.
3/20/20 9:07 a.m.
NO POLITICS !!!!!!11!!111!!
Oh wait carry on.
New Reader
3/20/20 9:42 a.m.
A little levity in the mist of The Trump Virus is good.
In before the lock?
Naa, probably not going to happen. We are all adults here, right?
Looks like a fun game.
I used to play that with a friend of mine who was from England when I was young. He had a WWII aircraft set, which can not be found anymore. It is a great way to get introduced to the topic at hand. I actually saw some decks in the dollar bin at a Target a year or so ago.
Its played a bit like the War playing card game as I remember, you can challenge the other player on a stat. It got a bit silly "reality" wise when you challenge on something like year of manufacture (in the set he had), but still fun. I think now they have a lot of more arbitrary stats to use.